Thursday, January 31, 2013

Ceeeelaaaabrate good time C'mon!

No reason not to do this. HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY CABINET! Even though you're virtually ded, a few of us have stood the test of a short attention span. Some of us I scared off, some cant take a hint and some I still love. So good for you Cabinet! Your life was short blog wise, but O so valuable. And may those who occasionally peek back at this visage of a group. Remember we are still alive. And we will have your cake, and eat it too.


  1. O,0 Haven't used this face in awhile...
    It's good to know that you guys at least managed to keep your necks out this long.
    Meanwhile... I'm living life now, one cousin shorter.

    God d*mn it's been awhile... I think it's time you and I had a one-on-one Om.

    I'm online again. XD
    And sporting a sweet-*ss Chromebook to boot! >,0 It doesn't get skype I don't think... It won't handle it on facebook. I chat via Google+ mostly.

    If you're online right now, (Given YOUR *ss-backward waking hours,XD) then shoot me a quick text message, or email.

    Email would be easier, as I'm going to hide my number in a puzzle now, like so:


    Hint: My number is from the state of Ohio. More specifically, the greater Cleveland area, but not Cleveland or most of it's inner suburbs.

    If you just sit there and say, "F*ck that noise," Here's my email:

    Hope to hear from you!

    1. You know I'm bad at math! Don't do that to meeeee ;A;

  2. I feel awful now, I forgot to mention we made a complete Skype switch...
