Friday, February 3, 2012

This is your Princess of the Moon Speaking...#9

I had a hay of a night, yes I did...I realized how much freedom we have here opposed to the BS BS stream I was on, but I got a few things out of it:
-We have new followers (YAY)
-Dear those of whom it may concern, I learned advertisements, links, most conversation, and nearly anything fun is banned where I was, and I was very angry be truthful, I still am.
-I will try to leave openness here and keep some rules to a minimum, others will be enforced more strictly, but remember not to abuse the free RP here, since you won't find freedom like this just anywhere, and we will never have as many rules as that place, or not as many terrible ones.
-I had many brushies ad I know have a nice smooth coat for cuddling
-Half of that place's admins probably hate me now for all the whining I was doing (I just now realized I couldn't stop fuming at the time), and I want to cry very badly...however, even if they visit, I won't be quite as strict as they were and nowhere near as harsh, crude, and unsavory to them...even despite what transpired...

*crying* I haven't been feeling quite good either...


  1. Replies
    1. *hugs tightly and won't let go, cries into coat for a while*

    2. That's what i am for!
      *wipes your tears*
      now, remember what i said and try to forget it.

    3. Oh...OK...*closes eyes and enjoys brushing*

  2. Th-th-there was nothing fun...and then all of this stuff was happening and they were all mean and I don't want to go back! *crying*

    1. You dont have to go back.
      Why did you go there and what were the rules?

    2. It was BronyState. Aptly BS. There was no conversation about anything even remotely crude allowed, there was an unreasonable rule for not allowing links, somepony was even kicked for it, and worst of all, every time I simply was trying to give the link to those who were interested it was basically an advertisement. They weren't nice about it either, they could have gently asked me and I would have politely stepped away from the copy-paste, but no. They were sort of wound about it and taking it all the wrong way. Lack of communication. I don't think I'm going back soon...

    3. You can still credit them some, there was a nice one. Most were parasprites though, which are not ideal administrators. I didn't reprieve what I thought of them either. I explained it as it was, they were being parasprites with an annoying list of rules that would be acceptable if enforced properly.

  3. Uugh... Gotta sleep but cant sleep!

    1. I won't think any less of you for sleeping in my night, even I do it once in a while; it's understandable to me that most ponies work in the day rather in the night, so don't think much of it.

    2. Im trying to sleep!
      But apparently, im too tired to sleep.

    3. Oh, well though I am not sleeping per say, I must go, goodbye you two.

  4. I wouldn't know anything about Bronystate or anything because I can never go on the computer, but I slightly am on their side with this. But mostly on your side. Like, it's pretty understandable, but they really could have just said stop instead of kicking you.

    1. It was only the first time, a different time that they kicked me off. I could tell a few wanted to though. It was good that they didn't and they did ask me to stop, but they weren't nice...and kind of overwhelmed me a bit...

  5. Oh gosh. So looking forward to the next episode. Maybe this time my dad won't come in, grab the remote and change the channel to the dreaded Fox News.

  6. Welp. I'm guessing everypony's gone. All alone...
    My sister has a perfume bottle with one of those balloon things...
    *looks around then proceeds to spray wrist*
    Me gusta...

  7. I'm going to stay up till the new episode airs.

  8. It seems we are the only ones awake. Everypony else must be sleeping. Anyway, countdown to new episode starts now! One more hour to go!

  9. Yay. We're alone then. *hugs*
    I mean...yay. New episode!

  10. So what do you wanna do in the meantime? :3

    1. Well, I'm going to go eat breakfast first okay? I'll be back! Maybe the live stream?

    2. Don't use the live streams! They are always crowded to death at this time! It gets worse when the episode premiers too!!!

    3. It was extremely crowded but the episode was worth it

  11. Anypony else go to bed early so they could stay awake for the day?

  12. I don't know about you but I'm goona wait until the YouTube links pop up.

    Until then I'm the happiest Brony in the world

    1. Make that the two of us! Happiest Brony in the world!

  13. GOOOOD MORNING Princess Luna and Travis!

  14. Replies
    1. If you are a pony that lives in the day, then you should get a little more sleep. You aren't obligated to stay up just for my sake or anypony else's here.

