Saturday, February 18, 2012
Equestria Live
*Voice is deeper, smoother, and more confident* So you may have noticed that I'm not the raspy voiced, trouble making little guy I once was. Thats all thanks to a star.
Not a real star! It's a piece of paper. An ancient artifact called the Star of Hearts.
A stallion came by the other day in a hood. Supposedly the Star had the uncanny ability to grant anypony who stumbled upon it their deepest desire. There's a catch though. You need runes to use it.
After much argument, the princess set up runes of her own to activate the legend breathing before us. I went first. Almost immediately, I was returned to my regular age and then some, with power never before available to me! My mind was now clear as the sky as I bolted at mach speeds with little to no acceleration. Naturally, It became the princess's turn. She fought her wish over valiantly, and ultimately decided the wish was too selfish to be granted. She tore the star to pieces and collapsed to the ground defeated. But her friends were there to comfort her, just as they always would be...

*Ahem* The Game. You lose. (Victory Star Presents #4 O,0)
Well, well, now that Hearts-n-Hoof's week is just about over, I feel a yearn for normalcy looming over our warm little cabinet. Also Seth, If your reading this, I hate you. Get this, you know when we started the blog, and we sent E-mails regarding our site to Seth in hopes he'd put something in nightly round-up? And he ignored us? WELL GUESS WHAT? READ.
That's right. Another blog like ours. And they don't even have a chat bar! Granted, we skype more than we chat, but whatever. It still fills me with teh RAGE.
Funfacts! O,0
Did you know...?
Los Vegas has the most hotel rooms in the world?
Ants make up 1/10th of the worlds biomass?
The founder of McDonald's has a degree in Hamburgerology?
If you take your height and divide by 8, you'll know how big your head is?
Seth is a giant Meany-head?
That last one I knew.
Anywho A Friend in Deed airs today, and as nessesary, I will post a 1080p of it later. I can't wait for dragon quest. More spike love is always appreciated! So! Who wants a tasty milkshake? Drink it up!
Let's get some memebase pics up in here!
Event inbound!
Everypony knows I like two things:
Games and Trains. Well next Saturday I'm all out of trains, as I attempt to host a mystery Whodunit event! Over the course of next week, I will be sending parts about your charicter as private messages on skype. I also hope to answer any charicter confusion before the event begins.
Also, I've been secretly working on a fanfic. Alot of you guys are main charicters, but the ones who stay consistent till the end are comic relief charicters! Sorry if some got the short end of the stick! >,<
(The main comic relief roles were filled by Om and Hover.)
I would like to remind you all that stupid is as stupid does and take my leave. :3
-Victory Star O,0

Friday, February 17, 2012
The song, "The final countdown" is now playing in your head. ( Victory Star Presents #3 O,0)
I'd pay 25 dollars for breakfast with Obama... Wouldn't you? Welcome to Victory Star presents! The blog type deal I'll post whenever in a feudal attempt to keep you all off of skype! XD Enjoy!
P.S. To all of you who ate the burrito, have you seen Om? He should have been inside...
Funfacts time! O,0
Did you know...
10 people a year are killed by vending machines?
Hippo milk is pink?
Women have a better sense of smell then men?
Ice cream is Chinese food?
The world's longest coca-cola truck is in Sweden?
Adventurer's log #289
It's been days since my discovery of the curse...
My mornings grow dull and weary, the sky cold with the hatred radiated from the blade on my back...
What will my family think? I can't just return and put them in such danger... But I would hate for my son to grow-up the way I had to... His mother is a strong mare. She can take care of him.
My voice grows horse and intense... The sword is already begining to feed off of my companions. I can tell. My daughter Remnant is being consumed by her own hatred. Just yesterday she had another lash about her mother, Celestia rest her soul. Markus is slowly going blind. The other day, we almost fell of the face of Mt. Arcane. This troubles me, as Markus has been an incredible hiker his enrire life. If he wasn't such an incredible swordspony I'd say that THAT should be his cutiemark. I remember Knightschool with him. If it wasn't for me, he would've been best in class! ...and now...
I have to find a place to hide this sword. I can't travel with them much longer or they'll die.
-Adventure Star
And here's a few old profile pics of mine! Ahh... memories...
Oh! I almost forgot! I'm gunna pull a twivhlight and try to send the princess a letter every week. I'll have to do it while Toku sleeps though... He's picky about that stuff...
So until next time...
-Victory Star O,0
I can't control color, font size, or picture placement on mobile. I can only bold and italicize... please excuse the imperfectional design...

Thursday, February 16, 2012
Who wants a burrito? O,0 (Victory Star Presents #2)
Only 1 fun fact this time! Who cares, you won't read it! XD
Did you know...
The name Equestra came from Equestrian, the scientific name for a hourse? Know your history! O,0
And here is a Valentine I rather enjoyed! XD This one may be an actual picture I took, but only if it works right!~
There are some others too. Found them on EqD. Enjoy!
So all in all, There was a great Hearts-n-hoofs day for everypony!
...aside from the cabinet's weird new shipping obsession... O~0
Dear Princess Luna,
Today is the first day I ever sent you a letter from my coltphone! :3 Looks like I'm going digital! These past few days, I've learned alot about judgement and anger. Sometimes your friends can seem inconciderate to your needs, but things are almost never as they seem. No matter how bad the situation, you should think back to the times you love most about them and ask yourself: are these the kind of ponies who would ever mean me harm? Also just because a friend says something or does something seemingly cold or narcissistic, doesn't mean they ment to. Sometimes things are understood in ways they weren't ment to be. And the only way to fix a problem is to be brave and stick your neck out! If you have something to say, let it out! The fear of something new is just the challenge of the best kind of changes. O,0
Your faithful Harmony Sword,
Victory Star.
This Presents may be a short one, but in my defense, like two of you will read it... Not that I should care! >„< I've decided i'll make it because its fun!
And also I bring a new game! With the help of the cabinet's very own Om and Hover, We can also play 20 questions: pony edition! XD
It's only 20 questions with the goal being show related. The rules are a given!
Remember: An eye for an eye means a bunny for a princess!
Vicky out!
P.S. If the burrito tastes like marshmallows, it means Om didn't wake up in time...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012
A video for all to enjoy
Have fun! *snicker*