Might I say a few of you are terrible? It's also worse when even though you are able to select multiple answers, nopony wants Tia to stay normal, out of my mane, and tending to her ever annoying royal court? I also changed it, you can't fix your votes now...so horrible...but those of you who simply wanted her to not go insane again, good; had you payed attention you would know that if you wanted her to stay normal, she wouldn't even go after us because she would have no reason to. Sorry if this makes all of you feel sad, angry, or anything, but I expected better of you...and of course om didn't care in the slightest as displayed above...I would like to know though, who else besides me out of full honesty just likes Celly better as a filly?
I will stay were I stand.
ReplyDeleteLook, i just don't like it when an all powerful entity i stand no chance again attacks my friends. Is that wrong? O.0
ReplyDelete(sarcasm) Yes it is so very wrong. How could you even think that? hahahah
ReplyDeletewhat can I say? she's not my favorite princess
ReplyDeleteWell DUH. Luna is best princess.
ReplyDeleteO-0 Yeah. Luna is pretty awesome.
ReplyDeleteI will be gone for a bit again but I'm coming back for a second so I can say...thankyousomuchIlovebeingthebestprincessabsolutelyamazingfeelingYAY!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI don't even know if Celestia is second best...xD
ReplyDeleteI say mystery rusian princess is second best princess.
ReplyDeleteI... wait really? O.0
ReplyDeleteHmmm...even though I hate alcohol, I'll try some.
ReplyDeleteOf course I want that nice cake.
ReplyDeletethis is really tasty cake!
Also no video. It wont work.
ReplyDeleteYou actually are a good baker pinkie! The cakes taught you well!
*nods with mouth full of cake* mphh hum!
ReplyDeleteOk. O,0
ReplyDeleteEpic science is epic.
ReplyDeleteWin. O,0
Gotta go, everypony! I won't be back till' later. *waves*
ReplyDeleteFriendship = Magic
ReplyDeleteScience = Magic
Friendship = Science
DeleteFriends in science never science alone! XD
DeleteOr was that rhetorical?
DeleteNot gonna lie, I chose filly cuz i like pranks <_< XD
ReplyDeleteOh. Nevermind. I'm going to my friend's house to hang out. He has wifi. And now I walk! *starts music*
ReplyDeleteWalk earnestly!
DeletexD I don't know if I should listen to pony music or screamo. I need ponyscreamo...
ReplyDeleteUm, ehh nonono. I had a... Really large beakfaast.
ReplyDelete*image fades away revealing it was a marriage*
ReplyDeleteI think I'm eating too much. I feel dizzy...
ReplyDeleteI'm back for a second, I was having trouble pir-*cough* downloading a few videos, took three tries but I managed to...acquire the video Pinkie put in the comments a bit ago, and I think it's absolute greatness. That game was good, except they basically had me in the role of GLaDOS...it probably wasn't intentional...
ReplyDeleteToku, you are kind of evil, but you're fine for...well, not to be racist, but the dragons I've met in the past that weren't hay bent on devouring me didn't have the best track records with most of ponykind...so you are definitely redeeming their names!
ReplyDeleteHello everypony. Drinking Samerai Tai Mate. Soooo gooood<3
ReplyDeleteAlright, did you modify the post Toku?!
ReplyDeleteHey everypony! I'm back!
ReplyDeleteDid you mess with the post? I was trying to make them all feel bad because two voted filly (I was one of them), 4 voted Not trying to..., 1 voted that they didn't care, and nopony wanted Tia normal.
Delete*sigh* messing with other's posts, twice, I should seriously punish him for that...
Deleteand I mean Toku.
DeleteToku messed with two posts? Didn't know about that.
DeleteHe added something to a music post a while back even though he didn't ask my permission, and I let it slide. Then he messes up a post made at first to make them feel horrible about it by letting everypony change their vote? He should be lucky I'm not considering revoking his administration privileges...
DeleteFLARE! :3
ReplyDeleteI'm watching Hetalia. w00
I watched the first 26 episodes, I heard that this FUNimation (I like the sound of fun) channel has a movie but I myself haven't got around to seeing it.
DeleteYeah. I'm watching the movie. It's called Paint It White!
ReplyDeleteIs that not...even maybe just a bit...not to offend...but...racist?
