It has been a week since Derpy became an official pony. Celebration! It's wonderful and amazing that our first official link which was Derpy, became from being an animation error to a now full fledged background pony. Thank you to Hasbro and all the others who work hard for us. We truly appreciate! Hooray for ponies! I can't wait for the new episode tomorrow!
I'll be back everypony!
ReplyDeleteOh yea tomorrow is Saturday.... Woohoo!
ReplyDeleteI'll just stumble on in.
ReplyDeleteRather lonely...
ReplyDeleteLots of ponies gone today.
DeleteI noticed
DeleteNice profile picture by the way.
DeleteThanks. Sorry if I'm responding slow, I'm on Bronystate, here, and Steam.
DeleteNa, your not. I just playing skyrim while derping around on the interwebs.
DeleteI'm here! and still also at bronystate, with Armyleg!
DeleteLooks like it's just the three of us.
ReplyDeleteLuna makes 4 :O
ReplyDeleteNever mind, the 3P1C /\/\0\/13 is starting...
ReplyDeleteI will return later!
DeleteI've seen it enough to not really pay attention.
DeleteGood, and I will keep stabbing things in the back. XD
DeleteIf TF2 will work on my dusty old computer, I'll be doing some backstabbing as well!
DeleteYussss, I have not played any TF2, always wanted to pick it up. And I haven't yet heh.
DeleteI have it on console, but I keep hearing PC is much better. Free too.
DeleteFree it goooood.
DeleteI'll tell you how it is if it works.
DeleteCoolio. I think I am going to go mash some potatoes.
DeleteShow no mercy to those foul spuds!
DeleteThey stood not a chance, my mashing skill was too high!
DeleteYour mashing skill has increased to 74!
DeleteBaa-dadadaaaaaa~ *om obtained, Mashed potatoes!*
DeleteAnd of course, You'll need those to beat the dungeon's boss.
DeletePffft that dragon can wait I, am hungry. *omnomnom*
DeleteIt may be ramen time for me. I'll be back in a few minutes.
DeleteRamen is good too, although it varies brand to brand.
DeleteMaruchan picante chicken with added soy and sriracha sauce!
DeleteSounds good.
DeleteI'm here! Though I don't think anyone's on anymore...I went to a Five Below and to my pony-merch-hunting surprise they had glow-in-the-dark ponies! They only had two Rainbow Dashs left, though. Sadly no Pinkie. I took both of them. Hahaha
ReplyDeleteNow I just gotta check the one beside my mall.
Pony merch is best merch.
DeleteWelcome back! So far it's just been me and om...
DeleteI just love running through stores hunting down any rare pony merch you can find.
ReplyDeleteI would too if I had money or a job to get some XD
DeleteMoney is the bane of my existence.
DeleteAw. They aren't glow in the dark. Oh well. They're crystal ponies. Still awesome.
ReplyDeleteYou should send us a picture of them :o
DeleteThey were $5 each. That's how much the regular figures are. I was kinda mad. I throw all my bits at ponies, anyway so who cares? And I can't. I wish I had an iPod 4G so bad. I often see stuff I'd love to post here. I only have a 3G.
ReplyDeleteIsn't there a way to send pictures from your phone to your e-mail?
DeleteIt's funny. I recalled this one brony encounter when I was sitting in Chipotle with a friend and I had my RD shirt on. This tall guy, about late 20s' with slicked back hair said "Hey man." I looked and he pulled the Pinkie crystal pony out of his pocket and showed it to me. I squeed like crazy. We couldn't talk, though. He had to go back to work :0
ReplyDeleteNo. I don't have a phone, and iPod 3Gs don't have a camera like 4G does. My iPod is pretty much my computer.
ReplyDeleteNaw darn, well I suppose Google image search is next best thing.
DeleteI have a 3G too... So nothing to take pictures with? then could you at least show us what they look like with an online picture?
DeleteLooks better in person.
DeletePretty cool.
ReplyDeleteFuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. is down.... And i was guna read. :'(
ReplyDeleteDown as in like, maintenance, or down like these stupid bills that are popping up and making me rage?
DeleteDown as in some jerk tried to hack the site. *sob*
DeleteAt least it will be back sometime. Until then...
DeleteYeah. I got one for my friend, too. As a good friend and also because I read his short fic on his iPhone when he wasn't looking in gym. Causing him to tackle me and us to land on the ground while he's trying to take the iPhone from me. He then deleted the whole story. He said it was my fault he had to do that. Hahaha
ReplyDeleteI feel really shy about what I make or play. Especially in band. I generally don't play anything I make up in front of people, and I don't think i'd ever be able to show someone if i made a fanfic're being so out of your character right now. Please keep at it. xD
ReplyDeleteI didn't see any point in role playing right now so. yea.
