Oh hello there, how's the Everfree? Because we have a pony here who used to live there and there are tons of portals all over and...I've said too much...
Hey if your still here Travis...where is my other half now? I hope on the moon where she belongs...hey why is my crown feel like it isn't on my head? ...*snap* WHERE DID MY CROWN GO?!
SO YOU ARE A BEE-YETCH WHO MAY OR MAY NOT LIKE DUNGEONS?! WELL DO YOU KNOW WHAT I MAY OR MAY NOT LIKE? Your Face! *throws moon pie at Toku* I'm sorry, but no matter how you tried to avoid it, you set yourself up for it.
oh you do not want to fight a programmer with console commands *switches the JTags and spawn locations for the console commands causing them to all bury luna instead*
Isn't a cheat, or hack, but I downloaded some horribly wrong virus program by a friends request and can't even be touched by others without them "leaving the game"...(crashing) it's also still on my old computer I use for G-Mod and other things, and I still don't know what it is...
Did someone say cider?
ReplyDeleteDon't mind if I do!
ReplyDeleteI love me some good cider!
ReplyDeleteBrohoof my colt? O,0
Deletesorry for missing on, well, everything.
No problem. We're always cool!
DeleteYum. *Begins to down whole barel*
So flare?
Wheres the sprinkles to your icecream?
Hes still on right?
Very funny Victory.
DeleteThank you, i thought it was cute, cuz you know, sunset sprinkles.
Toast everypony! *holds cider in air*
ReplyDeleteWhat should we toast to?
ReplyDeleteFor ponies!
ReplyDeleteTo me being smaller then the barel i drink from! O,0
ReplyDeleteI hope you're able to lift that for the toast!
DeleteI just kind of roll it.
I typed one page in 30 minutes...the hay? *smashes face on keyboard*
ReplyDeleteTo the two barrels i have in each hoof!
Hahaha! I get it, Victory! Now come over here so I can make you into ice cream! :D
ReplyDeleteO,0 no thankyou, though the option is greatly apreiciated!
DeleteIt's okay HoverHoof!
ReplyDeleteTo the fact this is a non-alcoholic apple cider!
ReplyDelete*begins to drink from barrel*
ReplyDeleteThis is great!
*finishes and drinks from another barrel*
DeleteWell...I have to type. I'll be popping in sometimes, but I'll mostly be typing.
ReplyDeleteThere's a stick in mine...
ReplyDeleteUh...Flare? Slow down.
ReplyDeleteI have returned and *gulp* feel...dizzy...what am I holding...?
DeleteMe. -.-
Deleteput me down.
I feel funny...why do you all look so fast? Quit it, you're blurry...
*snaps back into mature thought*
Are you ok?
You look as big as me...wait...am I drunk?
DeleteI hope so
If your hurt ill take you to redheart.
*downs the full barrel in one swig*
ReplyDelete*makes funny face*
The Apple Family sure are great for making such a wonderful cider! Good job AppleJack, Apple Bloom, Big Macintosh, and Granny Smith!
ReplyDeleteI got a rock.
*chips tooth*
Yummy! Tastes like apples... and ...blood?
Ponies can't eat rocks, silly
DeleteThat reminds me, how many episodes do we have left this season?
ReplyDeleteWe're past the halfway point
DeleteOh dear.
DeleteThere are a total of 28.
DeleteReminds me.
DeleteHover, i found a fim pinkie pie and tottaly bought it. Best 10 bucks i ever spent!
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteYou are so lucky, here i haven't found them
Oh, serious?
DeleteSomepony get me a fan...I'm feeling very hot now...where did I put those plans...and that one pony...
ReplyDelete*starts fanning*
DeleteAre you ok?
Like a paper fan? Or an electric fan, or... like a Star Trek fan?
DeleteHow fuzzy you are...*hugs*
Delete*runs deeply concerned for princess, to fetch water from a guard*
I already did! Now I feel funny...hey where did this plushie come fro-whoops, hi Flare...
DeleteIts water! O.0
DeleteWATER. its good for you!
You'll feel better.
I think that barrel of stuff over there sounds more exciting...
DeletePrincess! *Follows* TToTT
DeleteNo. 28. Look it up.
ReplyDeleteYou're right, silly me
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletesup ponys*
DeleteOh look my brushier...get over here plz...
DeleteHehe, brushier
DeleteOh hello there, how's the Everfree? Because we have a pony here who used to live there and there are tons of portals all over and...I've said too much...
Delete*brushes mane* so what does that make me now <_< oracle/royal brusher? XD
DeleteI'm a add it to your bio soon...when I feel my legs...and hooves...