DeleteI have a sudden urge to cuddle with somepony or something right now, that picture in the last post looks nice. It would be comfortable. *yawn*
ReplyDeleteFrom what Sunset said you sound soft...*hugs*
DeleteYou are soft as he said! ^v^
DeleteAwww, thank you!
DeleteNo! Aliens are painting the world white. Wh would you even think that?? xD
ReplyDeleteI watched the first season, that's why...
DeleteOhmiCelestia! Please cuddle with me Falre! pleasepleaseplease
ReplyDeleteOf course!
GROUP HUG YAY! *ahem* sorry...I should probably involve myself a little less with the CMCs...
DeleteWell, the whole is show is about how dumb each country is. So I guess you could say that.
ReplyDelete*supermegaultrasquee*....don't let go...you're so soft and warm...
ReplyDeleteThat reminds me, princess, I need the cure!
ReplyDelete(why did you have to...) Fine...the adventure was rescheduled for next week anyways...*sigh* you probably won't be as soft anymore...at least I'm not alone, right Sunset?
DeleteI was going to go just in case anypony was in danger. Plus, it sounds fun!
DeleteI'll always be soft princess.
Yay~ so soft...
Delete*nuzzles* *squee*
Delete*mubles* yeah sure whatever...*happy sigh*
ReplyDelete*walks in, Stops, walks out*
ReplyDeleteI was expecting you to take pictures again.
DeleteAs it turns out, he doesn't even have film in it anymore.
DeleteI ran out. Not much in the way of income.
DeleteSometimes I really hate being "alone" in the castle now that I'm not looming over everything. I also know Celly watches me when nopony else is around, but at least I know she's there...
ReplyDeleteWhat about the guards? Also, you're always welcome to Ponyville!
DeleteThe guards don't have to be by me at all times, not if I order them to simply stand outside the doors anyways.Also, always "welcome" is an understatement since every time I came back when I was normal, they would treat me like sis' except for Twilight who had some common sense and didn't keep "insisting that they give me the highest honors" or something to that effect...
DeleteGee that must be absolutely horrid.
DeleteI know it's better than what most get but...it gets to be vexating after a while...
DeleteNooo. I wanna cuddle with Flare...
ReplyDeleteI could cuddle with Flare for days...*sigh*
ReplyDeleteSame here...
DeleteHmm? What do you mean...?
ReplyDeleteNew post in Equestria Daily! I'm off!
ReplyDelete*falls on floor* ugh...nice timing EqD...
DeleteI'm back!
ReplyDeleteSo am I, but I only left for a few seconds...how is it so fast to look at things there...
DeleteOh thank goodness...*hugs tight*
ReplyDeleteI'm in a very relaxing mood right now...
ReplyDeleteI'm getting tired now, holding on to a nice...plush-like...pony...zzz
DeleteMe too...*starts to fall asleep in Flare's hooves*
ReplyDeleteI'm going to use that spell that lets ponies walk on clouds. Clouds are so comfy, I'm going to lay there. Want to come Sunset?
ReplyDeleteback and i didnt mess with this post, i've been doing my math homework this entire time
ReplyDeleteWant to come too princess? It's very relaxing and comfy...
*muttering* your back...is fuzzy...
DeleteMmm...yes pwease....
ReplyDeleteplus i always leave my little "Commandeering this post ~ Toku" Insignia when i change something so as not to confuse
ReplyDelete*muttering* so...sorry................
DeleteNooo...can't the Princess come another time? I want it to be just me and Flare...
ReplyDeleteIt's a big cloud, so there's plenty of space.
Delete*uses spell that allows ponies to walk on clouds and then lays on a cloud with Sunset and Princess Luna*
ReplyDeleteSo relaxing... Sky looks lovely...
Wat? I think I have some noise makers around here someplace....
ReplyDelete*knocks off cloud, doesn't bat an eye*
Delete*not on cloud* *therefore logic is void*
Delete*picks up whatever is in place of his soul (even if it is miraculously there) and sends it to the sun* have fun...
DeleteI will have fun. Thank you for your concerns. The sun should make a great test for my new concoctions.
DeleteOK, so no ice spells, probably some sorts of paralysis catalysts or some sort of fire-related potions...
