Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Flare's Shoutout!

Hello everypony! From last night's discussion, I agree. Like the princess said, we should be here more often than in Skype. We also need to start making posts, be creative! Yesterday's adventure should have been here, not on Skype. Everypony missed it because of that. We promised to be on here more. I agree with what Victory said, Om, you will be in charge of that. Agreed? Good. Now get to it! We all want to this to be a RP site, so let's work together to make it one! So Skype will be used for idle chatting, planning, and where we know who's here, and the cabinet is used for RP! That's the plan! Charge!


  1. [I would like to point out that not always will (or should) involve the whole cabinet. For big adventures take much more organization. And without it turns into a bedlam of text for all involved which wholesomely diminishes the experience. I would like to propose we experiment with different ways of RPing and find the way that is most enjoyable for the whole]

    1. Of course. Experiencing and planning will allow us to get better suited and make this a more professional RP site.

    2. Or have different posts for different sorts of RPs. Also, I can delete comments entirely, despite whether or not a pony deletes them first. Another thing, if we just talk to those who don't wait and watch, then we can fix that (to any reading who don't do this please do!) and another thing, we need to solve our major problems with discussion between the aggressors and victims rather than too many rules (if need be I will make more though). Bring this subject back later when everypony is present please.

    3. I do not dissent from what you have said, and I know most of this is unstated knowledge.

    4. Well, you stated you wanted to decide on one form of RP, but that won't work for all of our tastes. That is all I was hinting at.

    5. I was, but it would be much more efficient if we did have varieties of play.

    6. Alright then, but there will not be a single outspoken form, I just wanted to make sure that was understood.

  2. Hi Flare. I've been feeling a bit sick and really didn't want to get out of bed this evening, I even had to have a guard carry me to the table for my sake...so how was your day?

    1. I hope you feel better soon princess! My day was okay, a little work here and there.

    2. ((Your Highness Flare(currently Dr. Whooves) HoverHoof Dashie and I are currently on skype.))*bow* Good evening Princess.

    3. *cough* Good evening om and nice to hear it Flare. ((om, GET THEM OFF! I ALREADY TALKED TO DASHIE ABOUT THAT RRRGGGGGG!!!...oh well, I might as well join for now and yell at them myself...))

    4. ((I will, but it is mostly just chit-chat)) Hear what Princess?

  3. im here!
    princess, how many hours till the cure?

    1. *checks*...about...3-4 if I remember right, and that is me being generous, it should be weak enough to cure by then. For now...book fort?

    2. book fort!
      *goes to find books*

    3. Yay~*starts unrolling blueprints for massive Colosseum fort, begins building*

    4. Although I will not grouse about the necessities of a book for. Only its rather impartial RP elements.

    5. ...?...go break somepony else's fourth wall please...also, this isn't for the RP, it's because I want a book fort!

    6. *comes back with a wagonful of books*
      is this enough?

    7. I'll pitch in too!~ *grabs a stack of Daring-Doo books*

    8. The fourth wall? I do not know the term Princess.

    9. That's good Hover, and thank you too Dashie, now let's start building! *assembles base of Coliseum*

    10. ....om, go aw-actually you can help since you're a big pony! Now get over here and help us.

    11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHkKJfcBXcw Building myoozik!

    12. *starts building too*
      i hope its big enough, ive never been inside a bookfort.

    13. *sigh* Yes you Highness. *grabs books and helps assemble the book fort*

    14. *helps too* The Coliseum is huge! xD

    15. i need some encyclopedias over here!

    16. It's going great! Well, I'll be back in a bit to see how it's going, bye bye for now!

  4. Replies
    1. [A bit late to the party Sunset but yes, it is nice to see we are making an attempt at having a meaningful part of the fandom] Good afternoon Sunset!
