Sunset, never give up hope. Yes, there are bad things but there are good things too. You shouldn't hide your feelings around your friends, shout it out... It only hurts them more if you don't reveal your feelings. Keeping your problems to yourself is not good, the burden is alot easier if you have friends that help you, friends that care about you... Pretending nothing is wrong only makes it worse, don't hide it, we want to help. Don't let the darkness or sadness get to you, it's what they want you to do! You're losin if you let them, be happy! We're here for you, no matter what. Nothing can tear us apart... Never forget, that if you need help, we're here, waiting. We love you Sunset!
One night, one memorable night...
A lone pony cries, feeling truly hopeless and sad...
He wepts bitter tears, splashing along the ground, drop by drop, each mirroring his misery.
He cries for help, alone in the darkness, wondering if there was happiness.
Around his friends though, he pretends nothing is wrong. Immediately changing that frown into a smile.
Bottling up his emotions, trying to pretend that the pain in his heart, didn't matter when it did...
I just can't take this crap anymore it's everywhere I go.
Sometimes it's truly hard to not be happy, sometimes it's sad, sometimes it looks like there's no hope, no use... But you should never give up. Be happy, share the happiness, and feel that there is a way. It looks like it's everywhere, but you have a choice. You have a choice to be happy, or try to fix it.
That's why everyday when I see friends I mask my actual feelings. I don't want to hurt them...
You only hurt friends when you don't reveal your problems, your feelings... Friends are always there for you, they want to help. A true friend would want another friend to be happy, not in pain or sad...
but no matter where I go or what ponies I meet there's always freaking drama and I'm sick of it.
Don't give up. Be happy, there's always a way. Who knows, they may need help, or comfort. Their heart aches as much as yours, that's why we have to work together.
I always have to be upbeat and everything around my other friends.
Show your true feelings, let them know how you truly feel. If you truly care, if you truly love your friends, then let them help you.
These sad fests gota stop.
ReplyDeleteThis was supposed to be lending a hoof... Also, this was supposed to be delivered yesterday but with what happened yesterday, there wasn't time...
DeleteI figured that out, its just...Getting to me.
DeleteIt's not like I'm sad anymore. Don't let it get to you Ommy~
DeleteBit late now.
DeleteI'm crying. Thank you so much Flare. You're amazing. You ponies are such great friends :3
ReplyDelete*hugs Sunset* come on everypony, how about a group hug?
Deletesomepony said group hug! *hugs everypony* XD
Delete*trots in slowly, falls down on her pillow exhausted* is everypony...what has happened...what is going on now???
ReplyDeletePrincess you ok?
DeleteIt's just about yesterday. Everything's fine now.
*brushies* :3 XD
Delete*muttering* thank you Travis, and thank you for your concern...I just finished three different playthroughs of the same general in Sengoku Basara...I am done now...
*quick hug to Luna*
ReplyDeleteThat was beautiful, just very good
sup my pwnies?
ReplyDeleteListioning to The Offspring and watching Star Wars
DeleteI am very sorry for what im about to say...
ReplyDeleteThis is cabinet 47, not 46
Wow strangely I felt that was off but I was to lazy to check
DeleteAlso hi
Welp I'm stuck on Persona. Disidia Duodecim time...
ReplyDeleteHello everypony...
ReplyDeleteHello look a bit, distraught...*hugs*
DeleteHovey you ok?
Thanks guys.
ReplyDeleteIts just been a lousy day, hadnt got time to get happy like you guys did.
((but I'm a-*ahem*)) *muttering* H-Hover...?
DeleteUh... Yes?
Delete*hugs him* just...feel better...ok?
Delete*hugs back*
Deleteill try... I just havent got the chance to get better with you guys after yesterdays fiasco.
Tis fine...((I've never been emotionally stable whenever my emotions did show, and exist. For the longest time I have acted in real life, and I still will, but here, I was just in need of letting of steam. Tis better for me now, though I'm not sure about the others. Also, Flare needs to start upholding the rules with me...and if he is, there will be somepony telling me when I'm not upholding my end. Also, I'm considering making Vicky an admin.))
Delete...can I ride on your back?
Pinkie shut up. You never tired. Now drink your alcohol.
ReplyDelete((twas harsh of you...))
Delete((Oh, you know I mean well. Pinkie is my favorite pony.))
Delete((...does she know that? What if she takes it the wrong way, I certainly would have...))
DeleteI thought Flare was.
Delete*sigh* It's okay...*floats up and hugs Pinkie* Sunset, retreat to your quarters...
