Saturday, March 31, 2012
Lunar Cabinet #66
Lala, lalalala~
Who would have thought?
Two compeletly different ponies.
Two views, two sides.
Joining together in harmony.
One shy, quiet, and contempt.
One rash, fast, and upbeat.
Two together as one.
A perfect slice to a whole.
A perfect pair, forever to be at each other's side.
It's love at a glance.~
It was always meant to be,
Nothing could stop thee,
Love is a poweful thing.
One look, one quick glance,
Is what it all took,
For that love to blossom forth.
How could you say no,
There's only one answer and that's
Yes, I love you.
It's love at a glance.~
The first time I saw you,
My mind was hazy.
I didn't know what to feel,
What to say,
Except to say that I really love you.
It's love at a glance~
Your fast and swift movements,
You make my heart run fast.
Whenever I see you,
I feel I can overtake anything.
It's love at a glance~
You're shy appearance,
Makes my heart melt.
You're simply divine,
The one for me, and I'm for you.
What you don't say,
I understand than anypony else.
Cause you're always there.
What you've been through,
Must have been awful, tragic, and
Most of all a struggle.
In school and in family,
I feel your pain,
Ad I just want to tell you I understand.
Wish I could help, besides just giving my love, but whatever happens I'll always be there for you.
What makes me really happy is that
You trust me, that you'll say what's on your mind.
I'll help you, in anyway I can.
It's love at a glance~
1-I love him no matter what barriers present themselves.
He is everything, my all.
No matter what, I'll always trust you,
Love you and care.
It's not that complicated,
What I'm trying to say, is that
I love you.
It's love at a glance~
Truly a pair,
Truly one kind.
Love, that's everlasting.
It can be quick or it can be long.
One thing's for sure though.
Shy and Sonic:
I'll love you forever.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
A day in Vic's shoes #1
A lone teenager is standing outside the nurse's office. His blonde and brown hair is covered by an old, black beanie cap. It's obvious he is only patient with people, as his frustration with the wait is hidden by his polite tone with the nurse. As he leans against the wall of his conjoined school, a middle school child approaches. Things like these are common in his small Ohio town, children just talking to strangers all willie-nillie. Things like that make him chuckle warmly to himself. Every town has it's charms...
Boy: I know it's cold, but you shouldn't cross your legs like that.
Vic suddenly realizes he had crossed his legs while leaning. It's funny, but for some reason, only to him.
Vic: Why not?
Boy: It constricts your blood-flow. You only think you're warm.
Vic: Maybe sometimes it's better to think you're warm than to be warm, kid.
Boy: How so?
Vic: It means you're strong enough to face the cold and press on, rather than giving up and hoping for warmth.
Boy: ...Mr. are you high?
Vic: Who says Mr. anymore? >,0 Get to class, champ.
Vic heads into the nurse's office with a small cough. He loves messing with kids like that. It makes him feel mature.
The kid scampers off to class, and Vic grabs a coffee on his way to the High School. He laughs. The kid from earlier drew a picture on his cup.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Track meet tonight! O,0
I'll be super late tonight... sorry...
But here's hoping I run hard, yeah?
Go Pirates!
XD we do sports.