Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I Tried

I tried to think of something creative or inserting to ignite conversation on the Cabinet. But I couldn't think of anything so I figured honesty is the best policy. Soooooo TALK!


  1. I got a fun question to ponder upon. How do you think magic works?

  2. I have to catch up on lost time (Swear on behalf of myself and Equestria, make a joke about the 1000 years and me being a filly and I will likely send you to the sun) with the other posts, but I guess being here will help conversation begin here instead of Skype ((except for Dashie who saw me today, and also, I woke up better than I went to sleep, so it helped)).

    1. Your presents does tend to spur activity. (those jokes are not even funny! Your lack of faiths disturbing.)((I am glad your feeling better.))

    2. (Alright there darth crusader...) ((thank you.))

  3. Im using a proxy to get on now. Blogger also destroies bb code today... the link to a youtube video and my italics and boldings don't function anymore... also i can't see on the regular site. Oh, and this proxy won't refresh, so i may not respond past this... oh and skype won't function at all for me right now...

  4. Whatever. I have to be an hour late tonight anyway... tell everypony i said goodbye om!

  5. I said you shippers, not all shippers.

  6. And yet my equation is still valid.
