Friday, February 24, 2012

Lunar Cabinet #41

Princess, I just want to let you know that we all care for you. We're always here for you. My heart goes out to you princess, we all do. No matter what, friends are always there for you. I would lose a leg for you just to make you feel better. I wouldn't care, I don't want friends to suffer and cry... Yes, everypony is different. But your friends are there to help. Don't ever feel alone princess, that you don't have somepony to turn to. There is always that somepony or someponies that truly undertand you, if not then know that others try to understand and help. Don't ever feel that you'll always be alone, there are ponies that understand and truly care. Don't ever give up princess. There are good times and bad times. It's a rollercoaster ride in life. You want to make sure to hang on. You're not alone as well. I never give up. I always look to the positive and always try to be happy. I look for the positive and not the negative. When life pushes you down, I simply laugh and get back up again. I look forward to a bright future. I always fight, never giving up knowing that there is happiness. Before, when life pushed me down I stay down for a long time, hiding in a dark corner. I wondered about sadness, our fristation, our negative emptions, our misery. I would be so sad, and hopeless... But not anymore. I choose to believe. I refuse to give up. I'll always try to be happy, everypony should do that. Don't submit to fear, hopelessness, or sadness. Be happy! Never give up hope! But one day you may think that there's nopony that understands you, but there is. It may not be clear, but someday it will. The best pony that can understand you, is you. Understand this princess, that there are ponies that truly care for you and understand. You're never alone. There will always be a lending hoof... Remember, don't think that you're alone...

And Om, I just want to say I truly care for you as well. You're all my #1...

Under the calm and silent night,
The moon and the stars shine so bright.
The night whispers many things,
Listen closely as you see.
It whispers happyness, sadness,
hope, and distraught.
It brings about many thoughts.
What lays beauty there is also grim.
But know that under that silent moonshine, there is happy and hope.
This night it utters tears, you can feel an overwhelming fear. It brings about a certain princess, screaming in the silent of her heart that there is no hope.
But what she realizes is that she's wrong. There is hope, and happiness.
For what the wind can muster, she hears and sees the wonder. As she lays there, wondering what to do, she realizes now what must be done. Wiping away tears landing in the stillness of the grass, she makes her way to canter back. Back to home, back to where she belonged. Back where she truly knew, that she belonged. What she did not realize that here friends had been there, in her presence of woe and sorrow. They gave her a lending hoof and heart, for she understood that she was never meant to part. For there is always somepony, that truly, understands...


  1. Wow. You are a freaking poet.
    Im astounded.

  2. He can't rhyme the best, but his free poetry is quite good.

  3. I am proud to call you my friend Flare. And equally astounded at your free verse skills.
    You deserve many claps.

    1. Thank you... I am proud to call you my friend.

  4. we play the waiting game.

    1. *obscure voice* I say we let him go!

      *normal voice* sorry... wrong thing.

  5. Yeah...I've tried to write poems before. They suck.
    You really are amazing Flare :3

  6. So I just found out my friend filmed me candid and put it on Youtube. That's cool of him...xD

  7. Replies
    1. O.0
      ... Did anypony else find that smile alittle creepy?

    2. ...I found it normal and innocent.

    3. Hrm... I don't know. I guess it was the pause that did it for me...

  8. Replies
    1. I saw on the news. Somepony was filming this kid on youtube. There's a bid deal about it. O.0

  9. Yeah. Flare's smile is so cute. ^^
    Er. I mean...

  10. I got that dinner rage... must eat. Then I shall return. Also i must repair skype.

  11. XD Well:
    1. I actually covered my chicken in soysause because my brony demanded it.
    2. I had no idea I could actually FIX skype... but I did.
    3. We should do more trust games to keep the ball rolling. Like we tried last night :3

  12. Ok everypony! Name 1 thing nopony knows about you. (It can be from either side of the forth wall.)
    Also, 1 thing you admire about another cabinet member.

    1. Well, all my family is christian, so i have to act like one. But truthfully, i dont like the idea of religion.
      I admire om's drawing speed.

