Where is the post? ...skype stoped working, your forgeting cabinet, my emotions are comming
Unbottled and i could really use a friend right now. TT.TT

Where is the post? ...skype stoped working, your forgeting cabinet, my emotions are comming
Unbottled and i could really use a friend right now. TT.TT
I'm really sorry but I seem to have this really bad habit of over-bottling my emotions so I'll make this breif before you think I'm crazy. O,0
So as some of you know, I broke my leg yesterday. Well, today my grandma died. It kinda sucks! So I'll be sorting out my pain/ and or emotions for awhile. I'll be really late to cabinet. If it bugs you, and you just NEED to talk to me, which I'm sure noone really does, just txt me. I'm sure my numbers on skype. Keep me in what ever cerimonies or prayers you preform! - Vic
Dear Lunar Cabinet,
How are you guys? I can't believe a year's already past... I miss all of you so much. Every night, The twins and I look up at the moon and smile in knowing our families live under the same stars. Did I ever tell you about the twins? I don't know why, but they sort of remind me of Flare...
Beat ♪ & Rest §
It was a crisp and refreshing morning. The sun had lifted, half heartedly ignighting sight throughout the thick mist. A sleepy Victory Star climbs out of the brush.
Victory gathered his things and heads down the narrow path sprawled out in front of him, asthough being a nomad was his second nature. Entering a village about five miles down, he takes notice of the locked houses and the lack of ponies.
Victory, growing nervous, approches a bardering tent.
"Yo! Anypony home?"
No answer.
Victory gathers supplies and leaves the remander of his bits on the mat out front. Suddenly, the shadows of ponies were visible. They seemed to be frozen in place. Victory knew they were afraid. Would they attack? Could Victory survive? His cutie mark may not save him this time. Ever since he left the Cabinet, Vic didn't know what he belived. In his travels, he discovered his power only works when he fights for something he belives in. The only thing he belived was, he was lonely.
Suddenly, a silhouette approached.
"Are you... Calima's messenger?" She choked out. "Please tell him they will be ready, they just need some more time to say goodbye."
Victory was offtaken at how suddenly the introduction of her problems was conducted. Hell, he was supprized there was a problem.
"Cali- whahuh?" O-0
The blank expression on his face immediately told her she was incorrect. She was a tall earth pony, wearing tattered robes and a single earing. Beautiful. The earing was made of a brilliant silver, and had a polished wooden latch. It easily could have been the most expensive thing in the village.
"Look... If you're not the messanger, then it's probably best for everypony if you just leave." She said, urgency ringing in her voice. "It's not safe for travelers this time of year."
A cool breeze blew by.
Suddenly Victory Star burst out laughing.
"Lady..." he managed to force between breaths, "Do you know who I am?"
The mare stood there, her expression an annoyed scowl. "No. Should I?"
"The name's Victory Apollo Star! I hit, run, fly, swing and throw the fastest, hardest, farthest and like noponies business!" O,0/)
Noticing the sword, the pieces all came together.
"You're a... swordspony?"
O^0 "I... Guess you could say that. Yeah! I am!" >,<
Another laugh, this time confident and reassuring, echoed in the shadow of the first.
"Excuse me..."
The mare gathered in a huddle with the townsfolk. Words and whispers about the newcomer before them.
She returned holding the earing in her hoof.
"We were wondering... the village and I... if you could maybe... do us a favor? In exchange for this."
"Um... yeah. Sure. No problem!"
"Good. Meet me outside the tent in the center of town in exactly one hour. Do NOT be late."
"No worries!"
Victory waved her off quickly, reassuring her he would keep his promise. He then took advantage of his time alone. Wandering town and enjoying the sights, Victory stumbled upon two fillies playing in a puddle. They laughed, but he could sence the falsehood in them. A feeling he knew all to well.
" I... am going to cheer you guys up." He muttered under his breath. " I'll make you truly, sincerely happy. I promise."
Once ariving at the tent, Victory was pleased to see the fillies had joined them.
"Their names are Beat."
Victory turned his head.
"Beat and Rest. They're brothers."
"... Every year the dragon, Calima, comes to this village. He devours the mares and burns our crops. He is a horrible and wicked demon who must be stopped. We tried negotiating... but..."
"..But the only way he would stop is if we... brought him a sacrifice..."
"And these two..."
She nodded. The fillies stared Hell in the face as they looked to the ground.
-Lunar Cabinet-
Victory stood in the center of the rode. There was no way he could lose. He had something to fight for. Beat and Rest stood behind him, preparing for the worst. There was no sign of life. Everypony in town had abandoned them. Cowards.
Victory's head seemed clear for the first time in years. The ground beneath them quaked harder than anything the trio had ever experienced in their combined lives.
Victory shut his eyes and thought of the Cabinet as the beast approached. Suddenly, a snap was heard. The sheath on the Harmony Sword was unlocked.
They say a pillar of light could be seen all across Equestria...
Anyway, here's hoping only the best for you guys! I'll never EVER stop thinking of you...
-Victory Star ♦♦♦
This is a picture of the inked drawing.
Below it is an extra I made of Jean Valjean. Brohoofs to whomever tells me where he is from, In the comments below.