Trollestia: YOU'RE GOING, TO YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE BEEE-YEEETTTCCCHHH!!!!!!!!!!! [everypony wakes up in a restaurant full of stale pancakes and a sign overhead reads "TRIAL I"
HieveryponyIlovecupcakesthey'resogoodandIhavetogonowanddoworksoseeyoulater! *Tries to leave but get chained with the others by the magical chains* Gah.... *tries to leave but fails* Fine. *Jumps on Princess Luna's back* I hope you don't mind princess. I'll just be doing my work, okay?
Description: I'm Travis Smith, I'm what you call special, I used to be the Captain of the Guard until i retired. Right after Luna turned into Nightmare Moon, was unfortunetly absorbed by her power and became a Shadowbolt.
I lived my existence as just a consciousness until summoned fourth to persuade Rainbow Dash. When my eyes met her, i feel in love, I resisted the urges to get her to our side. When she defeated us, NMM locked me away until her own demise. I collect the remnants of her dark magic and formed my own body, a Stallion version of Dash. Except i recolord my mane to be black and blue. After searching many a land i came across Prince Catastrophe, an Alicorn! He rules over the Steel Empire and was kind enough to let me stay. I made many a friend including a banished Red and black dragon named Outlander.
After some mishaps in Equestria i settled to finding a purpose, I talked with Catastrophe and he explained Celestia had taken some of his land long ago. So I stole Luna's crown and got ownership of the Everfree forest. Stay away from my Timber Wolves, an mind the Windigoes, they travel here a lot
Trollestia: Well I, Sprinkler, you are now a BRIGHT PINK FILLY! Also...Hovercat or whoever is now going to be STUCK TO THE CEILING WITH REVERSE GRAVITY! The dragon over there, ooh I see ironic opportunity, must wear the DRAGONBORN HELMET! All these effects will only last until the trial is over, so have FUN!!!!!!
Trollestia: *turns om into a foal* I was waiting to hear that, THIS IS YOUR CHALLENGE AFTER ALL!!! Okay massive leopard turret falling from the ceiling in 10...9...
ReplyDeleteTrollestia: MY QUESTION, STILL STANDSSSZZZ...!!!
ReplyDeleteare we going to banana beach bash land?
ReplyDeleteAs my father's come to pass, seven years has gone so fast.....
ReplyDeleteyou are doing WHO?
ReplyDeletehere comes the rain again...
ReplyDeleteYou have to do a he? Gross.
ReplyDeleteTrollestia: YOU'RE GOING, TO YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE BEEE-YEEETTTCCCHHH!!!!!!!!!!! [everypony wakes up in a restaurant full of stale pancakes and a sign overhead reads "TRIAL I"
Deleteso wondering if you're gonna actually take over DMing, cuz if so i'll totally jump in as a char lol
DeleteJump in as a character or chair? I'm also still a character, it's really Trollestia, who is my job to be at times, that is taking up DM.
Delete*eats whole plate of pancake* YUUUMMMM
ReplyDeleteyeah, sure...
ReplyDeleteRight Pinkie. Right.
ReplyDeletewell, we're not victory
ReplyDelete(even if the pony isn't here, I have a trial for each that the group as a WHOLE must face, including me)
Deleteluna, do you have the gum?
ReplyDelete...I don't wanna give it up...
Deletehey, its for the sake of all of us!
Deletemaybe we could use it to give more flavor to these pancakes
Don't worry we wont let you down!
DeleteB-b-but...fine...*hands him some gum*
DeleteWe won't go runin around and dessert you!
Delete*splits it on even pieces, then hands (hooves) it to everypony*
Deleteguys, we have to do this
and no rickrolling
DeleteBut don't just say goodby hoverhoof!
DeleteI'm no stranger to flavor...
Deleteyou know the rules, and so does om
DeleteI wont lie this last line will hurt you.
DeleteOh yeah, rule 7, whoops XP
Delete(see what i did thar)
I looove stale pancakes!
ReplyDelete*is randomlly inside the restaurant with everypony else* wtf? i thought i was telling the story?
