Saturday, March 3, 2012
Happy birthday Dashie! O,0 (Victory Star Presents# Dashies Birthday)
Watch "DEATH BATTLE! - Starscream VS Rainbow Dash" on YouTube In celebration of the day of your birth, I found this on youtube! :3 If my blogger doesn't screw up, I'm sure we can get some Pics up in this party too!
Funfacts? Why not!
It's a party after all... *whispers* Pinkie! Don't touch the cider!
Did you know...?
That pure water (H2O) does not conduct electricity on its own?
That it's possible to die from a broken heart? It's called Stress Cardiomyopathy.
That obsessive nose picking is called Rhinotillexomania?
That an unprotected human can survive up to 1.5 minutes in space with no permanent bodily damage?
That Rainbow Dash's personality was based off of Lauren Faust's favorite gen.1 pony, Firefly?
Dear Princess Luna,
In the passing time since my last letter, I've learned alot about understanding. Much like compassion, understanding is a narrow bridge connecting two or more souls together in hopes that one can be saved from the frightening side of the river they had ended up on. Sometimes you personally try your best to avoid things like that, if only so you can carry the bridge yourself in hopes your friends don't end their either. But when you think more about what they are saying in attempt to save you, you'll just slip away and collapse on yourself. Instead focus on the fact that, although they don't always have the right words, they have the right hearts to even try. Although some problems can only be solved through understanding, it's a two way street. You can also choose to understand them to help crawl out of your rut.
Your faithful Harmony Sword,
Victory Star.
Thus concludes this issue of VSP! O,0
Happy birthday again Dashie! Here's to many more!
And remember takes two to tango, but sometimes two is just as sad as one!

Somepony wanna proof read please? O,0
I wrote a short story and was wondering if I could have a litte help... Preferably from Flare, as he is a poet too. :3
The Lantern
- A VERY short story by Victory Star
It is dark.
The formless night gives nothing and my mind runs rampant, making creatures whom could never possibly exist shuffle in the stagnant breeze.
The only sound permitted is the rustling of my feet and legs, moving through the brush and racing with the wind caught in the branches of the trees.
I move with god-given speed, for tomorrow aproaches and with it comes the date we are to be wed.
The Rabbi has passed to me a lantern, for my wretched bride awaits no doubt... a thought that fills me with an eerie dread.
I move quickly now, not wasting anymore of precious oil, for a cave doth lie ahead and the demons grow hungry.
Once completed is this jorney, upon the walls of both our families many faces unfamiliar in matrimony hang among me.
And yet...
The joining was arranged. A hoax, and not a pairing made to stand on hearts desire, for in my heart of hearts doth lie the features of another.
It was her beauty that now drives me through the caves and trees and mires.
My dear beloved now departed by this witch's hand no doubt, sets my heart ablaze with fire, boiling rage doth spread throughout.
It was my father's disposition to set this woman as my bride, and with the Rabbi's jurisdiction, in my hand this lamp resides.
But this barren land forsaken, far beneath the world of man owns a light now quite apparent that does not lie in my hand.
As I exit from the cavern, through the night there rips a cry. No doubt my "heart's replacement"
By my hand whom had to die.
I had known from the begining she could only want our wealth, I approached her father's chambers unrelentless in my stealth.
Through the stale cellar window, fears confirmed, it was no lie. There layed the body of my lover and my bride who had to die.
With my hand I grasped the lantern, black as pitch for it was late, and had left it at her doorstep once I set her house ablaze.
It's a story I wrote about a jewish man following the old tradition of carrying a lantern to fetch his bride in the night, who was on his way to complete a cerimony arranged for wealth. Once there, he finds that his bride killed his love out of jealousy, and uses the lantern to set her house on fire.
Feel free to conversate bellow night owls! I shall join you! O,0
Friday, March 2, 2012
For some reason the site is glitching out, so there's barely time to put a comment. Toku, please fix this or make the site in simple template again.
Lunar Cabinet #47
One night, one memorable night...
A lone pony cries, feeling truly hopeless and sad...
He wepts bitter tears, splashing along the ground, drop by drop, each mirroring his misery.
He cries for help, alone in the darkness, wondering if there was happiness.
Around his friends though, he pretends nothing is wrong. Immediately changing that frown into a smile.
Bottling up his emotions, trying to pretend that the pain in his heart, didn't matter when it did...
I just can't take this crap anymore it's everywhere I go.
Sometimes it's truly hard to not be happy, sometimes it's sad, sometimes it looks like there's no hope, no use... But you should never give up. Be happy, share the happiness, and feel that there is a way. It looks like it's everywhere, but you have a choice. You have a choice to be happy, or try to fix it.
