(not too much alcohol, keep fire in the fireplace, bananas will not be for moon sending, and if I hear fat after I'm back to normal I will switch the site onto an allowance basis and only allow certain ponies to enter, you of which would not be on the list.)
(SOoooooOooooOoooo...since nopony appears to mind, I am sleeping on your back Hover)*pupils dilate for a second* (nighty nightz big pony...)*they return to normal, dizzy, sleeping*
I dont annoy because I like to think im the voice of reason sometimes, although I do like to prank ponies every once and awhile <_< lol and of course your highness *brushies*
paragons or people who view the world as black and white. I like to view it as shades of gray and live by the rules of yin and yang. so im both a bit good and evil i suppose >_> although the evil is mostly pranks and such lol
I suppose I will just have to take it down for now. As to not upset you. ((What I cant and won't take is that line crap, you ever get to thinking about what a line is and then you can argue))
Travis, i don't know if you really even care, but i wanted to try and make it a point to become better friends with you. So just throwing that out there.
Hmm, old love song that's tear jerky *Norman Blake of O'Brother* You are my sunshine, my only sunshine you make me happy when skies are grey, you never know dear how much I love you. Please don't take my, Sunshine away.
Same XD ill just swich over to skype . Goodnight travis. We should make some day where we get to know eachother better. Night hover! *brohoof* I already said night to sunset... xD
((Helloooooo Lunar Cabinet!))
ReplyDeletehey hey hey!
ReplyDelete((oh goodie))
Delete((anypony here...))
ReplyDelete(Hello...I am in need of brushing...and cuddling on a warm pony back...)
ReplyDelete((as always))
Delete(tis needed, as they say, "get over it!")
Delete((I will when you do~))
Delete(also, attempt to ship me again, and I might revoke your blog privileges...)
ReplyDelete*brushies and cuddles?*
Delete(I meant them...I might not mind a relationship at some point, but for now, just care for me and my whims...)
DeleteI love Smile so much.
ReplyDeleteAnd you say you don't want to be shipped~
ReplyDelete((Well can you blame them?))
DeleteHe's happy.
ReplyDeleteWell it seems we have switched places your on my rock and I am back on ground eh?
DeleteOhhh, low blow.
ReplyDelete(I imagine so, being a LITTLE FOAL! Why wouldn't I be?!)
ReplyDelete(not too much alcohol, keep fire in the fireplace, bananas will not be for moon sending, and if I hear fat after I'm back to normal I will switch the site onto an allowance basis and only allow certain ponies to enter, you of which would not be on the list.)
ReplyDeleteI'm bored~
ReplyDeleteWell, thats good.
DeleteThat happens a lot.
DeleteHover you a meanie.
ReplyDeleteConsider it a payback.
Deletemeh payback is lame and boring.
Delete(SOoooooOooooOoooo...since nopony appears to mind, I am sleeping on your back Hover)*pupils dilate for a second* (nighty nightz big pony...)*they return to normal, dizzy, sleeping*
ReplyDeleteWell, didn't expect that.
Delete*awkward blush*
DeleteSo cute together, I swear<3
ReplyDeleteWhy dont you go find your coltfriend.
DeleteFound him!
DeleteMore blushing! Soooo cuuuute
ReplyDelete*blush turns into an angry red*
Delete*throws a spoon at sunset*
*catches spoon*
Delete*muttering softly* b-b-brush-ies...
ReplyDelete*brushes luna while keeping a cold glare at sinset*
DeleteSorry, dun have one at the moment~
ReplyDeleteThat just made it even more adorable~
ReplyDeleteAaaaahhhhh give me more! So bucking cute! *squishes cheeks together*
ReplyDelete*snaps up* (hey! watch your language little filly!)
DeleteWhich coincidentally, your not anymore.
Delete*smacks sunset with a greasy spatula*
Delete((he is in space Hover get over it))
Delete*smacks om*
DeleteSort of.
DeleteYummmm! *licks grease off face*
ReplyDelete(I'm still your princess...I give up, go and treat me like a foal rather than your royal Sunset (only Sunset), see where it gets you...)
ReplyDeleteI am. lol
ReplyDeletePrincess life is to harsh to take is seriously all the time. Sometimes you have to laugh, and what better way to laugh then at a joke?
ReplyDelete*feels sorta bad*
ReplyDeleteYeah. I'm not being serious...mostly.
ReplyDeleteThere is a line, you know. And you crossed the line tons of times.
ReplyDeleteI don't see it.
ReplyDeleteOf course you dont see it.
DeleteSo hitting others with spoons and the like crosses no line?
ReplyDeleteIt was to put you back behind the line.
ReplyDeleteI'll TRY to stop if it's bothering you that much, but it won't be easy.
ReplyDelete((am I even willing to talk with her yet...)) *sigh* (I forgive you. By the way, yes there are lines for here, you should follow them.)
DeleteSo its like a game of capture the flag then? When you cross the line your open to assault.
ReplyDeleteok FINALLY done with college at cloudsdale for today. last class got out early so i can actually be here for awhile ^_^
ReplyDeleteHey toku! Finally someone who will not annoy us!
Delete(hello! I'm on Hover's back, can you brush me?)
DeleteI dont annoy because I like to think im the voice of reason sometimes, although I do like to prank ponies every once and awhile <_< lol and of course your highness *brushies*
DeleteHey, im the voice of reason!
Delete((just kidding))
(thank you...and it's good that you are the voice of reason, we need one around here...)
