*lights go dark* *music plays* (Grrl lookit dat body) *Vicky slides onto stage* (Grrl lookit dat body) *Om is forced on stage after a long fight with security* (Grrl lookit dat body) *flare and sunset slide out at once* All while flexing in epic pose: I-I- I WORK OUT!~ XD
*writes a letter* Dear Princess Luna, I am not responsible for anything that has happened to tonight... For... I was never at the party. Yup, I am innocent.
Let the kitties hit the floor..... Let the kitties hit the floor...... Let the kitties hit the, FLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooorr. Can't see wildthorn, wildthorn, can't drink much moooooooorrooooooorrree.
What should I panic about?
ReplyDeleteHey pinkie!
ReplyDeleteGive me your alcohol, they won't let me have any.
ReplyDeletePINKIE :D
ReplyDeletepinkie... >>
ReplyDeletehi! :3 *glomp*
Hi Pinkie!
ReplyDeleteYes please alcohol, gimmie
ReplyDeleteWe past more than 6 comments. That hasn't happened for quite a while now.
that is soo sad. lets have a blog fixing party!
Deletejust for the sake of making more posts... ill let you do it.
ReplyDeletealso, alcohol? that too please
Ah Hovey. Um. I had a dream if you want to hear it sometime...but not tonight...>////<
ReplyDelete*ears perk up* oh, you did?
Deletewell, im interested.
That's hilarious Pinkie :p
ReplyDeleteAs a reminder the Skype will be down until 7pm west coast time.
ReplyDeletethere should be a way to schedule a closing of the skype at cabinet hours
DeleteNa, we can play it my ear.
Deletei trust your ear will be good then
DeleteWhat's that supposed to mean.
Deletei dunno, i didnt get it the first time :3
Delete>.> Stop bein creepy Hoofie that my schtick.
Delete...your what? :3
DeleteRight you wouldn't know that word being non native English.
Deletei have an idea what it may be... but i could totally be wrong
DeleteWhat do you think it is. Then I can tell you how wrong you are.
DeleteThis cabinet needs love again.
ReplyDeleteWhy will nopony give me alcohol?
ReplyDeleteI just realized if Luna see's this she'll... I'm not quite sure what she would do.
Deletewell, shell be happy that the blog is moar active.
Deleteom told me she wont be here until the weekend tho
I half wonder if she could do anything to me i wouldn't enjoy though.
DeleteYeah. It's real "interesting".
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you won't enjoy it though.
if it contains explicit gore, I may be a bit put off.
Deletebut otherwise, it cant be that bad
If it contains gore I want to know, if its anything shippy, pah nashty.
DeleteBecause I hate alcohol...
ReplyDeleteI wish I liked alcohol so Pinkie didn't hate me. I wanna have fun with her, but all she does is drink D:
ReplyDeletewell, what kind of alcohol is it?
ReplyDeletePlease give me alcohol then...
ReplyDeleteEw. No. No gore.
ReplyDeletebut it is explicit...and I can only tell you since I mean you did the same to me.
Deletetell me when you're ready, ill be waiting.... :3
I won't enjoy tell you it though...
ReplyDeleteBowchikawowwow. -•-
Deleteyou're totally right dez.
DeleteTrying to think of a stallion pun... but... you're a mare now...
Deletestallion pun? what do you mean?
DeleteI got new track shoes. Also PARTY! O,0
ReplyDelete*glomps Hovey and noms on mane*
oof! hey! x3
DeleteOoooh, I want to hear the dream.
ReplyDeleteAlso, apple cider!!!
I miss dashie... -.- *sigh*
ReplyDeleteFlare you would be the last pony I would tell the dream to. o-o
ReplyDeleteSomepony please just give me some type of alcohol, I'll even be happy with just plain vodka.
ReplyDeletelol i was reading something on wikipedia for my homework, and there was mention of a shadow cabinet. totally made me think of travis
ReplyDelete*give AJD to Shy*
Finally *chugs* Ah, i miss that sting
Deleteswitching to mooo bile
ReplyDelete*continues to nom on mane*
ReplyDeleteweeeee x3
*bust opens a fire hydrent full of whiskey*
*doesn't drink*
here goes nothing! *opens mouth at the stream of alcohol*
Delete*Drinks happily* Dis ish gunna be awesomes
DeleteGreat, A drunk female Hoverhoof.
Delete...and now we play the waiting game. XD
Hovey ignore Om. xD
ReplyDeleteAaaaah Hovey no Dx
ReplyDeleteI say we never ever ever go back to skype ever! I know I'm sick of it...X3
ReplyDeleteI must go sorry everypony... Goodbye and good buck!
ReplyDeleteIn appropriate use of swear words is in appropriate. :3 bye flare!
Deleteahhhh.... its been too long since i've had a drink....
ReplyDeleteur tellung meh, I luf dis stuff, to bad i never get it likes nevar
DeleteThe day we come back to the cabinet you start drinking. ._.
ReplyDeleteLmao nice buck...
ReplyDelete*good buck
ReplyDeleteHovey don't get drunk. T_____T
ReplyDelete...whhyy noT?
DeleteBecause you make poor decisions while sober.
Deleteheh... thats fumny... x3
DeleteLet's all get drunk then we can pway my favorite party game
ReplyDeleteI am sucking on a large thing of meat. Any comments? xD
ReplyDeleteYou started the game without me?
DeleteHovey nooooo. You're not a very good pony when you're drunk...
ReplyDeleteSorry, I meant goodnight and good buck! (Equestria Inquirer)
ReplyDeleteWell, this should be interesting.
