Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Time Flows Different For All.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Lunar Cabinet #88
Winter is chilly,
It's cold and heartless,
Hard as ice and determined to freeze you.
It'll plow you in,
Suck you deep,
And stop you in your tracks.
In the quiet morning,
Where the snow piles quietly,
In the afternoon where the snow seems to glow,
In the night where the snow rages on
In a harsh whirlwind of a storm,
One can find true warmth in the heart.
But winter is not all as it seems.
Cold and indifferent,
But it has true beauty.
The snow sparkles and shines,
Under the warm guidance of the sun.
The ice reflects who you are,
Reminding you that it matters not who you are.
Everything has some good in it.
Even winter,
Who snarls and bites you at freezing temperatures,
It reflects what something small
Can grow big.
And the way it sparkles,
How pretty it is,
How the snow falls like chimes in harmony.
Fun in the snow,
Ice skating in ice,
Warm laughters,
Winter is truly a paradise.
It's a cold season,
But we definitely greet it with warm hugs.
It reminds us how cold the world is,
But it's still good and has beautiful things in it.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Lunar Cabinet #87
Time Paradox
Time is constantly moving.
It keeps balance,
Holds history, destiny, and faith.
It's the past, present, and future.
Time is what is now.
Whatever is happening,
Whatever is to remember,
To look forward to,
It's time.
The foundation and tale of history,
It was all built through time.
Time has a glorious tale to tell.
Of all it's happenings,
It's victories,
memorable moments,
and tearful events.
It's an endless chapter.
But what if you controlled time?
What if you time traveled?
What if you relived and saw the past?
What if you foresaw the future?
You see...
Time traveling can be quite interesting.
You have all of history right in front of you.
To see those moments again,
To know what's coming,
Oh, time is indeed amazing.
Despite the consciences,
The danger of messing with time.
The risk of being in tangled in endless struggles, clashes, and predicaments,
Possible forgotten memory,
Broken ties,
Long forgotten secrets,
Who wouldn't seek that chance?
You have the power,
Yes to manipulate,
But to change and save.
Re-shelf history back in it's place,
Save those in need.
When history alters,
Time paradox takes place.
A space filled with time and mass never meant to exist,
Yet it's there.
Hanging between reality and dream,
It all leads to time.
But when altering time,
Some things may be forgotten,
Non existence
Because of something,
Are you ready to accept that?
Time has complicated ties,
Anything could happen
When it's messed with,
Good or bad.
Time traveling, paradoxes, manipulation.
It sounds crazy,
Crazy, but fun.
And most certainly real.
It's hard to believe,
But if you ever come across the doctor,
Then you'll know.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Lunar Cabinet #86 Mystery's One Last Clue
Everything has a meaning, a purpose.
Life is a mystery,
You'll never know what you're going to find or what's going to hit you.
It's what makes it exciting,
Curiosity, knowledge, the feeling of knowing and finding out.
Analyzing, digging deep,
Small things can lead to big.
Sometimes some things are better left unsaid,
Some things were never meant to be discovered, some things shouldn't have been probed.
Despite the danger,
The risk,
No mystery is ever finished unsolved.
It's always solved, taken care of,
Because the truth always creeps up to you.
Nothing can stop it,
Face it,
Believe it.
Accept it.
It's nature.
But in a mystery, that one last clue can make the difference.
It's the last piece of the puzzle, the hint of a great discovery.
That one last clue is the key,
To an amazing secret,
To knowledge,
To truth.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Friday, May 4, 2012
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Adventure RP: Hosted by your Princess of the Moon.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Monday, April 30, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Plink Plank Plunk
It's as simple as that.
Three sounds, three strings,
Each is no different.
Together they harmonize as one true melody,
Each cannot exist without the other.
Plink Plank Plunk, it has that sound, that ring, that feeling,
That all you need to do is Plink Plank Plunk!
But each one represents something different.
Plank, the lowest of them all,
The pitch mourns,
It represents all the despair,
The sadness, the misery, the chill,
It even shows the coldness of winter,
The mellowness of a calm morning,
The mysteriousness of a foggy day,
Plank, when you hear it,
You'll get that feeling.
