You awaken in a dark room with several others, all also stirring. There are exists to the north and south. What do you do? (several others means anyone else who wants to play)
You cannot see very much due to the room being dark, upon further inspection, there is also a trap door asides from the doors that lead north and south
As you finally reach the bottom of the ladder you notice a lone torch illuminating what appears to be some kind of winding dungeon like passage ways. there are passages to your east and north. Om lands on his head
heading north you come across yet another fork in the road/dungeon one to your right and one to your left. (you can try examining surroundings and stuff lol)
the dungeon upon which you are in is very dark dank and dusty, you can feel the occasional droplets of water coming from the ceiling and can hear what sounds like rushing water coming from the left passage way. there are also what appears to be some broken crates illuminated by your torch/glowing horns
you head down the left passage and towards the sound of rushing water, when you emerge upon a little platform located directly behind a gigantic waterfall
It appears you are in some kind of underground hot-springs area with a large rushing river/waterfall, the invisble platform you are on turns into a steep waterslide and you all end up upside down in a pool of water
You all notice something incredibly odd about this underground hot springs. There seems to be an absurd amount of bananas everywhere.... which is really weird due to the fact bananas dont grow underground
I will be dungeon mastering for the time being
ReplyDeleteI will sit here and continue to sleep verymuchthankyou.
ReplyDeleteit's a text adventure <_< its for the lols lol
DeleteI enter Godmode and cheat
ReplyDeleteGodmode has been disabled by the local server hoster
DeleteI choose to tell om to get the buck up and kick him.
ReplyDeleteOh dear Celestia my rear end!
DeleteFine I am up... Can we go weast?
ReplyDeleteYou walk directly into a wall and fall over
Delete*slide down wall* nap time.
DeleteOkay. So hows about we figure out where we are first?
ReplyDeleteYou cannot see very much due to the room being dark, upon further inspection, there is also a trap door asides from the doors that lead north and south
DeleteThen let's go toward that giant black hole in the floor
ReplyDeleteSigh...*lifts om up and slaps him in the face*
ReplyDeleteGAAA!*sob* this is face abuse....
DeleteUh. Should we check this door out?
ReplyDeleteGood idea
DeleteYou open the trap door and find a ladder extending very far down into further darkness, but it looks like there may be a light at the very bottom
DeleteSo I float down into the light, stop just short and let a screw fall to see if it's a trap
DeleteYou need to stay awake. We might be in danger om. >/)<
ReplyDeleteMy Sprinkle senses are tingling.
DeleteI'll go first. *starts to desend*
ReplyDeleteoh forgot to mention, you're all in a chain gang
Deleteso if someone goes somewhere, everyone else does to
DeleteHa. I didn't fall. You failed.
ReplyDeletefunny how the dungeon master is a dragon.
ReplyDeletecan I join?
yeah just act like you were there the whole time
DeleteWell that's gunna be a pain with om being with us.
ReplyDelete*kicks repeatedly*
DeleteMove on!
ARG! Abbuuuuse!
DeleteHello hover ^^
ReplyDeleteOm. Shut the buck up.
ReplyDeleteAs you all descend the ladder, there is a loud bang from above and the trap door at the top of the ladder slams shut
ReplyDeleteI guess then we fall or what?
Deletewell damn, what is at the bottom?
DeleteLets find out. *lets go of ladder*
Delete*falls with him*
Well shoot.
ReplyDeleteNow we all fall thanks om
ReplyDeleteAs you finally reach the bottom of the ladder you notice a lone torch illuminating what appears to be some kind of winding dungeon like passage ways. there are passages to your east and north. Om lands on his head
ReplyDeletelets hug the left wall and advance
Delete*grabs torch and light's om's tail on fire.*
DeleteWhat we need light?
*knocked unconscious*
DeleteIm an unicorn, i can light the path
DeleteOwww...*rubs head* I swear om. You have not seen abuse yet. >>
ReplyDelete*kicks om in the face* GET. UP.
ReplyDelete*more unconscious*
Deletelets go then!
