Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Time Flows Different For All.

My computer is no longer in order. As such, things haven't been the best for me. I know I have not shown on the site for very long, and have attended the Skype less as well. As I was on the floor quite literally driving myself insane, among the racing numbers I was staring at while attempting to fix my computer through replacing its hard drive with another, I saw this site while I failed file transferring my chrome bookmarks and crashed. I cannot download Skype due to my phone overloading and crashing when I attempt it on my Ipwn. I am also working for...I can't tell you, why did I start that sentence...anyways, a last letter for now, and I hope that I see the light of the surface sometime soon, however ironic for my character. Speaking of which, before I go for potential weeks to months, seeing as I am out in the open now, what Luna did I initially intend to base myself on? I'll give the answer upon return. A clue, 3\/3R¥ 3rd 13773R -- ashsjalvzefusvkyeixe


  1. Awww. Well I bet there are other ways we can talk.

    1. Lucky I caught this, I'm departing tonight (as in phone goes off after this). I would like to explain myself better upon return, so please excuse me for now. If I can get a signal where I'm going, I'll be sure to get here first, ok?

    2. Buuuu- I swear I checked this earlier! Do you have an email or something? Really sorry this is so late...

    3. Honestly, I'm quite late myself...Anyways, I would like to know what has come to pass since my seemingly eternal departure, so leave that here for me as soon as possible.

  2. Hmm...Quite curious indeed. But, good luck princess, may you have the stars by your side.

  3. I don't know if any of you will get this, but I've hit hard times recently.
    I want you all to know I still think about you from time to time, but...
    its hard. I don't really want to talk about it at the moment, but someone else I love died earlier this summer. It's sucked, but I am currently staying with a relitive, and trying to get over it.
    I love you all very much.
    It's not often I get internet acess, but I'm glad I spent it on you.
    With great love,
