Watch "DEATH BATTLE! - Starscream VS Rainbow Dash" on YouTube In celebration of the day of your birth, I found this on youtube! :3 If my blogger doesn't screw up, I'm sure we can get some Pics up in this party too!
Funfacts? Why not!
It's a party after all... *whispers* Pinkie! Don't touch the cider!
Did you know...?
That pure water (H2O) does not conduct electricity on its own?
That it's possible to die from a broken heart? It's called Stress Cardiomyopathy.
That obsessive nose picking is called Rhinotillexomania?
That an unprotected human can survive up to 1.5 minutes in space with no permanent bodily damage?
That Rainbow Dash's personality was based off of Lauren Faust's favorite gen.1 pony, Firefly?
Dear Princess Luna,
In the passing time since my last letter, I've learned alot about understanding. Much like compassion, understanding is a narrow bridge connecting two or more souls together in hopes that one can be saved from the frightening side of the river they had ended up on. Sometimes you personally try your best to avoid things like that, if only so you can carry the bridge yourself in hopes your friends don't end their either. But when you think more about what they are saying in attempt to save you, you'll just slip away and collapse on yourself. Instead focus on the fact that, although they don't always have the right words, they have the right hearts to even try. Although some problems can only be solved through understanding, it's a two way street. You can also choose to understand them to help crawl out of your rut.
Your faithful Harmony Sword,
Victory Star.
Thus concludes this issue of VSP! O,0
Happy birthday again Dashie! Here's to many more!
And remember takes two to tango, but sometimes two is just as sad as one!

happy birthday dashie!! have some birthday tacos!
Huray! Happy Dolls Festival everypony!
ReplyDeleteI've never been able to look at the last one.
ReplyDeleteToo many people bore bad thoughts into me
Happy B-day Dashie, I wish you the best of days and happiest times of your life.
Your Shadowbolt Friend
-Travis Smith
a.k.a biggest Dash fan on the East Coast
Happy Birthday Dashie!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSorry for the long silence everypony! Wifi is currently down, in fact I'm using another phone.
Anyone else on mobile having problems commenting on EqD?
ReplyDeleteNever mind it's good
DeletexDD Thanks everypony... That last pic is hilarious Vic :P