ReplyDelete*goes north*
heading north you come across yet another fork in the road/dungeon one to your right and one to your left. (you can try examining surroundings and stuff lol)
ReplyDeletewell, we're gonna stop here and then go left.
DeleteSo split up or stay together?
Deletewhat does this room look like?
Delete@travis, like we can
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DeleteJust asking, i say we mark which ne we take in case we walk in a circle
Deletethats why we're gonna hug the left wall
Deletebut your a unicorn, just scratch the wall or leave a sign
DeleteUgh. *lifts om onto back and starts walking with hover*
ReplyDeleteWhere am I...why is it so dark...
ReplyDeleteOh hello Princess.
ReplyDeleteYeah I don't think it's a smart move to split up...
*still drowsy* Why are there so many ponies with us...oh hello there Travis...are you still a foal? Everything is blurry...
DeleteNo that was a very clever magic trick, unicorns aren't the only ones that can use magic!
DeleteI know that but...oh illusions, I see...(I created those damned spells, well I feel idiotic now...)
Deletethe dungeon upon which you are in is very dark dank and dusty, you can feel the occasional droplets of water coming from the ceiling and can hear what sounds like rushing water coming from the left passage way. there are also what appears to be some broken crates illuminated by your torch/glowing horns
ReplyDelete>examine crates
Deleteyou find a length of rope, a stick of chewing gum, a pickaxe, and 3 bits
Delete*flutters over and examines*
Delete*eats a cookie* Does anypony else want one? I am your comic relief, huzzah!
DeleteI get the rope.
who ewants the other stuff?
steals gum from magic
DeleteI would like the gum please!
Deletewhere did you get that cookie?
Delete...cookie button.
Deleteluna, keep the gum in case we need it
Delete...Can I have the bits?
Deleteone item per pony
Deletesure *gives gum to luna*
ill take the pickaxe
Yay~ *pulls out a piece and starts chewing*
Deletewho wants the bits?
not like i see any use for them
Can I also keep the gum?
Delete*throws om at wall in an attempt to wake him up*
ReplyDeleteYour doing it wrong
Delete*picks up om and hurtles his head against crate*
(your chained to me, you throw yourself as well smart guy) XD
Deletedamn forgot
DeleteOm is best tank!
ReplyDeleteOW. *slides down wall and passes out*
ReplyDelete*picks up and puts on back*
DeleteAt this rate were getting tighter on the chains
we need to find a way to pull dead weight easily
Delete*constructs sled out of crate parts*
DeleteApplebloom would be proud that possible?
Deletetoku next clue
ReplyDeletelol im waiting for you ponys to choose a direction or examine anything lol
Deletelets go left passage
I can't choose up, can I?
DeleteHi ho!
Deletewell, a good technique to not get lost is called "hugging the left wall"
DeleteI don't hug walls...I hug ponies! *squee face, looks at everypony with open forelegs*
Deleteyou head down the left passage and towards the sound of rushing water, when you emerge upon a little platform located directly behind a gigantic waterfall
DeleteYou all get soaked
DeleteBefore Pinkie gets the chance I jump in front and taste the waterfall!
Deletewhat do you think guys?
Deleteturn around or turn around?
*turns around*
Ohhh wet manes. That's hot.
Delete>_< Not the time om! Let's jump down the waterfall-*concussion wares off* holy hay where am I...oh yes! As I was saying, jump?
Deletei got one vote for turn around and 1 for jump it
Deleteoh great
Delete*falls down waterfall*
*wakes up* hrrmm? Are we baking cupcakes...?
ReplyDelete*throws sunset off back*
great built the sled for nothing....
keep it anyways.
Deleteon these dungeons, everything's useful.
even gum
*blows bubble* Hmm?
Deletegum could work as a plastic adhesive
I thought you would say that...*hides gum in magical saddlebag*
DeleteHow far down is that waterfall?
ReplyDeleteestimation around 100ft, but theres rocks at the bottom
Deletewere still chained right?
ReplyDeleteI think Luna just nearly drowned us
Pfft we'll be fine, I used to do stuff like this before Equestria was fully populated with my sis'.