DeleteHovey what happened? *super hug*
ReplyDeleteJust real life getting in the way
DeleteReality is something we must all face, lest we be confined to a state of denial and throw ourselves from society in a manner frowned upon for good reason. However, that's no reason not to share your problems. :D
DeleteI know what you mean...just finished part of a game...last new character, and each character has 4 very, very long playthroughs if you reap the areas as I do...and there are 16 characters, too many challenges, and somewhere between...what was it? 10-14 weapons for each of them, one regular, one with extra health, two elemental which have extra defense on one and enemy guard breakage on the other. There are also "reforged" weapons, which allow six accessories instead of the other weapons' maximum of five;the accessories add extra things to weapons. This game has too many statistical values with each character's attributes and I've had to use an abacus to count up everything and make an educated decision on weapon choice and the accesories, which characters in what order and paths for each of them. My brain is fried.........*faints*
ReplyDeleteTurns out I have a bit longer before basement time. High fives for The Offspring, and I never finished cycle 000.
ReplyDelete((I don't know what you are talking about...))
DeleteBig storm tearing through my area. I got pulled out of rehearsal to go home and sit in the basement, but it's taking longer to get here than expected.
Delete((...why don't you simply move your whatever it is you are doing to the basement and use it there? If 'tis your computer, get the charger and move it down there. Before mass storms, I always carry my computers down there. If they aren't already...))
DeleteI'm stuck with a desktop right now, but when I go down there I should be able to join you on my iPod if I'm not catching up on some anime.
Delete((OK. By the way, I carry ALL computers down. That includes desktops for me~*giggle* tis fine, if you don't want to go through the trouble, which is much, then I will not hold you to it.))
DeleteIt really would be a hassle... This thing is on the desk built into my bed, so it has cords running all through it. I'm surprised you would carry all that stuff though. o.o
Delete((because I have minimized the size and amount of cables to what I need, as well as having newer, updated, and compacted ones. I keep extra cables separate. Tis a simple little thing~ Also, I have only two desktops left, one of which is in my basement as a hack center, the other is easy to detach. The hack one in the basement is old and swarmed with cables of all sorts though...makes it look more professional hacky!))
DeleteBunches of cables always makes you look smarter! Along with a flashy keyboard and two screens.
Delete((it does, but this is just a big TV screen, like this laptop I use, the one I have hooked up to this massive TV I see all with. Also, I thought of getting a flashy keyboard, but instead I decided to save my money and look for a light up one that is NOT a devorac and also has lots of extra assign key sort of buttons...))
DeleteNice. I have no cash flow, so I just take what I'm given. This computer seems to have run its course, though, so I'll switch over to a Gateway laptop when it comes in.
DeleteSame here. Before I left we were hammering drill, and it's fast. 75 pounds of drum strapped to your chest while doing visuals at 160-270 bpm isn't easy.
ReplyDeleteUgh. I'm so stupid...
ReplyDeletePinkie I'm sorry. I love you :<
((I mean from the actual show.))
ReplyDeleteAh. I guess I obviously choose Scratch. :P
Delete*walks to room with head down in shame*
Good colt...
DeleteSure you can princess!
ReplyDelete*kneels down for Luna*
Thank you-*hops up onto his back*
Delete*stands up*
Delete*smiles back at Princess*
*smiles* hey, I'm Ursa Rosyvelt! CHAAAARRRGGGEEE!
Delete*smirks, then runs around the room*
DeleteHaha! Yay! ((excuse my slow replies and general lag of my connection, I will go reset the router...again~))
Delete*suddenly stops*
Delete*gasp* look at that, miss Rosyvelt!
*points at big dragon plushie*
Rwawr! Prepare for battle! CHAAAARRRGGGEEEEE!!!
DeleteI think I'll hide now.
Delete*charges at dragon, which is being animated by hovers telekinesis*
Delete*collides hornfirst*
ReplyDeleteSorry everypony for being late. Wifi randomly failed, but it's back on now. Hello everypony!
Delete((I'm on Hover's back, and don't want to invade Sunset's privacy. Go cheer him up please.))
DeleteHere is the way
Delete*shows Flate Sunset's room*
Hello flare...
DeleteDon't speak in that manner Pinkie, that is talk of the windigoes...
ReplyDeleteYa Windigoes
ReplyDeleteumm..... edge of vision going black. think im gonna pass out. possibly brb
ReplyDeleteHope your okay....
DeleteIf you wake up with amnesia, can I name you?
Delete((Vision fading to black...that has happened with me before, except it was probably for different reasons...))
DeleteEvery time I read that I'm reminded of the chapter in Pet Sematery (misspelled on purpose) involving the Wendigo. Creepy stuff.
ReplyDeleteThat was a good movie,
ReplyDeleteI really want to see the original 1984 version of The Thing
Pinkie you dtink alcohol all the time. If you stopped, good job. I'm happy.
ReplyDeleteThe movie followed the book surprisingly well, although when Gage dropped from the ceiling like a toy doll, I laughed and it killed the mood completely. I think it came out better than The Shining did.
ReplyDeleteThe Shining wasn't bad, neither was It
ReplyDeleteRose Red sucked
I will never watch Childs Play again
Christine is awesome
As it turns out, my little doomsday storm derped and has somehow gone around me. I probably won't be on past midnight, though. I have to be up again at 4am. We have a big flashy out-of-state competition to go to.
