Wohooo! The Cabinet is now diving into its third week! And it truely was an interesting Cabinet. We had a good brushing with everything we have done so far. Pinkie bound ponies and underwent her usual alcoholic merriment. The Princess went bonkers, Hoverhoof was reasonable, Toku was Tokable, Victory sadly didn't show, Sunset was with his ice-cream and Flare did what flares do best. And I did some unnecessary over the top random thing, under some disability.
Afterwards we talked about our ehh, for lack of a better word "feelings" and experiences in our real life. Being the slightly paranoid thing I am I just want to point out we are on the internet. Make of that what you will.
All-in-all I just wanted to congratulate you all on a funtastic third week, and hope to see those stalkers who follow us and don't post. You know who you are.
Brohoof to all!
DeleteHey look its sunday. When did that happen?
ReplyDeleteThe day after yesterday.
DeleteTime flies like a fly.
Time doesn't fly...for me anyways. Its been faster when fun occurs, but really, time is slow when you're an alicorn.
DeleteTime flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
Delete^ ^/)*(\^ ^
ReplyDeleteHello Luna!
DeleteHow are you doing?
I'm doing fine, sorry for the slow replies, I'm telling om of how a meus clientes est insanus.
DeleteAnd if you are wondering why google translate doesn't work on this, it is because I know ancient Latin.
DeleteOh, I speak cat. Sometimes.
DeleteWell, it doesn't surprise in the least seeing an alicorn speak ancient latin.
Deletei just google translated it <_< you just have to switch it to translate Latin XD
DeleteHelloooo toku
DeleteHello tofu guy!
DeleteI'm back, and Toku, the placement of words in Google translate is wrong, it orders it like English there, which is why it is completely inaccurate other than for word definitions.
DeleteSo it dose kinda work then?
DeleteMaybe for reference when doing your homework curious one.
DeleteI don't have homework. Its all just work now.
DeleteHmmm...do you want homework? If so, then come with me tomorrow.
DeleteNo no, thats uh. Quite alright... I eh. heh.
DeleteYeah you're right. After all, you wouldn't be in the same class as me...
DeleteHrmmm, oh and by the way Princess. I am still a foal.... Stiiilllllll.
Delete...so you would like to be an infant?
DeleteThe antithesis. If you could.
DeleteAlright. I'll turn you into dust instead! Not really just foaling around, I'll help now. *casts all cures, passes out when done*
Delete*once back at normal size* Silly Princess, some of my curses are to much for any one pony to handle. But you did yet the age regression of... You have my thanks~ *tosses blanket over*
Delete*smiles, muttering* sorry...for the target practice...*giggle*...
DeleteOh id doubt that~ No harm no foul though eh?
Delete*muttering* there was harm...and you were a foal...just brushie me and you will be fine...
Delete*glare* fine this once my little Princess *brushes*
Delete*smiles, muttering* /win...yay~...
DeleteI swear. Can you just let the ice cream thing die please?
ReplyDeleteI could find something else?
DeleteI have. They managed to let the potato thing go, so they might let go of the ice cream thing.
DeleteNo. Besides, I was barely with him anyway. Just like usual...
ReplyDelete*continues to type fic even though extremly tired*
ReplyDeleteUgh. And I'm going to a party later. And it doesn't make it better that the friends I'm hanging out with there are all non-bronies except one. ><
Yes your fiction. Keep it fiction.
ReplyDelete*bangs head against keyboard*
ReplyDeleteYou spelled that wrong loool
DeleteOkay. Word keeps correcting pegasus to Pegasus. Is this right...? >/)<
ReplyDelete(Yes because the first "pegesus" was a winged hoarse the spawn of madusa and another god. Its name was Pegesus.)
Delete*muttering* pegasus is lower case unless you are referring to the idea of an original Pegasus...otherwise, pegasi...
DeleteCrap. It's spelt pegesus?
ReplyDelete*muttering* no...pegasus, he spelled it wrong...
DeleteOh ok.
ReplyDelete*spelt *cough*
ReplyDeleteI think couch should be spelled cof or coph or koph
DeleteOh. cough I though you meant couch.
ReplyDeleteYes I am stupid thanks for your concerns! XD
DeleteSOOooOooooOOOOoOooooOO00))0oo)od0a0o. What nao?
ReplyDelete*muttering* I'm Skyping om...he's brushing me...fun...
ReplyDeleteyeaaaa I was hoping for a. More open topic...
Delete*muttering* food is amazing...start there...
DeleteOkay done for now...page 8 with 2,360 words...
ReplyDeleteGood. GOooooooooooooooooooood.
DeleteYour on page 8 with 2,360 words?
DeleteI'm on page 6 with 3,799 an counting
Well, he wrote it on a notebook.