DeleteToku is my favourite dragon
ReplyDeleteDrinks sound like they could help the dizzy go away...*levitates barrel, looks at it, inhales contents*
ReplyDeleteToku is best dragon.
ReplyDeleteAnd princess, you should eat something before you get sick.
Eat? I already had dinner, let me just...*starts eating hoof*
Delete*pulls hoof from mouth* no! O.0
DeleteSee this? Its a quesidilla! Yuuuummmm cheeeese! Have some!
Quick question.
ReplyDeleteI just recently made a blog and was wondering how y'all got the menu bar,
Home, History, Chat etc.
please assist
DeleteYou have to make pages.
DeleteWe have a dragon. If you get one it just sort of... happens i think. O.0
Deleteflare made the site <_< i only made the history and chat pages lol
DeleteHow? like what form does it?
DeleteI made the most of the pages actually...*sips coffee like a hipster*
DeleteLuna made blogs cool before this one was cool. >„<
DeleteThere is an option that says edit pages next to edit posts.
DeleteFlare thank you!
DeleteWhy is everypony drunk...? >(\< *goes back to typing*
ReplyDeleteIt's not that kind of cider.
DeleteWhat I was drinking was...
DeleteI want coffee and cake after what you said, it's the first time I've heard you speak so...slow...*starts eating cake and drinking coffee*
ReplyDeleteShe calls it luna delight. And pinkie is a great drinker... still.
ReplyDeleteI made you the quesidilla! O.0
Good night everypony! Have to leave, I'll see you tomorrow! May come back sometime during the night, but if not then we'll see each other tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteG'night for the next unnamed amount of time!
DeleteGoodbye, flavored icecream!
DeleteBuh bye...safe travels and the like...
DeleteNight Flare.
DeleteMy name's Flare, Hoverhoof.
DeleteSee ya colt!
DeleteI made the Home, Lunar Cabinet, and FAQ. Princess Luna edited some things in it though. So I guess both?
ReplyDeleteShe never said quesadilla...where did this quesadilla come from...*looks both ways, eats in one bite* so yummy...
ReplyDeleteLuna... if you get really... um.... whats the word... "crunk", promice you wont have to much. O,0
You mean drunk? I'm better now...sort of...*drinks cider with coffee* should I be able to taste this combination and think it tastes good...
DeleteNo i was right. Are you *sure*. Cuz i wanna get *crunk* too..
DeleteAnd you seemed tipsy when you got here.
Dont drink any open drinks okay?
Night, Flare! :3
ReplyDeleteHoverhoof...I swear...*glares*
ReplyDeleteOh ho ho.
DeleteI have to go already... And sorry for not coming on last night, I had company over. G'night!
ReplyDeleteSee ya later, Army!
DeleteI made it for you. So you wont throw up or anything.
ReplyDeleteFeel okay?
Hey if your still here Travis...where is my other half now? I hope on the moon where she belongs...hey why is my crown feel like it isn't on my head? ...*snap* WHERE DID MY CROWN GO?!
ReplyDeleteso luna, did celestia send applejack to the moon for the letter she got in the latest ep <_< XD
ReplyDeleteI dunno...I heard something about buying apples and a machine, but nothing about apple ponies...
DeleteI herd. Im still staying at the castle. She seemed p o'd but it turns out she knew i broke her window. No apple casualties.
DeleteOh yeah...I made the rules didn't I...awww...rule 4...
ReplyDeleteHow ironic
ReplyDeleteIs this going to be an on-going gag? The whole ice cream thing...-_-;
ReplyDeleteOhhhhhhh yes. O'0
ReplyDeleteIt would be ironic for your hooves to BREAK when I levitate them into the nearest MASSIVE FLANK STAR! I ASK AGAIN, WHERE'S MY CROWN?!?!
ReplyDelete*sigh* just write that damn fic already, hover...
ReplyDeleteI will continue tomorrow, i visitedd my dad today
DeleteSunset, the comma before Hover's name was unnecessary, I normally put up with the terrible spelling and grammar of everypony, but don't misuse commas.
DeleteWe're on mobile. And most are foals.
DeleteI'm not a f-*ahem* on mobile...
DeleteTottaly said most. XD
DeleteAnd was refering to me and company.
?...somepony's in the room with you?
DeleteYou guys!
Delete... XD
Its a cabinet meeting!
I meant other than...(oh, right, I started fixing the fourth wall didn't I...)
Delete(well, the wall was hit when vicky mentioned mobile)
(Its okay, i was being adult victory earlier)
What are you ponys talking about?
(Everyone back away slowly before it starts to crack..)