ReplyDeleteXD 4th wall breakage
*squeeeee* one of my fics updated!! Brbbbb~~~~
ReplyDeleteoh god dammit
ReplyDeletetia dammit <_< they are the imortal god princess's of mlp XD
Deletewell, i was talking about sunset's leaving, so it wasn't in-story
DeleteI thought I said we aren't completely immortal...just close...
DeleteThere are no strangers to ponies. You know the rules, and so do I. *goes back to reading*
ReplyDeletequestion how do i fill out a bio for the cabinet page?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI wouldn't know >_>
DeleteType it, send it to Flare, and I will make any necessary format modifications, which I need to do with Toku's so it doesn't look all weird...
DeleteXD i know html code, just tell me how you want it to look
DeleteI fixed Toku's bio, it isn't all weird now.
DeleteI see you updated my occupation to: Admin, Oracle, Princess Luna's Personal Brushier
Deletedon't you think we should continue the game?
ReplyDeletetrollestia is aparently DM now lol
DeleteSoooooooo hungry...Need real food
ReplyDeleteeat the pancakes
ReplyDeletewell i dont wanna end up in a stomach, soooo *starts eating the pancakes* bleh! meat tastes bet.... I mean oh boy this is some good eating!
ReplyDelete*Tries to leave but get chained with the others by the magical chains*
Gah.... *tries to leave but fails*
Fine. *Jumps on Princess Luna's back*
I hope you don't mind princess. I'll just be doing my work, okay?
It's fine, *puts Flare half in saddlebag where Sunset was* but Trollestia might eat us soon...
Deletelook who's here
Deletedo you know a spell to turn stale pancakes into... non-stale pancakes?
DeleteSadly, no. Such a spell doesn't exist yet...
Deletewell, to conjure some syrup maybe?
DeleteAw no fair! I'm her servant! Plus I was the first pony to ever brush her! *sits in corner reading and grumbling to self*
ReplyDelete*uses the gum to protect his tongue from the flavor*
ReplyDelete*starts eating tons of pancakes
Trollestia: That's totally going in the photo album...
Delete*mouth is full*
Deletedon't judge me!
Hi Flare! :D
ReplyDeleteCan I also get in that saddlebag so I can cuddle with Flare?
ReplyDelete...I'm not sure I trust you-oh hors[yay]ples a banana! *ducks*
Deletebrb bathroom
ReplyDeleteTrollestia: It's probably full of bananas by now! Picture opportunity!!!
DeleteThese pancakes are just not filling :(
ReplyDelete*squeezes inyo saddlebag with Flare and downs pancakes* Am I the only one who loves stale pancakes?
ReplyDeleteTrollestia: OK you ponies passed, TRIAL II BEE-YETCHES!!! *teleports everypony to trial II, the Aperture Science Testing Research Facility*
ReplyDeletewhat do we do now?
ReplyDeletei dont like the look of that face.
Deletetrollestia is ugly
That's not her face...
Delete*is wearing an Aperture Science shirt* trolololol
ReplyDeleteWhy do I have so much fear right now?!?!!
ReplyDelete*cuddles with Flare* well ima just go to sleep. He's super comfy like a pillow. Nightynight *falls asleep*
ReplyDeleteOkay here is my bio
ReplyDeleteTravis Smith
Occupation: Freelancer/Shadowbolt
I'm Travis Smith, I'm what you call special, I used to be the Captain of the Guard until i retired. Right after Luna turned into Nightmare Moon, was unfortunetly absorbed by her power and became a Shadowbolt.
I lived my existence as just a consciousness until summoned fourth to persuade Rainbow Dash. When my eyes met her, i feel in love, I resisted the urges to get her to our side. When she defeated us, NMM locked me away until her own demise. I collect the remnants of her dark magic and formed my own body, a Stallion version of Dash. Except i recolord my mane to be black and blue. After searching many a land i came across Prince Catastrophe, an Alicorn! He rules over the Steel Empire and was kind enough to let me stay. I made many a friend including a banished Red and black dragon named Outlander.
After some mishaps in Equestria i settled to finding a purpose, I talked with Catastrophe and he explained Celestia had taken some of his land long ago. So I stole Luna's crown and got ownership of the Everfree forest. Stay away from my Timber Wolves, an mind the Windigoes, they travel here a lot
Done! Published the page.
