My orchestra in school had a new piece of music known as An Irish Party in Third Class. So I decided to write a poem about it, and ponify it!
An Irish Party in Third Class, can you not see?
Tables shake, chairs tip over,
As everypony dances atop the tables.
They debate if they should bake,
Raising apple cider in the air.
Amusing eh?
It's an Irish Party in Third Class!
They fly through the air,
performing each other's movement.
Hooves tap, cider in the air,
It's a wonderful time!
They dance night and day,
Never stopping, never skipping a beat.
Tis a sight, dancing merryment!
It's the Irish Party in Third Class! Hoh!
Your school has more than one band?
ReplyDeleteMine sucks, we can't think of anything do we took the local state university's and changed maybe a note
ReplyDeleteMine is starting to get better, but usually high school bands are more entertaining because they have more room to move and aren't just for crowd-pleasing. Unless you're talking concert. Usually the colleges have that better.
DeleteI think they try but even the pep rally's are not fun anymore.
DeleteThink I'll listen to some tunes on my iPod while on it
I'm lucky enough to have a band director that knows what he's doing. Makes performance really fun. Even at boring pep rallies and football games.
DeleteLol nice. Im guessing the cider is beer?
ReplyDeleteI believe you are beckoning the pink one...
ReplyDeleteBum bum buuum
ReplyDeleteAnd I just locked up the wine Celler....
ReplyDeleteGood afternoon Pinkie Pie! this may be a recipe for death...but...*hands her a small cider*
ReplyDeleteWell goodnight everypony! Sorry if I can't make the meeting today, I may come in every now and then! Have some business to attend to!
ReplyDeleteTis a celebration!
*raises apple cider*
DeleteSee ya later then Flare
Bye bye~
DeleteDoes tho knowith what tho hath done?
ReplyDeleteOh...that is...odd...well I am too small now to have any at all, with the magical disease recently...I may have lost a couple...or more...years...*sets cider on the table*
ReplyDeleteWell goodnight flare!
ReplyDeleteAnd hi everypony else!
Delete*listining to music*
Oh not much. I will have to go to bed early today though because school starts tomorrow.
DeleteBeen on break?
DeleteWell, no? School begins on autumn. And its autumn here.
DeleteI've been in school since August here.
DeleteDifferent hemispheres~
DeleteI kinda inferred that. :P
DeleteBahaha! Samurai Jack theme song just kicked in on iTunes. I totally forgot I had this!
ReplyDeleteNo way man I loved that show!
DeleteIm gonna add that to my list
That deserves a brohoof. /)
DeleteIt went on a lot longer than I thought it did. 4 or five seasons I think.
Haven't seen that in...[x] years...
DeleteLast time I saw it was when Luna(Bronystate mod) streamed it.
DeleteI was there when other me streamed it, but you weren't in my area at all...oh well!
DeleteI haven't been on that site in a good month or two.
DeleteHey luna i got those tacos you wanted
ReplyDeleteOoh! Thank you lover!-I*shaky* who all would like any of these too? Anypony...hehe...?
DeleteUm... O///0
DeleteIll take one!
*pricks up ear*
DeleteWhat was that?
N-nothing Travis...*eats taco*
DeleteYeah, nothing... *eats his taco aswell*
DeleteSamurai jack is still awesome.
ReplyDeleteI've also thought up some more backstory to my relationship with Nightmare Moon
How will he cut them in half this time?!
DeleteYES! Tactical party nuke is readying...
ReplyDeleteready for fire Pink 1!
*chokes on taco*
Dibs on worst man!
ReplyDelete......I really don't want to fire now...................
ReplyDeleteDibs on mare of honor! xD
ReplyDelete... I gotta get my sleep. Later Princess* gives her a small kiss on her cheek*
ReplyDeleteill see you all tomorrow everypony! Wish me luck!
*sleeping, twitches* ngihty nightz Hover...
DeleteSlow again today...
ReplyDelete((If anypony is still here...goodnight)) *sleeping*
ReplyDeleteI'm back