Hey, guys. I hope you're all still alive and well. I don't know what made me do it or why, but I decided to come back and check this place out again. I know it's been years and years and we're a dramatically different people, but I've come to find that to be the sad reality of the world we live in. Much like our outward, more adventurous universe is just a black mass of void and stars that continuously explodes onward to existence from the epicenter of histories greatest explosion, our world, and thusly our individual universes take us in that same direction. If this blog was our epicenter, it seems surreal to have exploded out so far from it in what feels like such a short time. It was like a seed sprouting in a timelapsed video. Now, I've sprouted petals and am curious as to where I came from. I guess that curiosity led me back here. I wonder what happened to all of my friends in the Lunar Cabinet. If any of you want to contact me, I suggest you do so at my email address, theoontko@gmail.com. Hit me up, sometime. It'll be neat to hear from you all.
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