That was beutiful
ReplyDeletePinkie you're so awesome. xD
ReplyDelete*lights go dark*
ReplyDelete*music plays*
(Grrl lookit dat body)
*Vicky slides onto stage*
(Grrl lookit dat body)
*Om is forced on stage after a long fight with security*
(Grrl lookit dat body)
*flare and sunset slide out at once*
All while flexing in epic pose: I-I- I WORK OUT!~ XD
DeleteDon't include me in your inebriated shenanigans!
DeleteI didn't drink! ...I'm just....weird.
DeleteHoveeeeeyyy stop being drunk. T___T
ReplyDeletebut sunnayy, im not drank
Write a fanfic!
ReplyDeleteUgh. The juice keeps coming out of the meat and going down my chin as I suck.
DeleteTry not eating people. XD
Deletehe eh he... sunnays sucking a wang...
DeleteLmFao. XD
ReplyDelete*dying of laughter*
ReplyDelete*writes a letter*
ReplyDeleteDear Princess Luna,
I am not responsible for anything that has happened to tonight... For... I was never at the party. Yup, I am innocent.
It really does though. It's getting annoying. xDDD
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if you know this, but there are some things that you don't need to share?
DeleteHe's going to tattle on us. GET FLARE!!
ReplyDeleteYes you are Hovey. Now go lie down. >>
ReplyDeleteN-No I'm not!! >/////>
ReplyDeleteaww, but pinkay...
ReplyDeleteYes I do Ommy~
ReplyDeleteAnd awww Pinkie :O
And I told you I hate that word!! >>
ReplyDeleteLet the kitties hit the floor..... Let the kitties hit the floor...... Let the kitties hit the, FLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooorr. Can't see wildthorn, wildthorn, can't drink much moooooooorrooooooorrree.
ReplyDeleteFtr, i didn't drink.
ReplyDeleteAnd im not weird.
Your all extra normal.
*forces Hovey into bed*
ReplyDeleteNow stay there and don't get up until you're sober. >>
I get his horn
ReplyDeleteShy. >>
DeleteShut up.
DeleteI. Am. Tired. And dirty.
DeleteActually track.
Pinkie I'm with Flare...>////<
ReplyDeleteoh sunnay~...
ReplyDeleteH-Hovey...stop it...>////>
ReplyDeleteJust walk away.
DeleteI-I never tied her! >////>
ReplyDeleteHovey! Don't drink that!
Oh I feel bad now...
ReplyDelete*drinks the alchol*
ReplyDeletesuuuuunaaaaay~ :3
I'm goling to go. TT^TT I'M SLEEPY, WAAAAAAAHHH.
ReplyDelete>.> Running off are ya.
DeleteOoookie dokiiiii loookiii then. >_>
DeleteWhat Hovey...
ReplyDeleteC'mere! *levitates him awkwardly to her*
Deletei jest wannu cuddel~ *hugs* x3
(Bye Pinke :3)
ReplyDelete(Bye Vic)
ReplyDeleteI drank too mush...
ReplyDelete*Throws up, passes out*
Deleteyu too ommay~*levitates him to the bed too*
ReplyDelete*breaks out of the weakened telekinesis* I have other, eh things. Yes very important things... To do. Have fun wither her Sunny!
Deleteaww... meanie...
Delete*hugglehuggles sunny* x3
Right. Just cuddle...
ReplyDeleteI'm afraid she might do something...please Om help me...
DeleteBut. It looks like you have it all under control there Sunset. And my things they are VERY important...
Deleteyou so funnay... *lols, nuzzles*
ReplyDelete*pushes Hovey a few inches away*
ReplyDeleteYour breath smells like alcohol...
yu, yu smell liek lady lotion *gets face closer*
Deletefillies dig that
Yes sweet blogger yes!
ReplyDeleteHi ya guys im late
Delete(that's okay, i'm unconcious)
Deletehiii travyyyyyyis~
DeleteI'm currently multi tasking so I can't be here at once
ReplyDeleteUm...do you mind not getting so close to my face with yours...
ReplyDeletewhy nawt? :3
DeleteIt's making me feel weird...
ReplyDeleteaw sunnay! *lols, gets even closer, noses touch*
Delete*stares at sunny with bedroom eyes*
*blushes hard*
*blushes* sunnay... ah think I... I think...
Delete*falls asleep*
*releaved sigh*
ReplyDeleteOh thank Celestia...>///>
See everything turned out fine xD
Delete*in sleep, grabs sunny with all four legs*
Deletezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... x3
Um, I knew shouldn't have left home
ReplyDeleteListen to you gut next time.
((i had no idea what i was doing, still turned out right, like a boss))
ReplyDeleteOh, yea wasn't worried at all *replaces maliciousness objects back into saddle bag*
ReplyDeleteWhat objects...
ReplyDeleteThat's classified.
(steals om's bag)
Delete*flies to ceiling*
*presses button and bag explodes covering Travis in glue and ping feathers* Haha! Too easy~
Delete*glares at om*
DeleteWait a minute
*disappears into cloud of purple smoke*
COME AT ME BRO! *pounds chest once and opens forelegs wide*
Delete*purple mists appears around entire room, lowering vision by half*
DeleteOh no! What ever will I do? *doesn't do anything*
Delete((well, with that last performance, i call this my leave. goodnight everypony!))
ReplyDeletezzzzzzzzzzzzzz... sunnay..... .zzzzzzzzzzzz....
What have I gotten myself into...
ReplyDeleteNight Hovey...*hesitant nuzzle*
I gotta sleep everypony.
*cuddle sleeps with Hovey*
What a night you all had. XD