Om ended in her head, but i ended in her stomach. And i fell through the intestines. Almost got out from the unspeakable exit. Vicky saved me from doing such thing.
I would prefer to be in the state I was in many many years ago. But that is not something even you could fix. As for right now I would not like to be changed. *mumbles* if I can help it.
-,- let me start by saying, you all are the best friends anypony could ask for... I've learned alot from all of you. Remember the last trial of the knights? O,0
((...I had to leave, but funny enough, the day after "Reading Rainbow" when Dashie went to the studio, there just happened to be a lava scene in the Daring-Do part...coincidence? No, because there is no such thing as coincidence, only inevitability.))
I heard this in the terrible facilities of Aperture Science ------------------------------------------- This is your singing turret and I won't shoot you in half, the neurotoxin's warming up; sit down and have a laugh, everypony cannot canter, they're stuck to the floor, say goodbye to living because you won't anymore! ------------------------------------------- The sense of humor with those's just wrong...
My friend and I had to write a paragraph using the words typhoon, monsoon, almanac, hazard, and definition. This is what we turned in: I walked into my kitchen as the typhoon raged on. I was looking for the exact definition of what a monsoon was in the almanac, when I reealized the hazard I forgot to prevent. The window was still closed. Before I could reach out, a wild Derpy Hooves burst through the window; sending shards of glass spraying. I awoke in a cold sweat, when I realized it was just a dream...or was it? BUM BUM BUM.
Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle. I never finished it...I had to read the made me cry after thinking about it long enough. Why can't other things have that much depth...I cry thinking about it sometimes...
Yes, you are right for once om...the story was very confusing, it had to do with more time/space travel, dimensional confusion, morals, everything that makes eastern media amazing...
Markus: ah... So the young lads out and about adventuring on his own? Can't blame him. Its in his blood. Im retired. Me n' venture dont travial anymore. Last I heard he was in canterlot a few days ago. Left without saying bye. Figures. What exactly you lookin to know?
Ha! Ven has been hiding from him just as long. Its tradition. A long line of adventurers the Stars are... All grew up looking for their dads. Sad ain't it? Now me an' venture traveled all over the world in our youths. He's prolly still finding a place to stach our gratest finds. Super dangerous. But so were we... I was his "bro." He'd all ways say that. Then there was Wonderwin, that victory godess... And Ry Hylus. A zebra. Strange. A little sadistic too. And his daughter remnant. Always sore that one. Poor lass' mom died.
Good, let's-oh...I have to go...well the spell wears off tomorrow, so goodbye for now-*poofs into a baby filly* (of course...well, as I said, wears off tomorrow, feel free to brush me while I'm...) *dozes off* (sleeping...)
...Forget the "t"?
ReplyDeleteTis french XD
Delete>/)<...oh Flare...
Delete*hugs princess*
DeleteIm finally ready... O,0 my goal is complete!
ReplyDeleteReady to...confront your brother?
DeleteAlmost. Theres two more things before that! Ov0
DeleteK...I will be ready...
ReplyDeleteLets dooo theees!
ReplyDeleteRemember, what happened in skype stays in skype.
ReplyDelete*rising anger* what happened on Skype...
DeleteWe just took a nice walk through ponyville, thats all.
DeleteHaven't any idea. They are most likely just paranoid.
DeleteWhat happened on this, "walk"...
DeleteUhh, uhh * cowers and whimpers* please dont be mad at us!
DeleteMy my, we won't say anything about it HoverHoof. So your not embarrassed.
Delete(do I have to beg?) *big filly eyes and biting lower lip* pweeeeease teeeelll meeeee!!!!!
DeleteNo, you will have to do a lot more then begging. Promises can not be broken.
Deleteommmm...but...*growling* unfair!...fine, I'll just go look myself...
DeleteI cant stand this. Om, tell her the princess-appropiate version.
Hey I've removed dragon guts for my sake! I can deal with a little inappropriate stuff!
DeleteMy resolve is absolute.