Plink, short and sweet,
Just like things in life.
Savor the moment,
Get a plink of it.
Plunk, sometimes seriousness is what it takes,
There's a time for foolishness,
A time to joke around,
And there's a time to get serious all around,
But there's always a time for music.
Plink Plank Plunk!
It's simple really, nothing too complicated.
Plink Plank Plunk!
Pluck those strings, like you really mean it.
Plink Plank Plunk!
Sometimes it's a plank, but as long as you pluck with a plink, you'll be fine, no plunk here!
Friday, April 27, 2012
Lunar Cabinet #79
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Roll to Pony
If it has been a while and someone has not submitted a turn, I take control, most likely making you do nothing. Results table:
1: Crippling failure. Not only did you not succeed at what you were doing, but some other unfortunate side-effects occurred! ooooooh
2: Failure. You didn't succeed at what you were doing at all.
3: Meager failure. You very nearly succeeded, but you didn't. Them's the breaks.
4: Meager success. You barely scratched your way through whatever it was you were doing.
5: Success. Good job! You made your momma proud.
6: Intense Success. You so completely dominated whatever it was you were doing that no one can possibly predict what will happen now. It could be spectacular or terrible. But it will almost certainly be hilarious.
All of that handles all of the uncontested checks. If you try to do something that is opposed, such as combat, or stealing from someone, or anything that involves some other living thing that might not want you to do it, then I simply roll dice for both of you and decide who wins. Anything you do that would require even a little bit of concentration or effort requires a roll. Casual speech and normal movement does not require a roll, for instance. Trying to improvise a poem on the spot requires a roll, as does dancing. Physics is altogether questionable, but is still somewhat in place. For instance, unless you're a pegasus or know a flying spell, you can never fly, no matter how high you roll. Etc.
========CHARACTER CREATION========
Simply post the following.
Name: what yer name is
Race: Earth Pony, Unicorn, Pegasus. Cutie Mark: What it is, and what your special talent is. Can/May provide bonuses. My discretion. Description: Whachoo look-a like. Personality. Roleplaying crap.
========OTHER THINGS TO KNOW======== Race matters. Pegasus: y'all can fly. Normal flight doesn't require a roll.
Unicorn: Telekinesis.
Range: within reason, I decide what's 'reasonable'. You can let yourself have some other kind of magic, if you make it your cutie mark. If it's overpowered, I'll make it /very/ easy to fail. Twilight fucks spells up all the time.
Earth Pony: y'all are dependable. Y'all have a 33% chance for +1 on your roll. If y'all get a +1, y'all don't have to worry about negative effects from rolling a 6.
Cutie mark matters.
Basically the adventure is different for everypony playing. It moves in rounds. Everyone gets responded to in one post. O,0 Good luck~ Round 1 begins tonight at 7. Please post the Oc's you'll be playing with below. There is a health system btw. You'll see soon enough.
Good luck! O,0/)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Lunar Cabinet #78
I'm sorry, but the Lunar Cabinet is MINE now. Ahahahahaha!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Monday, April 9, 2012
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Lunar Cabinet #71
Discord's Revenge
Discord has returned.
With more chaos than one can imagine.
The return, the revenge.
The one we all know,
The bringer of chaos, destruction, and confusion.
He who manipulates, controls, and mesmerized.
The one who's determined,
To crack your mind.
With chocolate rain,
Soapy streets
And the world turning upside down,
One only knows that he has returned.
Wherever he goes he corrupts,
Nothing makes sense,
You can't trust him.
One word brings forth:
Here and there eveywhere,
Crazy as far as one can imagine.
Battle after battle,
Two sides clash.
A struggle for power,
Sacrifises along the way,
Intense and raged,
Panic and stricken,
Only one thought bores on their head,
That siginifises Victory.
They have to win,
For if they lose,
Equestria will fall and never will be the same.
All hope seems lose but never give up,
The tide may be turned against you
But you can do it.
Who will win?
The Elements of Harmony and it's bearers have arrived,
To take down Discord,
Who has implied:
"Nothing can stop me,
You can't stop chaos.