DeleteOh, so you are actually normal? *grin*
ReplyDeleteNot in the slightest. lol. But I can RP good, when I want to.
DeleteWtf do you RP as? Ombutescentdin the Mystical?
Delete*shrug* I don't know. I just winged it.
DeleteAlrighty then
DeleteYea I saw everyone was quite nice ponies. So I decided to contrast it.
DeleteNormal? Here? pfft
ReplyDeleteHoly crap. It's ok, right!? I swear if some anti screwed up the site, I'm going to flip.
ReplyDeleteI'm back! You already saw me though Armyleg!
ReplyDeleteIndeed! But welcome back nonetheless.
DeleteThank you. Now that I have nopony brushing my was only half brushed, so only one half is straight. Would anypony do the honors?
DeleteProbably just some /b/tard who think's he's cool.
ReplyDeleteYes, that's why he was mad. He said Sunset was in it, though. So I really wanted to read it. I only got through half. I hope it wasn't shipping...xD
ReplyDeleteI wrote a fic which I REALLY need to type and send to my editor, and I want as many people to read it, even if it is a screwed up grimdark.
I still haven't tried fanfics. I'm still trying to find a good Stephen King to read for now.
ReplyDeleteIf I could suggest to you a first fan fic. Interview with a Princess. Is a good one shot fic.
DeleteI'll look it up sometime soon.
DeleteHello, Princess!
ReplyDeleteActually...I'd love to be in a shipfic. It'd be really interesting to tell the truth.
ReplyDelete*sigh* at the time I was secretly angry typing it if you didn't catch the tone somewhere in there, I have to make some revisions anyways, I'll start with this and wait for complaints. haven't read any fic!? I've read over 50. I'm sooo obsessed with them. You don't even know.
ReplyDeleteWell, the last time I brushed your mane I nearly murdered you and ate you. So I wouldn't suggest I do it.
ReplyDeleteB-but...I'm not curing you until after the trip tomorrow...
DeleteIt seems like suddenly all my time has been balanced between homework, band, and ponies. Especially ponies.
ReplyDeleteMine is NOT balanced. Its Ponies and sleeping most days.
DeleteYou sound more obsessed with equines than Celly is with humans...
DeleteBalanced being 50% ponies, 30% band, and 20% homework.
DeleteWell my day is 5% what I want, 15% of half-peaceful eating,30% dealing with snobby royal court ponies, and 50% dealing with my sister's shenanigans...
DeleteWell, ponies has officially screwed with my life's schedule. I say ponies has instead of poinies have, because I am not talking about individual ponies, but rather everything as a whole.
DeleteI have sports, piano, social life, sleep, school, you name it! But ponies has taken over.
They say that you can only get two of these three things in college- Enough sleep, good grades, and a social life. Yeah, well, ponies has taken all three of those from me.
I've seen some of your comment's on EqDaily. i'm guessing you're a music major?
DeleteI'm not inn college.....
DeleteI haven't even graduated high school yet, lol.
Anyways, the reason I haunt EqD is because of the post of friends similar to this whole thing.
basically we jusy fill posts with comments, being good buddies and all
My day is all ponies with maybe a dash of friends, manga, and anime. And all that time, music.
ReplyDeleteAnime is another thing I've been picking up slowly. Mostly Trigun and Fullmetal Alchemist.
DeleteDefinitely pony music. Although I'm kind of picky with, but I'm up to 41 songs downloaded.
DeleteMy friend likes Trigun, and I hate FMA.
ReplyDeleteI'm an otaku, so I have 100+ volumes of manga and a large shelf of anime. I'm mostly into moe and comedy. But I love all the classics like Eva or Cowboy Bebop.
I need my mane's too weird having half straight and half frizzed up somewhat wavy hair...too bad it isn't its nice mellifluous bio-luminescent dazzling landscape of darkness as it was...
ReplyDeleteOkay, Princess. I'll brush your mane. *starts to brush mane*
ReplyDeleteThaaaaaaaankkk yooouuu.......*drowzy and mumbling things*
DeleteI am afraid no matter how much I would love to that would be far to out of om's character.
Delete*muttering* yes, banishment seems reasonable...
Delete*bead of sweat* Oh my.
Delete*muttering* of course, if we want night and she wants's gonna happen...don't be silly, the moon?
DeleteI may have to return to character if this keeps pace....
DeletePonies don't cut much into my social life concidering 80% of my friends are bronies. Most of which converted by me.
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to convert people when they only look for violence in it. But in any case I have about 12 episodes on my iPod for whenever I get the chance!
DeletePonies don't cut much into my social life concidering 80% of my friends are bronies. Most of which converted by me.
ReplyDelete*eyes snap open bright yellow and snaked, levitates Pinkie upside down and disintegrates gum*
ReplyDeleteWell, I hang out with weird, openminded people, so I guess that's why it was pretty easy.