Delete*growling* I...but...I'm the princess...a...a goddess...*crying*
DeleteOm, tell her
DeleteO.0 nothing. Instead, you should tell the narwhal story!
Delete*crying* I...I don't even have the power to command I...*starts turning grey*
Delete*hugs and brushies luna*
My words are all I have left. Your rule is Absolute, as is my honor.
DeleteI will tell you.
DeleteGive me a minute.
*hugs* rainbow dash ate us. The end.
Delete*stops turning grey*...*sniff*...can I just know...???
DeleteYou know how dashie was foalnapped?
DeleteSe was put in a bag. Then om tried to get the bag back, but was bagged with the bag. om still a foal...?
DeleteThen i tried the same thing, but got bagged too.
DeleteThen vicky, using some science, took the bag and managed to get dashie in one unbagging.
OK...then...the part that is really bad...
DeleteAm I still a foal... What is it with your obsession with me being a foal >.>
DeleteBut we just dissappeared from the bag. Until we found out we were inside dashie.
Deleteom, I think I like you better that way, just in general, you are less bothersome to me.
DeleteOm ended in her head, but i ended in her stomach. And i fell through the intestines.
DeleteAlmost got out from the unspeakable exit. Vicky saved me from doing such thing.
>.> Princess... I don't even.
DeleteCuz he took a shrinking potion from flare, and took us both out of dashies nose. can stop, are you a foal that doesn't even...?...I can fix that if you aren't...
DeleteTold you it wasnt pretty
DeleteI would prefer to be in the state I was in many many years ago. But that is not something even you could fix. As for right now I would not like to be changed. *mumbles* if I can help it.
DeleteI...think you should get used to being a foal.
Delete-_- I don't like where this is going.
DeleteAlso, i shipped vicky with dashie.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry, just kidding princess! Mine was earlier than first!
DeleteTHIRD TIME AND YOU D-I'm just foaling, I won't ban you, unless that obsessive compulsive disorder gets the better of your judgement too many times...
Delete*liquid splashes onto the floor as the marriage dissipates*
ReplyDelete-,- let me start by saying, you all are the best friends anypony could ask for...
ReplyDeleteI've learned alot from all of you.
Remember the last trial of the knights? O,0
Well, we cut it short.
Delete((...I had to leave, but funny enough, the day after "Reading Rainbow" when Dashie went to the studio, there just happened to be a lava scene in the Daring-Do part...coincidence? No, because there is no such thing as coincidence, only inevitability.))
DeleteAww, thanks Victory! Same here!
DeleteNot quite. The last trial? It was a curse! O,0 I had a dream we're everypony was happy, and it finally happened! All are forgiven!
DeleteWow, really?
DeleteWhat a tweest
That means we pass! XD step one of our path to victory is complete!
DeleteThen start us off on Step 2 now.
Delete...but... Im afraid to go... You all ask abot my dad. Ill stay here. O,0
DeleteBut we were searching this guy for info on your dad!
Delete*sigh*...don't be afraid little one, I can protect you...
DeleteI know. But I have this feeling I know what he'll say. *eyes twinkle* I always had this feeling.
DeletePlease ask him. For me! *hiding tears*
Delete(\ >v0
You got a divorce already?
ReplyDelete((mirage om, not marriage...))
ReplyDeleteI hate typing...
ReplyDelete((My bad was talking to my mom and typing.))
ReplyDeleteWell it isn't killing him if he does something about it...
ReplyDeleteWhy run from fire? Its a very weak element so fragile.
ReplyDeleteWhat a tweeeest
ReplyDeleteThe good time.
DeleteIm gunna leave for alittle. Ill be back in like 10 or20 minites.
ReplyDeleteLater vic
DeleteBye bye!
DeleteI watched the MAD spoof. It was like 5 minutes long and it was actually pretty funny. And Tara Strong played the purple unicorn.
ReplyDeleteI forgot! Give me a second, as I catch the recording...
