Sunday, April 1, 2012


Dear Princess Luna,
It has been wonderful and amazing all this time in the cabinet. We shared plently of laughs, hugs, and memorable moments indeed. But as of late there have been many arguments. I just can't take it... I'm sorry, but as much as it hurts me, I must leave. There have been arguments every day, so much hate, so much fear... It's not right. This arguments are useless and shouldn't have happen. I understand the importance of sharing your opinion, but this has gone too far. We're all friends here, we should be able to say something without breaking into a fight. The Lunar Cabinet just wasn't the way it was back then, back when there was no problems and we all enjoyed each other's company. I'm truly sorry everypony, but I must go... May our paths cross someday...

Your Faithful Student,
Flare Sparkle


  1. Even if it is, its still quite a bad joke to pull...

  2. There's... no way. Just no way. It's seriously impossible. Just... no.

    Listen Flare, if this is a joke, it isn't funny. Seriously. Even Pinkie came back!

    Come on, man. Say it's a lie. Please, just... conveniently pop up and say april fools or something. It's not lurking. I won't say it is anymore! I don't know what happened last night, but every storm ends. Every thorny rose has a sweet, conforting scent. Every salty ocean is full of delicious fish. Every evil person has at least one good deed to reflect upon. And if you go, it won't stop the fighting. If you truly care about us, then the easiest way to solve a problem is with your hands!

    Please say that this IS a cruel joke. Nomatter what we'll forgive you. Making the blog was you're idea. You and Luna brought a special bond and to some a new meaning to an otherwise lonely
    Or scared
    Or depressed
    Or alchoholic
    Or unwanted
    Or unneeded group of people who needed something in common. And even if you only don't like certain people, does that make it right to abandon everyone? And are you even concidering others own personal struggles? I don't know what happened yesterday, but I do know that I have a friend. He's a pony named Flare. He's a great poet... and an aspiring musician. He's always nice to everypony or person he meets. And he's to strong to ever lose faith in any of his friends. And until he comes home... he's not you.


    1. I agree Vic, not a good thing no matter the viewpoint. Come on Flare I know its hard to stay, but its good to be here come on back we all have!

  3. ._. This is an april foals joke...RIGHT???

  4. Huh. Anyway, it WAS a funny joke. But if I were a member of The Cabinet, and NOT your best friend, then I would be sad. And yes, I've heard of ALLLLLLLL the fights, blah, blah, blah. Thank you for your time, Flare