  15. Don't worry I'm keeping on the down low til about 12:00, that's when it gets put on YouTube, so about three hours until then

    1. I might just watch it with sis' when she gets the report. Apparently, most ponies don't know there is a near accurately depicted show of us, which I find funny since that's probably how it is with humans and MLH.

  16. Hmm....okay. I just got a text from someone claiming to be "Hawk Swagger"....

    1. That's weird- do you have a Skype? I think that now that I have one, I should use it a bit more, and could have some fun with it!

  17. No I don't. I could maybe get one though. Like the Skype app. But appearently it's terrible. I like to stick with Meebo...

    1. If you get Skype, it should be for a computer, the app I heard isn't as good, as it drinks your battery. I don't know what a Meebo is, but t sounds kind of weird...

  18. I didn't say that...*looks away blushing*

  19. by the end of february i will have a skype account.

    1. You can just get one now and make it in about five minutes, that's how it was for me, you don't need to add any information but your name really.

    2. no, by the end of february, i am moving out of the city i live in, and will go with my family to my grandparents house.
      they have a webcam.
      plus, it was a promise i made to my dod, who is staying here; he asked me to keep in touch with him via skype.

    3. You don't have to video chat, I don't like those anyways, and I will reject calls. There is an IM system and that is what would be used mainly. I REALLY do NOT feel comfortable in front of ponies on there...or even listening to their's just so weird when they aren't really there.

  20. Meebo is an app/website that takes all your networks into one network. Like, I can be signed into Facebook chat, aim, etc. All at once.

  21. Problem is with me making one on the computer, I am NEVER allowed to go on one. So it's useless.

    1. what I did after Tia took mine for going to "moderately restricted" websites; buy your own.

  22. I feel the same way. But I can't even IM because the app is terrible. And unfortunetly Meebo doesn't have Skype in their networks.

    1. The computer version opposed to the mobile application works far better, also it could be problems with what you are using. Phones and the like can get viruses after all, which slows it down, and also be destroyed from overuse...heheh...

  23. 1. I'm broke
    2. My parents would never let me
    3. My mom would lock it unless I get permission.

  24. well, i dont have problems with showing mah face, but its your decition, so i'll guess that won't happen.
    though, im not using it on my laptop, it already is slow without all the crap my brother put in it.

  25. I use an iPod 3G 8GB. I use it a ton. I'm pretty sure it's fine. Plus, it's years old and is in pretty much perfect condition.
    Yeah...I'm pretty shy with webcam stuff.

  26. Hover, don't let anypony touch your computer, get a successful protective software application, and your problem can be eliminated within a short while.

    Sunset, I feel bad for your overbearing parents, but I believe you are old enough for a higher job in the castle...maybe...

  27. well, it's not like it's MY personal laptop.

  28. I turn 16 in March, so I'm getting a job in the summer. Hopefully a bookstore in Ponyville.

    1. You must love Flare don't you? I might have to coerce him into becoming a mare just so I don't hear them complain you are of the other persuasion, and because there are no other mares to talk to since Pinkie, Applejack, and Rainbow are all busy...

  29. well, my mother is going to get a new job this year, hopefully making more money in less hours, soi will probably replace this computer before summer. (your summer)

  30. I really think we should all join a network that everypony agrees on. As a Cabinet, we should be in good contact with eachother besides email abd the Cabinet.

  31. Why don't we use the chat at the top?

  32. Well that came out of nowhere...
    *cough* and why turn him into a mare? He's much more adorable as a colt. ^^

    1. ...Are you insisting I turn you into a pink filly like Trollestia did?

    2. so you want to be the mare then

  33. Because some of us can only be on mobile.

    1. Then Toku needs to get a chat that also works on mobile...

  34. Replies
    1. is generally looked down upon by society when two of the same gender engage in romantic activities...I mean that's not to say that I won't support you or anything!