Delete*wouldn't you like to know*
DeleteNot really, but you know something? I could just leave you on the sun...you'll understand what I mean if I ever have to do it...*eyes flicker yellow for a second*
Delete*Oh Princess you have the funnyest jokes*
DeleteI'm just saying, not that I ever would, but I could remove you as a blog author, open the site only to blog authors, and if need be remove the administration privileges of everypony objective.
DeleteI am just saying that, not that I am, but if you know how hacking a website is not all that tough. I mean look at Anonymous! They got Sony CBS and the government!
DeleteI could just do it now in half the time it would take you to hack us and keep you even from visiting.
DeleteSo give me a reason why I shouldn't.
DeleteI don't know how. And if its really that aggravating for you I can use a different ponysona other than om?
DeleteHow about you just change yourself now...(you remind me of a few ponies I hate in real life, one of which is my ex)
DeleteEven if I change now there is a good chance you will always see me as the old om now that your brain has made the connections. But... I try and think up another personality. Its not as easy as you may think.
DeleteI know it isn't easy...*ahem* but it is appreciated, thank you. You won't always seem that way to me, I do allow ponies second chances and I give them the opportunity to change; to say the least I'm more forgiving than society.
Delete*nuzzles head into Flare's neck* hmm....
ReplyDelete*falls asleep*
ReplyDelete*mumbles* fine...
ReplyDelete*closes eyes and falls asleep*
ReplyDelete<_< you guys stole my napping cloud
ReplyDeleteXD jk jk
*mumbles in sleep*
ReplyDelete*wakes up* *continues to nuzzle Flare* I want this to last forever...*sigh*
ReplyDelete*nuzzles Sunset while asleep*
ReplyDeleteShhh Princess....
ReplyDeleteMmm....so warm...*smiles*
It's pretty hard these days to stay straight anymore
ReplyDeleteEverypony shhh please...?
ReplyDelete*whispers* sorry D:
Delete*wakes up*
ReplyDeleteAlright, that's enough everypony. We're all friends here. It wouldn't be the same without both of you. We're all friends here.
Just please accept each other. I like you just the way you are, the both of you.
ReplyDeleteThat is very kind of you.
DeleteI normally can accept but...this is almost different it's just...om, you can't constantly be impulsively negative and condescending to a royal, it just isn't right...
DeleteWell I have a reason for that on om, my original back story *which I was never going to say* Was that I tried to steal(and did so) some very powerful artifacts while you were still in the moon about 40 years back. From Celestia hence why I have never been present when she is around.
DeleteYou're right princess. But you know deep down that Om cares for you, as you care for him. We all care for each other. We have to love and tolerate.
DeleteIt's just in Om's personality. Being together with you guys I can tell wht your personality is.
DeleteHence om being jaded towards royalty, because of the suppression magic fully employed on him.
DeleteThere's more but I suppose I will put that all back in the scratch folders.
DeleteOK. Just posting here to show that I was reading all of that, goodbye.
DeleteFlare always says the right things...*hugs tighter*
ReplyDeleteWe can all get along. Yes, we will have tough times. But that's a part of growing closer as friends because we all stick and stand together.
ReplyDeleteYou sound like you proofread the letters to my sister! I remember that one...but yes you are right.
DeleteIt came from my heart.
DeleteI was actually thinking the same thing earlier today...you're so smart, Flare...
ReplyDeleteUgh you're so perfect...
ReplyDeleteWe try to be the best we can be.
DeleteI have to go everypony. I'll be back. Twilight ia calling me for dinner.
ReplyDeleteThank you Sunset.
*hugs everypony*
*hugs* Same here, goodbye everypony...
DeleteWell I got alot to get prepared now so I won't be on much at all now. So unless you guys aren't in RP I will be rearranging My Magic cards
DeleteBye... :'3
ReplyDelete*hugs Flare* You're so amazing...^^
DeleteThank you! Same as you!
No thank you...where did everypony go?
ReplyDeleteTechnically I am still here, Just thinking about another personality I could use.
DeleteOh...where's Flare? :0
ReplyDeleteDinner is what he said?
DeleteOh...I'm lonely...I hope he comes back soon...
ReplyDeletePinkie doing homework!? Nonsense!
ReplyDeleteI'm back everypony!
ReplyDelete@ flare
ReplyDeleteNo your not silly!
I am! O,0