DeleteAh, the original way, I did that for mine, around 175-200 pages of story, plus 2 pages of ideas
DeleteSadly only one chapter typed
Took about six months
DeleteMy favorite food is sushi. ^w^
ReplyDelete*muttering* next to curry, me too...!
DeletePasta and potatoes are mine~
Delete*muttering* welcome Italy...
Deleteyea they has best foods.
Deletemy favorite food is roasted timber wolf.... I mean a nice daffodil sandwich <_<
*muttering* they may be alive and cunning, but they aren't sentient...but it's odd that you eat wood...
Delete*whispers* i bet he likes them smoked >_<
DeleteItallian food is best food.
Deletemostly wood <_< there's some real nice sections in it
DeleteI like smoked salmon...not that it is really acceptable to eat anymore...
Deletenuuudles are tasty!
DeleteXD it's not that i didn't show, i was kidnapped!
ReplyDeleteI can't get to a computer, so i stole ron's phone. He'll notice it's gone soon so i'll make this quick:
There celebrating because my ex is pregnant and im not the father... they're idiots. They all really hate her, so i guess i'm colt of the hour!
When i get free i'll try to find a computer...
Until then...
Good to hear!
DeleteOOOO I LOVE SMOKED SALMON<3 but tuna is my favorite :D
ReplyDeleteThe only reason I like the Super Bowl is because I get to go to my friends house for a party that doesn't even involve the Super Bowl. Because sports suck flank ;D
Sports aren't bad...I just hate guys constantly talking about them like idiots...
DeleteUgh, im bored as hell in here.
ReplyDeleteThat is no good.
Delete*levitates enchanted brush over to Hover, instructs om to keep brushing*
DeleteWell I just finally watched SHED.MOV. I gotta admit I thought APPLE.MOV was funny, but DRESS and SHED are lame :/
ReplyDelete*muttering* they are just...weird...Dress wasn't as good, and Shed was just Cupcakes with Fluttershy instead of Pinkie...
DeleteNever seen any of them.
DeleteI liked the song.
Delete(anypony wanna stay in character and roleplay? I have nothing to do here)
ReplyDeleteI would but this talk of fics wants me to edit mine
Delete*muttering* mmhmm...
DeleteBrushie brushing, princess?
DeleteUUUUGH!! SO MUCH!! It took me a month for a mere one-shot! *bangs head against table*
ReplyDeleteI've lost all hope in writing anymore...
Woa wao settle down.
DeleteUnless you show me your work, i will just have to take your word for it.
DeleteAnd I was planning to write a shipfic too...*tears up*
ReplyDeleteI may not be a writer but you I am always willing to help and learn in new arias!
DeleteOkay who wrote that I'm Residential Overpowerd Near Self Insertion?
ReplyDelete*smiles, muttering* I was hoping for a laugh or two, I'll get rid of it if you prefer...
DeleteIt's fine, I could see it adds a laugh.
DeleteJust though if I'm overdoing it let me know ok guys?
Heh look at mine travis, yours is not that bad.
DeleteYou aren't overdoing it, you have in the past but not now, it's just a running joke. I haven't edited yours yet om...I'll just let Flare or Toku change it if they want to.
DeleteI still have to type a lot...I've only typed out 15 of the notebook pages...
ReplyDeleteIt sounds just daunting!
Delete*sits in corner grasping Flare plushie while rocking back and forth*
ReplyDelete*muttering* you seem like you need a hug...*trots over and hugs, gets back to being brushed*
Delete*Flare does what flares do best.* But princess, there's no other pony like me!
ReplyDelete*muttering* I didn't type it, om did. Yes you are right though...
DeleteEverypony is one of a kind. We're all different, which makes us special.
DeleteAnd the proof of that is a cutie mark
Delete*gets up* You of which are especially fuzzy all the time in any form, that is a thing that makes you special! *hugs, lays back down for brushing*
Delete*muttering* hello Bombed...
DeleteFlaaaare! I'm sad! Hold me pleeease! *hugs tight*
ReplyDelete*squee* You're so smart, Flare. ^w^
ReplyDeleteUrgh, i have NOTHING TO DO!
ReplyDeletePrincess, make me do something!
*muttering* sure thing...*sticks him to the ceiling and covers him in maple syrup*
DeleteThat was totally uncalled for.
DeleteYeah. Flare is the softest, smartest, cutest, best pony ever. ^w^
ReplyDelete*muttering* Not to insult me or anything...
DeleteCookies! :D
ReplyDeleteone alcohol.
Everypony is different and one of a kind which makes all of us special.
ReplyDeleteThank you Sunset! We all are!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the airship later Hover, and sorry about drinking magic from you Pinkie...
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome. *blush*
ReplyDeleteHmmmm...how about that blue cookie right there?
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm off everypony! See you later!
ReplyDeleteSe ya!
DeleteBye bye Flare!