DeleteTrollestia: Well I, Sprinkler, you are now a BRIGHT PINK FILLY! Also...Hovercat or whoever is now going to be STUCK TO THE CEILING WITH REVERSE GRAVITY! The dragon over there, ooh I see ironic opportunity, must wear the DRAGONBORN HELMET! All these effects will only last until the trial is over, so have FUN!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteoh well, better than talking backwards
DeleteDon't push her...she is only made out of Celly's worst nightmares and darkest thoughts embodied by magic she is horrible...
Deletewhy did she not affect you?
DeleteThat would explain why she didn't do anything to me.
Deletewhats the dragonborn helmet do?
DeleteTrollestia: *turns om into a foal* I was waiting to hear that, THIS IS YOUR CHALLENGE AFTER ALL!!! Okay massive leopard turret falling from the ceiling in 10...9...
Deletefuck you trollestia, youre as dumb as om is weird
DeleteSo does that mean Celestias most darkest and worst nightmare is me as a foal? hmmhm ME GUSTA!!
Deleteseriously? whats the dragon born helmet?
DeleteTrollestia: Teh yee-betch is askign fro a FLOOD OF MAPLE SYRUP!!!
Deleteom, she is made out of them, however, she acts however...and Toku, it's the helmet from Skyrim. It's ironic because Dovahkin slays dragons.
Deleteyou can't even spell right!
Delete*gives trollestia the finger*
Say what you want I know Celestia loves me deep inside. Her heart.
Deletewhy does he get an ironic punishment and i have to walk on the ceiling?
DeleteTrollestia: Id teh /b/tard gonna have a tantrum?
DeleteI hate you Trollestia...
Trollestia: I can spell right, it's why YOU ARE ON THE CEILING! Also, you look funneh on teh ceiling!!!
DeleteYou guys do know im just part dragon right? lol
Deleteno i don't
DeleteTrollestia: *removes half of the dragonborn helmet*
DeleteLook on the bright side Toku it could have been pony hide helmet.
DeleteTrollestia: Ideas...hey sis', get over here a second...
DeleteOh hay no get away you damned thing-*zap*
cuz yeah you guys were talking as if i was a dragon XD but yeah im only like 1/3 dragon lol
DeleteTrollestia: *puts half of the helmet back him on for a second, cuts it into thirds and removes two*
Delete*puts the third over one of my eyes to look like a badass* ah yeah!
DeleteSweet! I'm a pink filly! Yesss!!
ReplyDeleteo-o uh...I mean...crap?
oh goddamit.
Deleteokay i gotta go peace!
ReplyDeleteHave fun man.
DeleteTrollestia: *rears creepy head* Awww and I didn't get to do ANYTHING to yooouuuu...byyyyyye!
Deletebye travis
DeleteImpinkimpinkimpinkpink~~~yaaaayyyy *nuzzles into Flare's chest*
ReplyDeleteokay, what do we have to do to finish this trial?
Trollestia: Easy...make it through the test chamber five...
Delete>looks around
what do i see?
DeleteTrollestia: It's on a wikYEAAAAHHH BEEE-YEEETCCCHH, go look at it...YO'SELF!!!
Delete(you are the dm, what do I see?)
Delete(you want me to explain a complicated test chamber that you could copy paste the walk-through for into the comments?)
Delete*cheats by flying to the end of chamber 5* well that was easy <_< XD
DeleteTrollestia: Did I forget something important?! *covers Toku in maple syrup and sticks to Hoverhoof*
Delete(Hover, go copy paste the answer in...)
DeleteWhat was my "curse" again, just being small. Sweetsauce.
Delete(lets go to the meeting)
DeleteTrollestia: Nope, really small, so before I go *turns om into infant, then disintegrates into magical dust*
Delete*gets covered in maple syrup and immediately yells* dont eat me!
DeleteEXCELLENT! Tha mwean ima teeny fwebwitch
Delete[Warning: session ending. Trollestia being assimilated in 3..2..1...]
ReplyDeleteTrollestia: NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!