ReplyDelete((what kind of competition and where?))
DeleteWGI percussion A class in Spartansburg,North Carolina. If you're looking it up, I'm in Seymour High.
Delete((tis fine, I do not invade your personal lives and expect the same respect from all of you.))
DeleteI say that because I like people to watch me perform. :P Band is one of few things I really enjoy, and I like to share what I do.
Delete((oh, alright.))
DeleteChild's play could barely be called a horror movie. I probably would have liked The Shining better, had I not read the book first. I always turn into a prick about it when I do that. Have you seen Dreamcatcher?
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry but I thought The Shining was completly dragged out and me and my friends were laughing the whole time.
ReplyDeleteSo many inside jokes made with that movie...
It was weird for me. I turned into the (yay)hole who points out things like the wrong dialogue, cut pieces, and the fact that he didn't actually use an ax.
DeleteHover stop being so adorable. My heart...
DeleteA horror movie has never scared me. That's not a good thing because I really want to be scared.
ReplyDeleteI watched some crazy Korean film once called The Wig. Kept me up.
DeleteI've heard R-Point is good, it's a Korean ghost film.
DeleteTry watching Teeth...pfffttttt
ReplyDeleteOh another one that's funny, Rubber.
Oh Celestia...xD
I've seen Rubber, that was actually a pretty funny movie. Teeth... I think I'll pass on that one.
DeleteYou want the WORST horr- no. The worst movie of all time? Watch Birdemic: Shock and Terror.
Delete((the ring made me laugh so hard! That face on the ponies who died, twas so hilarious I couldn't control myself! I made a picture of it and still rick roll ponies with it when I text them! Tis so amazing~
DeleteI thought The Ring was a decent mystery film. Not so much horror.
Delete((I saw it under the horror category on my TV guide...but anyways, those faces just made me bust up LAUGHING!...Oh, and the dialogue, twas so quiet and boring and all that. I have the tape from that movie somewhere, I pirated it from youtube then burned it off of a disc to a VCR tape, just to have it. No label either!))
DeleteHaha! That's great. You should slip that into someone's house sometime!
Delete((I still want my own copy...but I do have an .mp4 for myself, so yes, I should!...but now that Dashie is here...and she is here to see this...I will find somepony!))
DeleteGood to see a normal meeting for the first time all week.
ReplyDeleteRubber is about a tire that kills people with it's...mind? It's so stupid. xD
ReplyDeleteAnd Teeth...don't look that up. xD
Hey I gotta go guys, I'll see ya tomarrow
ReplyDeleteG'night, Travis.
Delete((Bye bye Travis!))
Deletelater Mister Smith
Deleteback from passing out. and ow
ReplyDeleteAh so you have heard of Teeth. lmao
ReplyDeleteWhat about Human Centipede? That one also made me lol and feel so bad for the people at the same time.
That was nasty stuff. When that girl's IV ripped out I was cringing. And the whole turd-eating thing... blegh.
DeleteI don't watch horror movies. So I will remain out of this topic.
ReplyDelete((what about black comedy? Because that genre is the best!))
DeleteThat's a genre?
Delete((tis just dark humor, the whole time. The first movie I started to watch of those was "Arsenic and Old Lace", but it has been so long...I will find time to pirate it~!))
DeleteI watched Black Dynamite once. Once.
DeleteNope, I don't watch much television in general.
DeleteWe cancelled our cable, so now I just watch movies and anime on Netflix occasionally.
DeleteAAAAUUUGGGGHHH! *flies into stuffed dragon with Hover*
ReplyDelete*muffled fake screams*
Delete*gets up, shakes herself off* hey! *giggle* That wasn't funny!
DeleteSup everypony?
ReplyDelete((Hiya Rainbow))
Delete((Luna! Hi! :3))
DeleteHey Dashie
Deletehello rainbow!
DeleteI think I'ma go watch a horror movie now. Seeya~
DeleteBirdemic is on Netflix, so if any one of you has that, I highly recommend it. It's without any doubt whatsoever the Worst. Possible. Movie. It'll raise your opinion of any other crappy movies.
ReplyDeleteBecause you're mean Pinkie. You can't accept my apoligy even though I'm really sorry. >>
ReplyDeleteI am going to BronyState now, I will be nice and accept their rules graciously this time, goodbye everypony!
ReplyDeleteBring us some new members! :P
DeletexD Yeah...
Deleteheheh... sorry princess. goodbye!
ReplyDeleteLeaving for Ohio in a sec... Cabinet doesn't work on my phone... :0 Laters!
ReplyDeleteimma gonna go draw some non-pony stuff.
ReplyDeleteI think I'm actually going to share the video for my performance this time... I have a good feeling about this competition.
ReplyDeletePower went out, and the storm hit. I' ll be posting from the basement for now.
ReplyDeleteDEAR CELESTIA THE STORM! hello sleepy ponies. O,0