    2. Good! Now one thing you admire about another cabinet member!

    3. Speed? It took like 4 1/2 hours? But thanks? Uhh I admire, eh everything?

  13. Uh. Something that No one else knows about me...yeah I cannot do that.

  14. You shouldn't try to be christian if you don't wanna be. People should believe what they want.

    1. No, but when dealing with super christians its easier to pretend.

    2. Of course, but denying christianity would be stupid of my part. At least for now.
      Were gonna be living with my grands from now on, and he is the pastor of the church there.

    3. For the record, I know lots about Christianity, and can't really belive in it. It was easier when I was little!

    4. (Also my mom was Jewish, but we don't talk about that much.)

  15. My favorite movie/ comic book series is Scott Pilgrim v.s. The world. I *really* admire sunset's pinball scores.

  16. singing, but I suck?
    And of course I admire Flare, but I can't name a good reason. There's too many.

  17. *smiles and blushes irl* thanks Vic. ^^

  18. Just dropping in a comment before I head back out. I won't be able to stay tonight, but I should see you all tomorrow!

  19. Oooo. I gotta secret kinda. I never believed in Santa! :p

  20. Y'know religion is one of the things I hate talking about...sooo let's stop.

    1. Religion, politics and sports are topics best avoided.

    2. True. Let's not talk about... wait why sports?

    3. At least here, people who discover their friends are fans of their opposing team can easily become enemies.

  21. 1. Sports suck
    2. Different team favorites

  22. Hahahaha
    I wanna hwar his backstory so bad now. xD

  23. I will now change the subject.
    Let's try our nights. Today I streached my wings out and flew to see the Aurora in Winterlands. What did you ponies do?

  24. Also, im surprised we reached 100 comments without luna turning up.

  25. I do miss her sunset. I do... miss her.
    Im not sad om. Really.

  26. Awwww *hugs*
    It's ok. I'm sure she'll be on soon :3

  27. I miss her too...
    Oo0 I just realized i forgot to take my meds the past few days...

    1. And you have been fine the whole time!

    2. Actually i noticed because i feel dizzy...
      Oh. ADHD and also anxiety.
      I hear intuniv makes your bp drop low if you don't take it...

  28. Oh. Well, im sure its not that bad to get you banned here.

  29. I think it's cause Guy's like to fish sometimes. It helps you think and shuts your parents up.

  30. Replies
    1. Me neather. I had to pick it because it's non-stimulant. It's the only one that doesn't exasperate my insomnia.

  31. O,0 Oh a business colt AND an action hero! What more could you want!

  32. Sounds like those banners are a bunch of bubble blowing double babies. XD

  33. Im pretty sure rape as a backstory isnt enough of an offense here to get a ban.
    That is, unless you go into details. That would be bannable.

  34. XD let's not talk about rape yeah?
    But they should make a movie about this pony ...

  35. Was he raped by his father or the three mares?

  36. oh celestia! i just found a hilarious tumblr interactive adventure thing. look at it

  37. Ugh, im going to sleep too. Goodnight everypony.
    I might check in later if my brain wakes me up.
    Tell luna im sorry i couldnt stay up till her arrival.
    *sleeps on the floor with luna plushie*

  38. Back from my grandparents place, ran late
    *gets into character*
    Nice poem Flare!!

  39. Twitter? Not that Celestia forsaken website...

    1. Its not forsaken, I remember which one it is.

    2. I do as well. I never made a twitter... i wonder if there are twitter ponies...

  40. Sigh....*snuggles with Flare plushie*

  41. My friend just messaged me "Can we talk?"
    Well that's great.

  42. Yes. Because when a friend says that, you say no. Great idea.
    He needs my help. I'll be right back.

  43. Yeah, it's 11. Meetings about over... goodnight cabinet ponies.
    Also sunset, i seem to have trouble with reading today. Sorry...

  44. Don't worry everypony! I will be here...For a while! I hope you feel better Victory!