DeleteAnd her Twitter said there's a shout out to her bronies in there. I'm guessing it was the cake Pinkie was holding that changed to "Go bronies!"
ReplyDeleteNever mind...the TV wasn't already on that it didn't work...
ReplyDeleteIm sure we will get tons of YT rips soon
DeleteBack. And i need to go grab a few things. Please go ask about my father. I'd rather hear it from you guys...
Delete(((Call for the guard xD))
Delete(( but we cant make the info by ourselves. You should tell it))
Delete((i will! XD but you have to call for the guard for him to show up!))
DeleteUmm... Mister guard? You there?
DeleteHrm? Whos there? No solisiters! Especialy at this... Oh a filly. Tell me, are you a paige?
What? Im not a filly! Im a full grown stallion!
DeleteNot you! The short one! ... Just who are you anyway? I don't recognize you...
Delete((luna or om is the short one))
Delete((hes talking to you))
Im hoverhoof. Second hoof of the Lunar Princess.
DeleteIm looking for information on somepony.
((I hope to the black hole in our milkyway I am not the short one))
Delete((you are))
Delete(insert meme here)
DeleteI know many knights, big and small. My name is Markus. Head of the Solar Centurions. Who do you wish to find?
DeleteIm looking for someone with extended knowledqe on adventure star's past and whereabouts.
Delete*markus's ears perk at the sound of the name* my oh my... Lota interest in my old friend nowadays isn't there...
DeleteWell, his son wanted me to ask you about him.
DeleteWhere did Fillyfillyy go of too now?
ReplyDeleteI don't think you should ship members with canon ponies...
ReplyDeleteJust go with the flow on this one Sunset should be fun!
DeleteHey. You said you liked dashie's rump.
DeleteNot saying I dont support, just shy. And you said that.Well you said I did and she agreed...
DeleteLol yeah. It was strange
DeleteBecause it's weird. Only OCCCCC.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry I was gone ((I looked at Tara Strong's wiki...mare of a million voices all right...))
Delete((I looked at her wiki too, she is one talented actress!))
DeleteWhy the hay would anyone look at filly Dash's flank? You ponies disgust me. *shakes head*
ReplyDeleteHence are reluctance towards just re-telling our. Escapades
DeleteI didn't say anything ftr. I was a narwhal.
DeleteA very tenacious narwhal.
DeleteSo you approve your ship.
DeleteI plea the 5th o///o
DeleteWhat? are being shipped? it serious or otherwise?
DeleteStill exersising my right to remain shy. O///0
DeleteDashie didnt object at all
DeleteIm just shy about things like that! O/0
DeleteBuck. Forgot I made a freaking Singing Telegram parody in here...
ReplyDeleteI heard this in the terrible facilities of Aperture Science
This is your singing turret and I won't shoot you in half, the neurotoxin's warming up; sit down and have a laugh, everypony cannot canter, they're stuck to the floor, say goodbye to living because you won't anymore!
The sense of humor with those's just wrong...
Im different...
DeleteMy friend and I had to write a paragraph using the words typhoon, monsoon, almanac, hazard, and definition. This is what we turned in:
ReplyDeleteI walked into my kitchen as the typhoon raged on. I was looking for the exact definition of what a monsoon was in the almanac, when I reealized the hazard I forgot to prevent. The window was still closed. Before I could reach out, a wild Derpy Hooves burst through the window; sending shards of glass spraying. I awoke in a cold sweat, when I realized it was just a dream...or was it? BUM BUM BUM.
Lol nice.
ReplyDeletewe love trolling our teachers~
ReplyDelete>/)<...does anypony know what I think sounds more confusing or equal to the frustrating confusion of Kingdom Hearts?
ReplyDeleteI would love to Princess.
DeleteTsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle. I never finished it...I had to read the made me cry after thinking about it long enough. Why can't other things have that much depth...I cry thinking about it sometimes...