Go ahead and try,
But make no mistake,
I'm here to stay, and chaos, I will lay."
An epic battle emerges,
The Mane 6 against Discord.
The battle rages on,
He corrupst their minds, breaking their spirit,
He almost prevails
But the power of friendship always wins,
The most powerful and amazing of them all,
Friendship can do anything.
With one strike of the Elements,
Discord goes down,
Heavy as a stone, barely budging,
He leaves one message:
"I will return."
Saturday, April 7, 2012
New Poll
Cabinet Vacation- spring break update 1⅝
You may have noticed that with the begining of spring break, my scedule is still quite hectic. I just left my goodbye party.
And why you ask?: Because... we're going to Florida.
You may also wonder why I said 'We'.
Well, I figure since you can't all come, I'll do the next best thing:
I'll make a post to make it seem as much like you're seeing florida with your friend Vicky as I possibly can! Enjoy the moon!
The plane rides tomorrow. Get some sleep! ^,^
After about 2 hours of consciousness, the lunar cabinet makes their way to flight deck A2 in Cleveland. After about 5 minutes, they we're assued their seat partner's were annoyed with them.
They fluttered in and out of sleep. All except Victor, because his favorite movie was on. Spoiling the ending for his seat partner ironicly only acheaved a new friend. Once the day is done, you head to Quaker steak and lube because Vic is already home sick, and call it a night.
Usual Cabinet activity stirs.
As the day moves by, Victor goes of to buy frivolous things. Om stays inside due to his incoherent fear of sunlight. Flare and Sunny chill by the pool. Travis almost gets in a fight with the douchebag neibor and the girls all think we're idiots. ((Especially Luna.))
As hilarity continues, Victor is upset when he finds said douche tied up in his closet. They all get over it and join together to watch Scott Pilgrim. There is the expected criticism and argument with said criticism and by the end of the day,
(This post will be continuously updated until we arive home, at the end of Spring Break.)
((Also my depression has worsened of late. If you guys feel like you wanna spread love my way, you can leave me a PM on skype. I promise I'll return it the next time I'm online.))

Friday, April 6, 2012
Lunar Cabinet #70
1000 Years
1000 years, it's a long time...
1000 years of pain, suffering, and sadness.
No hope, just vast expanse of darkness,
Nopony there, no comfort, no love.
All I done, the night carries on,
Does anypony think it's worth a sight?
1000 years to think what there is to be,
So many time, all in one place.
Yet surprisingly, just one single drop of tear,
Made it all feel better.
Anger and bitterness,
Sway after another,
Through my mind I slowly go,
More and more everyday.
How long can I stay sane?
No, I promise when I return...
The night will rise...
No regret, no emotion.
Just one thought,
Nightmare Moon.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Blue Blur Post #0
Confused? I'll explain everything later, got some work to do at the moment and procrastination gets the best of me. XD
Also, these posts will be made with the help of the members here at the Lunar Cabinet, they just probably won't know they are, ti'l they see the post...pretty secretive, huh? Catch you all later!
- Sonic The Stallion
By the way, check out something I edited in my Web Design class~

Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Victor is bored. —.--
This is what I do~
This is what I do~
This is what I do when I'm bored.
This is what I do~
This is what I do~
This is what I do when I'm bored.
Now I ain't got
alot to do
So I'ma share a
Rhyme with you.
Now I sit
and I pray
I'm not dead by
the end of the day.
The day's so slow
I dunno,
I could have a drink or maybe put on a show.
But if I manage
Or find a way to stay awake,
I'll be chillin' and killin' it out on spring break!
So I'll be spittin'
Lame rhymes at you.
That's right, I'm bored. AS SIN.
So I decided to post a bunch of stupid things I decided to do rather than advance my public school education.
How ya doin' cabinet? XD
Let's try to start a Daytime Convo be-low!
And here's a list of sites I visit when I'm bored:
www.gaiaonline.com (add me! :3 Garmethian)
And remember:
... Nevermind! O,0

Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Lunar Cabinet #69
Monday, April 2, 2012
Phone troubles.