  35. So? Who cares what other ponies think? Just because it might damage the Cabinet I should stop?

    1. I never said to stop...but...maybe just make this a bit more of a normal arrangement between you two as to avoid any unwanted attention.

  36. Anyway "love and tolerance". If there are ponies coming on here that don't get that, then it's good to ward them off.

  37. goddamn streams wont work properly

  38. Nothing ever happens anyway. He's always gone. And when he's here, he's only here for a few minutes. Besides, I honestly think he's oblivious.

  39. Sorry to hear you're not feeling good Princess... and I remembered to tell Tabitha!

    1. Oh hello Rainbow! Thank you for telling her, now give me a second to fix up the fourth wall...

  40. I'm in Hollywood right now... only 3 minutes til air time of "Read it and Weep!"

  41. No...I don't think I'll do that...*blush*
    Rainbow Dash! Hi!! :D

  42. Well that was a fast way to say "Rainbow is going to get injured. There. Okay move the episode along."

  43. She got a free plushie of herself...but since Ashleigh said she was only bringing one pony, I couldn't go...

  44. im gonna go do other stuff until the episode is posted on YT, watch it then come back here.

  45. I'm leaving, for breakfast, and to make a new header that's better than this one since you will be able to see the title. Goodbye everypony still here.

  46. That episode was so BUCKING AWESOME. *hyperventIlating*

  47. Yep, I'm officially an egghead... great.

  48. Well I'm getting on the flight home in a few... don't know if the plane will have wi-fi.

  49. Good. I love you as an egghead. Really cute. ^^ but still amazingly awesome of course.

  50. Flight's been called... back in a sec

  51. Of course when I'm about to leave somewhere you come...

  52. Well, I'm off everypony! Have some work to do.

  53. Somepony post the video here, and not spoil it now?!

  54. Greatest episode ever

    *convuleses on floor*
    Hey Dash!

  55. Not much leaving to go to gf's house in about 30 or so.
    You flying now?

  56. Sure am! I'm gonna leave in a sec and take a nap... Had to get up at 5 for the new... *yawn* episo- *passes out*

  57. I think I may have just woke up.

  58. Ooooh who's Soviet Hooves? Are we starting to gathermore ponies!? :D
    And just a sec Princess. The 1080p hasn't finished rendering.

    1. I was wondering who that pony was. Doesn't seem like they have came back since their initial post.

  59. Oh gosh...I had to go to the with my dad, and I saw G3 ponies...I nearly died of terror.

  60. Yes. I like G1 since I grew up on it, G2 is okay. G3 and 3.5 are just vomit.

    1. I never had much tv when I was younger. So i never did see any of the older generations.

  61. Welp. I'm in trouble because I didn't get a paper done. I'll be gone all day then because my mom will be taking my iPod. Somepony else will have to take care of the episode post. Bye. -_-

  62. O30
    I tottally want to do another review thing of THIS episode,but i don't think anypony would read it. I remember being secretly upset about how almost 3 of you read it. -.-

    Also, this is YOUR BLOG princess. That means that nopony can tell you what to do! I'm glad you're upset because we're your friends rather than we don't like the rules. That already makes you a better pony then them.
    Not that there was any doubt before.
    *infinite brushies*
    And if it makes you feel better, i'm pretty sure both me and sunset are from 4chan. I'm also from ponychan and gaiaonline, granted, but bronies have it rough on any chan.
    So who are the new followers?

    1. I picked up Soviet and The fun... etc. from the stream, so there are at least some good ponies on there. I also had no clue anypony still went to 4chan...oh and by the way I like your episode reviews, I was just a little busy that day when you made one. I would have done things on it if I was available for long enough, sorry if you feel like it was a waste of time.

    2. I'll admit two things, I'm sorry but I didn't read your review. But! It looked professional :D two, I am not the most internet savvy. Never been to 4chan and the like.

    3. Don't go om. Sometimes people post porn to be jerks.
