<p>He wouldn't <i>care,</i> that's what.<br>
Warning: language<br>
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4r7wHMg5Yjg&feature=youtube_gdata_player">Watch "The Crazy Nastyass Honey Badger (original narration by Randall)" on YouTube</a></p>
Welcome to today's issue of VSP, a subtle attempt to keep you off skype you probably won't read.
I apologize, but due to this week's hectic schedule, I can't post more than a couple issues this week. There was more effected, but nothing too serious. I also have been feeling... a little crushingly depressed as of late, but I don't want to bore you guys with my personal life anymore... XD
Well last night was more of a debate club then an RP meeting, and someponies were a little upset about that. I personally found it delightful! The point is, someponies seem to get upset when other ponies don't show up. The meeting gets quiet and there's nothing to talk about. It is at these moments I encourage you to come out of your shell and let your RP be known! And if not, well thats what the point of the game page is. Ask anypony. I'm sure they'll play with you.
And now let's get funky with our bad funfacts!
Did you know...?
New York city's central park is nearly twice the size of the country of Monaco?
In the United States, you can't patent any form of gambling machine?
The titanic and the empire state building were roughly the same length and height respectively?
More than 90% of shark attack victums survive?
Owls are one of the only birds who can see the color blue?
Dear Princess Luna,
Lately I've learned alot about compation. Sometimes when you feel down, It's nice to have a place to turn to. Having your friends to soften the blow is a gift with no greater blessing. When you fail to tell ponies something is bothering you however, they can't help. Maybe you feel that you've wronged them somehow, and you've been spending time trying to make it up to them. Whether your afriad they don't care anymore...
Or how they'd react...
Or what would change...
Or that you would be left out...
You sometimes need to take a leap of faith and say somethings wrong. Maybe you're right and nopony cares... or maybe your wrong, and you feel the warm embrace of good intent to give your mind peace.
Your faithful Harmony Sword,
Victory Star
Due to unforeseen events, the whodunit will be postponed until sunday. Further information can be recived via PM on skype.
I apologize for the inconvenience in this issue of VSP. There was some... er... technical difficulties with bb code... And remember, if you don't like the news, go out and make some! O,0
Now let's have some hot smexi memebase action!

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