Friday, April 27, 2012

Lunar Cabinet #79

Have a really early Lunar Cabinet! The wedding is near, and I'm sure everypony can't wait! I can't! It'll be a day we'll never forget, a very special day. I'm so happy I'm fit to explode. Now, let me talk about being present at the wedding. I will try my best. I would not miss this wedding. The same goes for anypony that may not attend the wedding. The only problem is the dreaded wifi. It loves to glitch out. What's worse, my Dad turns it off. Once he makes up his mind, there is no changing it back. Let's hope for the best everypony, and make this a grand wedding! I do apologize in advance if anything happens. I'm sorry... Celebration time!


  1. ...I already missed the first off-Skype RP in a while and I have quite literally no human friends nor equine ones up at this hour. I am going to craft usual...(28/????? and forever alone...)

  2. Replies
    1. It's soon! But we still have to prepare for the wedding!

  3. I'll try my best to be there, and spike that punch bowl HARD!!! (The non-alcoholic one XD)