Deleteso who wants jump off the waterfal and who wants turn back
ReplyDeletethanks to luna, we are now falling
DeleteYou jump off the waterfall... and much to your surprise dont fall. it appears you are on an invisible platform
Delete*oof* Awwww...
Deleteis this real life?
Delete*trips on face*
So we going to jump of the invisible platform now?
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DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Deletethis is a huge water body.
ReplyDeletecare to describe the surroundings?
i think offically me and Luna gently float everyone down the waterfall onto the safety of the rocks
ReplyDeleteI said, "ROYAL ORDER" you know!
DeleteGood luck doing that chained to 5 other ponies and a respective amount of iron.
DeleteI'm not chained, but then again, I'm not massive either...
Deleteits a magical chain, that ties everypony present
Delete...*breaks chain off self* you were saying? I don't like chains, they make it possible to be weighed down...
Delete(the chains are a plot device, don't break them)
*breaks plot device* Oh I'm sorry fourth wall, am I in your way of EXISTING?!
Deletekinda the point >_>; but as long as theres no split ups i suppose i can let it go
DeleteI'm so confused right now. Princess. Carry me on your back. *falls asleep*
ReplyDeletetravis, give him your sled
Delete*breaks chains off of him, puts him half in saddlebag*
Delete*gives sled to hovr*
Delete*puts sled on floor, throws sunset on it, ties it to my tail*
Deletelets get moving
(no chain breaking)
I broke the chain on myself, too bad!
DeleteIt appears you are in some kind of underground hot-springs area with a large rushing river/waterfall, the invisble platform you are on turns into a steep waterslide and you all end up upside down in a pool of water
Deletewhoever's leg that is, its crushing my rib
DeleteHehe...sorry...I was having fun...
Delete*murmurs in sleep*
ReplyDeleteWere guna die.
ReplyDeleteOnly if you think we are!
DeleteDo we still have wet manes?
DeleteAnother question, are you still a foal? I don't remember curing you...
DeleteSee "*Cures om*" in the last post.
DeleteI didn't see when I reread it, but alright, I'll let it be.
DeleteWell you said heals om. But if you want I could start eating your wet mane?
DeleteOh...a boss...battle....mhmrrm...
ReplyDeleteYou all notice something incredibly odd about this underground hot springs. There seems to be an absurd amount of bananas everywhere.... which is really weird due to the fact bananas dont grow underground
DeleteI love bananas!
Delete*goes to grab one*
i got a bad feeling about this.....
Delete*eats banana in front of luna*
Delete*a voice coming from nowhere seems to say* so someone likes bananas do they
DeleteITSATRAP! *smacks out of whatever your use to grab it.*
Delete>< /) NOOOO don't do it!
Trollestia: So, do You like bananas?
Delete*spits banana*
I like pineapples more
Delete*sheepish grin*
SHOW YOUSELF*puts up hoofs and floats up
DeleteTrollestia: So do you, or do you not, like bananas?
Deletewell, does it matter? we all are ponies in here
DeleteSo you are a hmmm beee-YETCH who, may or may not like bananas?
Deletei think luna just commandeered the Dungeon master position <_< XD
Delete(I always do Tia's lines, and yes I did)
Deleteif i reply yes do i go to the moon?
DeleteI never said anything about my liking or not liking of bananas.
DeleteTrollestia: Travis, classified information. So you are a hmmm BEE-YETCH, WHO MAY OR MAY NOT LIKE BANANAS?
DeleteBananas....wet manes....yay....mmmrr...
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author. over...
ReplyDeleteWouldn't Mollestia be saying that? *noms on banana*
ReplyDeleteyou haven't seen the flash i take it?
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Deletewas talking to sunset lol
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DeleteHey Toku save us or make this worse!
ReplyDeleteLuna just stole my Dungeon Masterness lol
DeleteWell buck now I really am screwed.
DeleteI love bananas! *shoves 5 bananas in mouth*
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone else love Molestia? xD
ReplyDeleteWell, wake me up when September ends....
DeleteI made a game continution page, please move there
ReplyDeleteA flash? Nope. Is that that one that have seen everywhere but haven't actually watched?