Friday, April 27, 2012
Lunar Cabinet #79
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Roll to Pony
If it has been a while and someone has not submitted a turn, I take control, most likely making you do nothing. Results table:
1: Crippling failure. Not only did you not succeed at what you were doing, but some other unfortunate side-effects occurred! ooooooh
2: Failure. You didn't succeed at what you were doing at all.
3: Meager failure. You very nearly succeeded, but you didn't. Them's the breaks.
4: Meager success. You barely scratched your way through whatever it was you were doing.
5: Success. Good job! You made your momma proud.
6: Intense Success. You so completely dominated whatever it was you were doing that no one can possibly predict what will happen now. It could be spectacular or terrible. But it will almost certainly be hilarious.
All of that handles all of the uncontested checks. If you try to do something that is opposed, such as combat, or stealing from someone, or anything that involves some other living thing that might not want you to do it, then I simply roll dice for both of you and decide who wins. Anything you do that would require even a little bit of concentration or effort requires a roll. Casual speech and normal movement does not require a roll, for instance. Trying to improvise a poem on the spot requires a roll, as does dancing. Physics is altogether questionable, but is still somewhat in place. For instance, unless you're a pegasus or know a flying spell, you can never fly, no matter how high you roll. Etc.
========CHARACTER CREATION========
Simply post the following.
Name: what yer name is
Race: Earth Pony, Unicorn, Pegasus. Cutie Mark: What it is, and what your special talent is. Can/May provide bonuses. My discretion. Description: Whachoo look-a like. Personality. Roleplaying crap.
========OTHER THINGS TO KNOW======== Race matters. Pegasus: y'all can fly. Normal flight doesn't require a roll.
Unicorn: Telekinesis.
Range: within reason, I decide what's 'reasonable'. You can let yourself have some other kind of magic, if you make it your cutie mark. If it's overpowered, I'll make it /very/ easy to fail. Twilight fucks spells up all the time.
Earth Pony: y'all are dependable. Y'all have a 33% chance for +1 on your roll. If y'all get a +1, y'all don't have to worry about negative effects from rolling a 6.
Cutie mark matters.
Basically the adventure is different for everypony playing. It moves in rounds. Everyone gets responded to in one post. O,0 Good luck~ Round 1 begins tonight at 7. Please post the Oc's you'll be playing with below. There is a health system btw. You'll see soon enough.
Good luck! O,0/)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Lunar Cabinet #78
I'm sorry, but the Lunar Cabinet is MINE now. Ahahahahaha!