Deletealthough give me an opportunity to throw down a prank or a witty remark and im totally gonna take it >_> XD
DeleteWho wouldn't? xD
Deleteparagons or people who view the world as black and white. I like to view it as shades of gray and live by the rules of yin and yang. so im both a bit good and evil i suppose >_> although the evil is mostly pranks and such lol
Delete((irl that is how I am, can't be that way as a harmonic creature though...too bad...))
Delete(isn't harmony also balance though? so wouldn't it be like the perfect balance between chaos and order? lol)
DeleteWell, it was my last resort. Reason didnt work. So force it is.
ReplyDeleteYour only reason was based on how you felt.
ReplyDeleteWell, you knew how i felt. Also, i know you can take it.
ReplyDeleteI suppose I will just have to take it down for now. As to not upset you. ((What I cant and won't take is that line crap, you ever get to thinking about what a line is and then you can argue))
ReplyDelete*sigh* I feel like a meanie pony. I just wanted to foal around with you colts.
DeleteTeasing is not bad. Too much is bad. And i wasnt like that with you and flare.
((well then. Suit yourself. *hrmph*))
ReplyDeleteOm I think I should keep away from you for a bit. Too much of you rubbed off on me.
ReplyDeleteIf I have rubbed of on you, it will be just like caffeine it give you a high but it comes with its lows. And you will just get bored of it soon.
Delete(caffeine will actually give you a physical addicti-besides the point, don't keep away from him, just don't act as he does...)
Delete((I will end with an example, if humanity never crossed the line in having slaves would we know its wrong))
ReplyDelete((well it did cross it. But the thing is crossing it repeatedly.))
ReplyDeleteMe and Flare? What ever are you talking about?
ReplyDelete*sirius face*
I actually kind of enjoy being teased if it's in that context. Haha :p
ReplyDeleteYes...? o-o
ReplyDelete(I must leave for now, goodnight everypony.) *has a blanket on top of Hover's back, sleeps there with a plushie in her hooves*
ReplyDeletegood night your highness lol
DeleteFor some reason its weird to be a living bed.
Om says he won't be on the Cabinet for the rest of the night.
ReplyDeleteYay! We're all friends here! Friends forgive each other! Good night princess! Good night everypony!
ReplyDeleteSo cute....auugh
ReplyDeleteFlare stop coming in if all you do is say goodbye. It crushes my hopes...
ReplyDeleteI know you enjoy it :3
Delete*sneaks in*
ReplyDeleteWell, goodnight Princess, flare and om.
ReplyDelete*hugs Sunset*
ReplyDeleteGoodnight Om!
>Listening to soft music at max volume
ReplyDelete>Song ends
>Screamo comes on
>Jolts up and tears out headphones
Serves you right.
DeleteOne of the main reasons I don't listen to Screamo, metal is better
DeleteHey Travis!
ReplyDeleteHey Flare
Delete*hugs* :/
ReplyDeletePinkie...that's so beautiful...T-T
ReplyDeleteFor this time, i will agree with pinkie.
ReplyDeleteClean vocals in a screamo song make me melt~<3
ReplyDeleteHello everypony! O,0
ReplyDeleteHey! /)*(\
Deletehows it going vic!
*brohoof* >v0
DeleteWhy are things getting all lovey dovey in the cabinet recently?
Perhaps the HnH day really is magic.
Delete-,- exept it was yesterday.
DeleteWell, it put us all in the mood at least.
DeleteThat reminds me... Sunset, is the drawimg finished?
ReplyDeleteHerro Vic.
DeleteYes. But I still don't have a copy because she wants to color one first then when she's sure the colorings fine, she'll give me the other copy.
ReplyDeleteWhat drawings?
DeleteYes she is! >v<
ReplyDeleteBecause shipping is amazing.
ReplyDeleteA drawing of me and Flare together...in bed. But not doing what you think.
ReplyDeleteI actually told her to make some saucier stuff. xD
ReplyDeleteDun dun dundun dun Dun dun dundun dun Dun dun dundun dundun~
ReplyDeleteAaaahhh Good Ol' Days<3
ReplyDeleteThe song?
DeleteTravis, i don't know if you really even care, but i wanted to try and make it a point to become better friends with you. So just throwing that out there.
ReplyDeleteThought we were good friends?
DeleteWhat I do?
Nothing. It just came to my attention you're the least close pony to me in the cabinet, and that bothered me! XD
DeleteHmm, old love song that's tear jerky
ReplyDelete*Norman Blake of O'Brother*
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine you make me happy when skies are grey, you never know dear how much I love you. Please don't take my, Sunshine away.
My mom sung that to me all the time when i was little...
DeleteYeah. Came on shuffle
ReplyDeleteMeh. Compared to his other stuff, i dont really like it.
DeleteI first heard that song when I was maybe 6 or 7.
ReplyDeleteYou talking about Good ol Days or that other song?
ReplyDeleteXD Oh pinkie... your drunken shananagahns aways make me smile...
ReplyDeleteGotta go. Nightynight everypony! ;3
ReplyDeleteWell, the cabinet speed seems to have reduced to a crawl. Ill go to sleep now.
ReplyDeleteGoodnight vicky, sunset and travis!
Well I guess I'll fly to, night y'all
ReplyDeleteHmm, perhaps the next Cabniet can be about ourselves, so I can get to know you guys better
DeleteSokay with me!
Same XD ill just swich over to skype
ReplyDelete. Goodnight travis. We should make some day where we get to know eachother better.
Night hover! *brohoof*
I already said night to sunset... xD