That's why everyday when I see friends I mask my actual feelings. I don't want to hurt them...
You only hurt friends when you don't reveal your problems, your feelings... Friends are always there for you, they want to help. A true friend would want another friend to be happy, not in pain or sad...
but no matter where I go or what ponies I meet there's always freaking drama and I'm sick of it.
Don't give up. Be happy, there's always a way. Who knows, they may need help, or comfort. Their heart aches as much as yours, that's why we have to work together.
I always have to be upbeat and everything around my other friends.
Show your true feelings, let them know how you truly feel. If you truly care, if you truly love your friends, then let them help you.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Bored in Math
You know what? I go on preaching about how I loathe to see my friends sad.
And here I am. Wasting your time...
And space... and energy...
And I may not feel like any of you really care...
But as I look back, I can recall that doesn't sound like any of you. Then again, sitting around being silent about my feelings can't be good for me either.
Does this mean I loathe myself?
If I were somepony else, would we be friends? I allow myself saddness and won't let my friends be engulfed in it's black arms. But why do I feel ignored? Forgotten? So many problems. What if I'm wrong?
What if you really, trully do care, and you're just bad at expressing it?
But then, are you just bad at expressing it, or am I not listening hard enough? What if I'm hurting you by allowing myself the hurt I've saved over the years. I suppose the only solution is to put on a brave face and move forward. (I sound so freakin' emo... no wonder I hate myself.)
I always thought I never be troubled by it.
But here I am feeling it now,
It isn't the best time for me right now.
Today was Derpy Day, I was excited and happy,
Muffins, letters, and friendship are seen!
It was a wonderful time to be.
After, I became curious.
With magic, it's always interesting.
But like it is, one never know what might happen.
So it did happen.
Hate, back and forth,
It was chaos in harmony, not a pretty sight to see.
Friends against friends, the unimaginable.
I try to make her understand, but to no avail.
It wasn't dangerous.
I'm not that ignorant.
But will anypony listen to that?
Scolded, spitted, left alone.
It was a horrible punishment to be known.
Mixed emotions, random thoughts,
I couldn't tell the difference apart.
Hatred, madness, a will to cause destruction.
Frustration, irration, what is the point of this?
Sadness, sappyness, you often wonder how to feel anymore.
It's like giving up, nopony there for you, just hate...
A shadow crept upon, hopelessness pounce upon.
I try to find comfort, wonder where to go,
A place warm, a place that's happy.
There's a dark corner, I'm afraid to move.
Time's going out fo control,
I don't know what to do.
Missing something near and dear to my heart,
It was like simply removing it apart.
Though I can spend hours upon hours writing this poem,
My emotions are alot faster, even more than ten seconds flat.
But one thing is for sure,
Sadness, weakens you,
Both physically and mentally.
There's no way to go,
But just sit there and let the sadness grow...
Derpy Day!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Lunar Cabinet #45
An Irish Party in Third Class, can you not see?
Tables shake, chairs tip over,
As everypony dances atop the tables.
They debate if they should bake,
Raising apple cider in the air.
Amusing eh?
It's an Irish Party in Third Class!
They fly through the air,
performing each other's movement.
Hooves tap, cider in the air,
It's a wonderful time!
They dance night and day,
Never stopping, never skipping a beat.
Tis a sight, dancing merryment!
It's the Irish Party in Third Class! Hoh!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Lunar Cabinet #44
you make my life so happy... *gets really close*
You too...*regains focus* I...don't think it is safe to go about this with the ponies SPYING on us, and also...with me like this...I love you~ *hugs him and kisses his cheek, trots onto her bed*
Sorry I'm so busy...
Monday, February 27, 2012
Lunar Cabinet #43
All fall mesmerized when everypony hears her.
All fall in love when everypony understand her.
All fall grim when everypony saw her leave.
All fall anxious when everypony waits for her return.
All fall smiling when everypony sees her perform.
It's the Great and Powerful Trixie!
On a modern bus. *awesome*
Victory is a drawfriend? O_0
I stayed up super late with Ombutescentdin and Toku, and made a few drawings.
Om owes me one~
Below you can see individuals of the three, or the one of me and Dashie on the same page. And also I have the color Sunset needs for Flare. X3
And the main feature is what Om looks like. I hope these came out HQ...

Sunday, February 26, 2012
I will be late today
Lunar Cabinet #42
The one you don't understand.
The one that you're afraid of,
the one that takes it all away
It can only be defeated,
if you accept and never lose hope.