(the parenthesis protect our words from destroying it)
Delete(I know, but i don't want to be this close!)
Your acting strange...
No you
DeleteNo you! O,0
ReplyDeleteI was talking to pinkie, and i don't have your crown
ReplyDelete*sirius face*
*TICKTICKTICK...poof* Oh...*fixes crown, smiles* Thank you!
ReplyDeleteOh, well I have it now-wow I was angry up there-whoops...fourth wall again...
ReplyDelete*hoofs up*
How many pages so far?
ReplyDeleteI dont know, im writing it on google docs
DeleteAnd stop pushing me to do this, it takes time to write
*hooves up* why are we doing this?
ReplyDeleteWell, excuuuuse, me, Princess,,,,,,,.
ReplyDelete*paraphrasing hmm?* Know your place!
DeletePlease do.
ReplyDeleteits a gesture! Ig means im proud, happy or good job.
What timing!
Your awesome!
Wait... dammit im bad at this.
I have been here the whole time I am just reading it.
ReplyDeletew00 I'm on page 4 with 1,060 words so far. gogogogogogo
ReplyDeleteThat better be on just that page.
DeleteThat's sort of creepy.
ReplyDeleteI think I would know hover.
ReplyDeleteYou are a very talented pony!
ReplyDeleteDamn! ><
That is not how you do it.
Om is dumb.
god i love this dungeons and dragons podcast
ReplyDeleteMaybe because you are a dragon who likes dungeons
DeleteOh, so Toku, could I interest you in an investment?
Deletean investment you say?
DeleteHow about a dungeon? Do you like dungeons?
Deleteumm..... what kind of dungeon? lol
DeleteA dungeon dungeon...
Deleteyeah but what would i use a dungeon for? lol I dont have a hoard or anything <_< >_>
DeleteHmmm...so you're a hmm bee-yetch who doesn't like dungeons?
DeleteThere are more than one kind? O.0
Delete*begins to levitate encase the floor drops out from beneath me*
Deletewell yeah there are torture dungeons, jail cell dungeons, dungeons that are like basements, and dungeons that have lots of monsters throughout them
DeleteI remember somepony saying they would change...I'm waiting...
ReplyDelete( if your having writers block, you can always be armani...)
ReplyDeleteOm *sinceirly trying* is... cool.
(who? Me?)
ReplyDeleteOm is a pain in my bucking flank is what he is.
ReplyDeleteI agree with om.
ReplyDelete(No i ment om)
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSo you are a BEE-YETCH who doesn't like DUNGEONS?
Deletewell i dont necessarily not like them <_< i kinda like the dankness of them, I just dont know why you'd offer me one? XD
DeleteOh syaNAP!
Deleteno, im not a beeyetch <_< and i would prefer if you refrained from calling me one
*grabs popcorn* tell a yo mamma joke! O,0
DeleteSO YOU ARE A BEE-YETCH WHO MAY OR MAY NOT LIKE DUNGEONS?! WELL DO YOU KNOW WHAT I MAY OR MAY NOT LIKE? Your Face! *throws moon pie at Toku* I'm sorry, but no matter how you tried to avoid it, you set yourself up for it.
Delete*opens my jaw and it just lands in my mouth* yummy!
DeleteSassifrass luna is best luna!
DeleteXD *litterally loling*
DeleteWhy certainly! O,0
*initiates voice console*[YOU REALIZE, THIS MEANS WAR] *types moon pie into the kill console, billions of moon pies rain hay down upon Toku*
Deleteoh you do not want to fight a programmer with console commands *switches the JTags and spawn locations for the console commands causing them to all bury luna instead*
DeleteOooooo! Are you gunna take that?
It wouldn't let me reply, I put it below instead.
DeleteWell, I'm gunna stop my writing for today at page 5 and 1,357 words. I'm tired already...
ReplyDeleteAwww... o.o
Delete(The javascript is not working correctly for me)
ReplyDelete*happens alot. Open task manager and clear ram, then restart browser*
DeleteI'm actually super bored for once.
ReplyDeleteWanna help me try to convince luna and toku to have a rap battle?
*self-modified no-clip, opens compressed files, keeps in personal folders, unloads all of Sengoku Basara error codes all over the place*
ReplyDelete*simply creates an infinte for loop upon her program and causes it to crash, disabling cheats/hacks/mods*
DeleteIsn't a cheat, or hack, but I downloaded some horribly wrong virus program by a friends request and can't even be touched by others without them "leaving the game"...(crashing) it's also still on my old computer I use for G-Mod and other things, and I still don't know what it is...
DeleteOooo! Toku's got something to prove!
But luna takes the cupcake!