For those it may concern, due to unforseen events, a brick wall attacked my phone. I now, must obtain a new one. XD I'm going to go do that now, actually. I won't be back online for alittle while, so please enjoy this drawing of Perfect Victory.
Peace! O,0

Sunday, April 1, 2012
Lunar Cabinet #67
It has been wonderful and amazing all this time in the cabinet. We shared plently of laughs, hugs, and memorable moments indeed. But as of late there have been many arguments. I just can't take it... I'm sorry, but as much as it hurts me, I must leave. There have been arguments every day, so much hate, so much fear... It's not right. This arguments are useless and shouldn't have happen. I understand the importance of sharing your opinion, but this has gone too far. We're all friends here, we should be able to say something without breaking into a fight. The Lunar Cabinet just wasn't the way it was back then, back when there was no problems and we all enjoyed each other's company. I'm truly sorry everypony, but I must go... May our paths cross someday...
Your Faithful Student,
Flare Sparkle
The Great and Powerful Trixie!
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Lunar Cabinet #66
Lala, lalalala~
Who would have thought?
Two compeletly different ponies.
Two views, two sides.
Joining together in harmony.
One shy, quiet, and contempt.
One rash, fast, and upbeat.
Two together as one.
A perfect slice to a whole.
A perfect pair, forever to be at each other's side.
It's love at a glance.~
It was always meant to be,
Nothing could stop thee,
Love is a poweful thing.
One look, one quick glance,
Is what it all took,
For that love to blossom forth.
How could you say no,
There's only one answer and that's
Yes, I love you.
It's love at a glance.~
The first time I saw you,
My mind was hazy.
I didn't know what to feel,
What to say,
Except to say that I really love you.
It's love at a glance~
Your fast and swift movements,
You make my heart run fast.
Whenever I see you,
I feel I can overtake anything.
It's love at a glance~
You're shy appearance,
Makes my heart melt.
You're simply divine,
The one for me, and I'm for you.
What you don't say,
I understand than anypony else.
Cause you're always there.
What you've been through,
Must have been awful, tragic, and
Most of all a struggle.
In school and in family,
I feel your pain,
Ad I just want to tell you I understand.
Wish I could help, besides just giving my love, but whatever happens I'll always be there for you.
What makes me really happy is that
You trust me, that you'll say what's on your mind.
I'll help you, in anyway I can.
It's love at a glance~
1-I love him no matter what barriers present themselves.
He is everything, my all.
No matter what, I'll always trust you,
Love you and care.
It's not that complicated,
What I'm trying to say, is that
I love you.
It's love at a glance~
Truly a pair,
Truly one kind.
Love, that's everlasting.
It can be quick or it can be long.
One thing's for sure though.
Shy and Sonic:
I'll love you forever.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
A day in Vic's shoes #1
A lone teenager is standing outside the nurse's office. His blonde and brown hair is covered by an old, black beanie cap. It's obvious he is only patient with people, as his frustration with the wait is hidden by his polite tone with the nurse. As he leans against the wall of his conjoined school, a middle school child approaches. Things like these are common in his small Ohio town, children just talking to strangers all willie-nillie. Things like that make him chuckle warmly to himself. Every town has it's charms...
Boy: I know it's cold, but you shouldn't cross your legs like that.
Vic suddenly realizes he had crossed his legs while leaning. It's funny, but for some reason, only to him.
Vic: Why not?
Boy: It constricts your blood-flow. You only think you're warm.
Vic: Maybe sometimes it's better to think you're warm than to be warm, kid.
Boy: How so?
Vic: It means you're strong enough to face the cold and press on, rather than giving up and hoping for warmth.
Boy: ...Mr. are you high?
Vic: Who says Mr. anymore? >,0 Get to class, champ.
Vic heads into the nurse's office with a small cough. He loves messing with kids like that. It makes him feel mature.
The kid scampers off to class, and Vic grabs a coffee on his way to the High School. He laughs. The kid from earlier drew a picture on his cup.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Track meet tonight! O,0
I'll be super late tonight... sorry...
But here's hoping I run hard, yeah?
Go Pirates!
XD we do sports.