ReplyDeleteUsually if they want something action-y I go with Fluttershy's adorable little bear beat down.
Delete*half-conscious muttering* I used to know some ponies who were like that...the names are far out of my mind now...but I long was it since...
DeleteI think I'm going to go cower in that corner now...
Delete*muttering* I think I hear... a squirrel...
DeletePrincess...please don't...
ReplyDelete*muttering* What you say? You have no chance for cookies, make some cereal...
DeleteIf all you want out of MLP is violence, you're pretty much a stereotypical boy. That's pretty much why I hate guys so much. And prissy girls are pain to my ears.
ReplyDeleteI think the term you're looking for is our generation.
DeleteWell good news is it can all change.
Delete"You can't fix stupid." -Ron White (not that I'm really a fan of him)
Delete*deadpan* A bullet seems to be a reliable cure.
DeleteI just don't see how things like SOPA and today's "musicians" can come up without a bit of added stupid.
Deletehmmmm, yea.
DeleteNot to mention reality TV
Delete*rubs temples* uhhhhg.
DeletePrincess...snap out of it! *lightly smacks face*
I...see...A DEAD PONY...
Delete*crawls further into the corner and whimpers
Delete(must...resist...) What brew? (nonoNONO DON'T EVEN ASK YOU IDIOT! >/)< )
ReplyDeleteUm...why is there a stampede of girls coming into my house...
ReplyDelete2012 came early.
DeleteNever mind...I'm retiring to bed now so I can wake up in the morning instead, goodnight everypony...
DeleteGood night, my Princess of the Moon.
Delete*shakes the Princess*
...goodnight Princess...
ReplyDeleteAlrighty! TF2 is done downloading, so I'm going to see if it will run. Be back in a bit!
ReplyDeleteI wish you lucks!
DeleteWhy is it that whenever I join into the meeting there are a lot more comments following after?
ReplyDelete*shrug* I dunno.
DeleteWith comments, the more, the merrier!
DeleteSo true. *nod*
ReplyDeleteHoly crap. Just remembered new episode tomorrow...
*sets alarm clock*
When dose it air?... I am on the east coast. Soooooo
Deleteim just gonna wait for the 1080p youtube upload
Deleteso...... much...... pain...... @_@
ReplyDeleteWhat? Why?
Deletelifted too much weight and have a homework induced headache
DeleteYea, homework.... I don't have that anymore. Now I am just saving up for collage.
Deletedefinitely worth putting some hours at a job and bringing some money
DeleteUhg yes, money.
DeleteWait...if all these girls are staying here, then they'll sleep in TV no pony in the morning...FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU
ReplyDeleteToku...please update History...
ReplyDeleteAnd why are you in pain?
i'll have the history updated sometime around tomorrow morning, I have to big a headache to really concentrate on anything tonight
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing I'm the youngest blog author/admin/pony here.
ReplyDeleteDon't really matter. Physical maturate is a long way from a good way to judge a development of a pony.
DeleteJust saiyan I feel kind of weird when you guys start talking about college. Like, I don't even know if I'll get there. I'm really failing...
ReplyDeleteNah I sucked at High School. But there are so many things I want to know now that I am not forced to learn. Its an odd sensation.
DeletePonies have actually helped some with my work, but not much. I bring one of my Pinkie figures in my jacket pocket everyday for good luck and I sometimes clutch her and sing her songs in my head to encourage me to work...
ReplyDeleteYea, next time I get money I can use I want to buy a pony toy. But it will just have to wait, eh?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteNope just two shirts.
DeleteAw you dun have any yet? I have all the mane six, four of the McDonald's toys, an Applejack and Pinkie, a Sweetie Belle and now my crystal RD.
ReplyDeleteAnd if you ever get them, be sure to style their hair. They look terrible out of the box.
What are they? I have the two from HT with RD "this shirt just got 20 percent cooler" and the RD BRONY one.
ReplyDeleteI realllllly need to get one from WLF...
Same ones. They were on sail, and its hard to resist a pony sale.
DeleteHaha my mom bought me the brony one for Christmas and I got the 20% one myself a long time ago.
ReplyDeleteI really want to get one of the Welovefine shirts, but that will definitely have to wait lol
DeleteI have $25 and I want to get one with a friend since then we don't have to pay for shipping, but none of my friends have money yet.
ReplyDeleteMoney is always lurking, just waiting to be a problem lol.
DeleteLivestream time...
ReplyDeleteOh man... i tottaly feel like pinkie right now. I had to watch these kids all night. Crazy. O.0
ReplyDeleteIts ok though, kuz i got to watch a bunch of ponies. How is everypony?
if they are still up.
-.- and now my friends are unconscious and its 629. Babysitting officially sucks hardcore.
DeleteSorry Victory. I got tired.
DeleteThey think im a street preformer.