DeleteNever heard of it. :/ sorry
Comes down to effort, and vision. Some ponies are just good at creating a story. And provoking a response. At that point it becomes an art.
DeleteI should cheakit out...
DeleteYes, you are right for once om...the story was very confusing, it had to do with more time/space travel, dimensional confusion, morals, everything that makes eastern media amazing...
DeleteThat means a lot Princess.
DeleteKingdom Hearts is extremly confusing. Bring it on.
ReplyDeleteHey everypony! You all should check out Higurashi!
Well, as i said before, i am not that interested in eastern culture.
DeleteOr media
DeleteWhen I have free-free time. XD
DeleteMarkus: ah... So the young lads out and about adventuring on his own? Can't blame him. Its in his blood. Im retired. Me n' venture dont travial anymore. Last I heard he was in canterlot a few days ago. Left without saying bye. Figures. What exactly you lookin to know?
ReplyDeleteProbably how to find him!
DeleteVictory star has been looking for him a long time.
What is happening.
DeleteHa! Ven has been hiding from him just as long. Its tradition. A long line of adventurers the Stars are... All grew up looking for their dads. Sad ain't it? Now me an' venture traveled all over the world in our youths. He's prolly still finding a place to stach our gratest finds. Super dangerous. But so were we... I was his "bro." He'd all ways say that. Then there was Wonderwin, that victory godess... And Ry
DeleteHylus. A zebra. Strange. A little sadistic too. And his daughter remnant. Always sore that one. Poor lass' mom died.
Don't watch Higurashi unless you want to see this.
Lol Favorite ankle
DeleteTyped 25 out of 39 pages so far...I'm getting tired...@_@
ReplyDeleteSounds tiring!
DeleteAnd that's why I love you Pinkie.
ReplyDeleteBokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan is better~
ReplyDeleteDid I ever tell you that I finished this on friday the 13th? :D
ReplyDeleteHi evwypony!
ReplyDeleteBrace yourselves, the Fillies are coming.
ReplyDelete*is a really little filly, has a funny looking expression, waiting for Dashie*
ReplyDeleteI'm hewe Pwincess! d:
DeleteHi Dashie! :D
ReplyDeleteHmmm.... Sounds oddly familiar...
Hey dashie!
Hey dashie! O,0
ReplyDeleteHiya Dashie! Ready for fun times! Also, where's your cutie mark...don't tell is still there, right?
DeleteGood, let's-oh...I have to go...well the spell wears off tomorrow, so goodbye for now-*poofs into a baby filly* (of course...well, as I said, wears off tomorrow, feel free to brush me while I'm...) *dozes off* (sleeping...)
Sorry Pinkie too busy...*pretends to type*
ReplyDeleteDid adventure ever find his father?
Markus: Yeah. Along time ago. They all look for 'em fer diferent reasons. Ven wanted to hit Rawlk In the face.
ReplyDelete*oversized armour and harmony sword make it difficult to move*
O,0 step 3!
(I have to go, but we can resume tomorrow or you can continue without me...I won't be much help until morning anyways, goodnight!)
DeleteGoodnight Princess.
Delete*brushie brushies princess luna*
ReplyDelete@dashie, i told luna what happened.
*yawn* I'm sleepy...*gets in bed and snuggles with Flare plushie*
ReplyDeleteWho is rawlk? His brother?
ReplyDeleteMarkus: Ven's dad. Ven's mom was dead, the circumstances were different.
DeleteI'm going to sleep everypony! Nightynight! :D
ReplyDeleteSee you poniez tomorrow!
DeleteNight! O,0
DeleteGoodnight pinkie and sunset
ReplyDeleteNight! :3
ReplyDeleteI just wait here then.
ReplyDeleteso ...
ReplyDeleteStill up dashie? :3
Define up?
DeleteAwake. :3
DeleteYea she is awake.
Delete-.- skype?
DeleteYou must be a detective? I love your work.
Delete*sigh* im coming. Night hover! O,0
DeleteAlright back. Somepony make a new post cause i cant see.