DeleteBye! :3
ReplyDelete*drinks the whole thing*
ReplyDelete*noms on cookie*
ReplyDeleteoooohhh...This tastes sooo good. ^^
(you will regret that later...)
Delete(don't worries I have my runes still up)
Delete*sigh* I miss him already...
ReplyDeleteI was already in a sucky mood. Dx wwaaaahhh *grabs onto Princess and crys*
DeleteI already did. It was yummy...
ReplyDelete...It happened yesterday...I puked your blood for hours until it was all gone and my stomach was just acid...
ReplyDeleteWhats so funny about us drinking and eating cookies?
ReplyDeleteThey are spiked. I didn't drink anything but a gallon of Pinkie's blood yesterday...later thrown up very violently...
DeleteI wanna drink Pinkie's blood!
ReplyDeleteEr...what? Huh? Who said that? *grin*
Go to the left side of the ancient Sewer B...you will find some...
DeleteWait. Am I a pink filly again then?? YES :D
ReplyDeleteBuck. I mean noooo!
*jumps up* that means we can have fun together yay~ let's go make a book fort!
DeleteYay! Bookfortbookfortbookfort!! :D
ReplyDelete*picks up Sunset and flies to the library*
DeleteI don't need more mares around....
ReplyDeleteThen how about more fillies? Huzzah!
DeleteId invite my mare friend but she contempt with facebook for her ponynis
ReplyDeleteLet's make it 100 feet tall!!!
With the collection in there it could be many more! *starts building book fort from the ground up, takes out complex blueprints, and lays them out on the nearest research table*
DeleteIf you find one with plans for a revolution
DeleteThey ain't mine or om's
......I don't know what your talking about Travis :| *whispers* quiet shhh
Delete* shovels a few papers into fire*
DeleteThere more warmth
Oh good good I was getting cold >_>
Delete*stops building royal book fort* Hold on, what are these...*proceeds to lift ashes out of the fire and then magically reconfigures them*
Delete*frantically eats the papers* muffing!
DeleteMuffins? Aww...I wanted one...well I'm back to building then! *continues on book fort*
Delete*nervous smile* mya *swollow* You ehh do that Princess!
Delete*uses dark magic to quickly erase all evidence in om*
Delete*uses spell copy dust to do the same to Travis)
ReplyDeleteDam skippy they both suck.
DeleteFillies are da best!
ReplyDeletePIIIIIINKIEEEEE *crys while hitting Pinkie with little hooves*
ReplyDelete*sticks Pinkie to the ceiling and covers her in maple syrup* let's make that book fort now!
ReplyDeleteYaaaayyyy! Woony saves the the day!! *grabs books and starts building at high speed*
ReplyDelete*looks over blueprints and starts on the tower*
DeleteUh ooohh...Somepony's in troubleee.
ReplyDeleteGRAAAAH *mane lights on fire*
How...but you aren't even a unicorn...
Delete*reintegrates blueprints and reconfigures the book fort with magic*
ReplyDeleteYES. THE MLP MUSIC ARCHIVE JUST UPDATED~~~~~~~~~~~ torrent tiiiime
ReplyDelete*ties pinkie up*
ReplyDelete*shrug* it happens when I'm super angry. *happy grin*
ReplyDeleteI think I'll just study you later...that was still weird...
Deletedo you fillies need any help making the bookfort?
ReplyDeleteI'm good! But she doesn't have magic *points to Sunset* how are you doing with it?
Delete*sends to the sun, reintegrates books...again*
ReplyDeletePinkie I'm a pyro to but I don't burn literature
ReplyDelete*reintegrates books*
ReplyDeleteHey I got banished to the sun once and I am still alive.
ReplyDeleteI haven't killed you, I sent you to the sun. Which is a part of the punishment for rule 1, the one you broke.
ReplyDeleteLittle filly Sunset needs help. *looks up at hover with big eyes*
ReplyDeletewhat is it, my little pony?
Delete*pokes an eye*
DeleteMe and Woony need help building da bookfort. Pwease help.
ReplyDeleteOW! *starts to cry*
ReplyDelete*rubs her eye* are you okay?
Delete(wait a minute, javascript is glitchy)
ReplyDeleteOOOOMMM!! I HAAAATE YOU! *hits Om's face with tiny hooves*
ReplyDeleteHigher, your too low my itch is higher.
DeleteNo...Om's a meanie...*sniff sniff*
ReplyDeleteIt's okay...*cuddles*
Delete*sniff* *cuddles*
ReplyDeleteWoony...you're so soft. *nuzzles face into neck*
*brushes both fillies*
ReplyDeletei cant see past 200 on this crappy computer!
*squee* Keep brushing...It feels so nice...^w^
ReplyDeleteI guess maybe you aren't such a meanie...
New post up if you wish for more brushies.
Deleteuhh, brb until i find a better computer
ReplyDeleteAh, it works again! and...*muttering* brushies are wonderful...