Hello. Sunset here, all bright and early! Now...about last night...
I'm sorry that I forced Victory to cuddle with me. I should only do that type of thing with...flavored ice cream.
Anyway, wouldn't it be awesome if we could all cuddle like this!? But alas, some members refuse.
Never! Cuddling is amazing!
ReplyDelete*sticks out tongue*
ReplyDeleteI think the spell's screwing with his head. Oh and I think I might just revoke all of those involved last night's blog privileges in a minute if you all do this again.
ReplyDeletePrincess!? You're also against cuddling? What the hay is wrong you ponies!?
ReplyDeleteNo...not the cuddling...the explicit kind viewed when I just reread the comments from that post. Rule 8...
DeleteJust because you have a vivid imagination, dose not mean we intended in any way to break Rule 8. I may have gone overboard with the camera. But there isn't even film in it I just like it for the flash and the faces. Please accept our condolences dear Princess.
Delete*sigh* alright...it isn't that I'm just imagining it like that, it was the way it was conveyed that sounded like Sunset wanted to...ride Victory...but enough of that, what's done has been done.
DeleteHeheheh, your wisdom is unrivaled Princess Luna.
DeleteWhy thank you for the flattery, I must now take my leave...for LUNCH! HUZZAH!
DeleteBut it wasn't rule 8 at all. What are you talking about?
ReplyDeleteSorry, I was busy, *ahem* well I guess it isn't really breaking the rules...oh alright, you can smother-*ahem* explicitly hug in moderation, just don't do it too often or I'll have to specify the rule like I had to do with Pinkie since no alcohol would be boring and too much...you get the drift, it's the same with this.
DeleteNow I have to...OK according to Tia, I am apparently a growing filly so just allow me to eat in peace...
ReplyDeleteO~O; ..........
ReplyDelete*cough* that's a little...descriptive. Don't you think, Princess...?
ReplyDeleteNot at all, your a writer. You know what...Descriptive is *wide grin*
DeleteI wrote one fic. And it was violence descriptive. Not sexual descriptive. Huge difference. >/////>
ReplyDeleteYou know as well as I do "descriptive" is a neutral term. That encompasses all sense of the word. You can still think in words fit for a novel giving you a precise view on what you read. There is no deference at all.
DeleteThe embarrasment level is a large difference though...
ReplyDeleteHhmhmmmhm, whatever do you mean?
DeleteWell, would you rather ponies to see you write a shipfic/clopfic or a grimdark?
ReplyDeleteI'd rather they not know or see what I do at all. I can hide behind this internet screen as if it were the nights cloak.
Deletemhm. Well you're different. Like I said before, I'm fine with showing ponies grimdark, but if I cannot write a shipfic because I'd be too afraid to show it to anypony.
ReplyDeleteHeh, different? Perhaps I am just further down the road? *chuckle* Good mourning to you Sunset... That's quite the oxymoron isn't it?
DeleteI just thought what the Princess said was...a little too much. It gave me mind pictures I would not like to remember.
ReplyDeleteHahahaha I get it. xD
DeleteI don't know. You just didn't respond, so I felt weird.
ReplyDeleteWell, that's a habit of mine, I saw you understood the joke. And you concluded your opinion. So I felt I did not need to reply to the current conversation. Many ponies hate when I do that. But I can't ever figure out why?
DeleteIs that right?
ReplyDeleteUh huh.
ReplyDeleteI like moon pies and brushies
ReplyDeleteand cuddles and plushies and
I do not understand; why?
Haven't we changed from the days of old?
Not much, but I'm near a thousand and-I'm not finishing that...
The only thing that changes though the ages, is what we think we see and what we think we understand.
ReplyDeleteUmm... hey. O.0
ReplyDeleteWhats... up.
Are you guys still kn that? Were all friends here regardless right? Isn't accepting ones flaws *very* important to friendship? Nopony is ever perfect.
Accepting flaws is how friends are made, helping them understand them enough to change and be happy is how friends are kept and how it flourishes.
DeleteI have to disagree on that a bit, we also develop more advanced technology, which is ultimately shallow, however useful.
ReplyDeleteWhat flaws?
ReplyDeleteYou attempted to ride another here (or so it seemed) in the site where it is prohibited (or so it seemed...).
DeleteNever have liked the word flaws but it dose tend to be a less specific word to what I try and allude to.
DeleteA flaw is something personally perseved. What seems like a small thing to one pony can come across as offensive to another. Then ones perseption can also offend another, and everypony can lose their way.
I dont ever want anypony here to *ever* forget we're friends. Think about that before you chastise another.
DeleteLuna, i appreciate what your doing, but i truly belive he ment *nothing by it*.
It made me uncomfortable so i let him know. O.0
And what is technology but the apex of understanding?
ReplyDeleteUgh. Don't use that word anymore.
ReplyDeleteCuddling together like that would be nice.
ReplyDeleteWell well.
DeleteFriends are there for you, all the time. Through good times and bad times, and they accept who you are and they don't worry about your flaws. Together you stand strong, and try to be the best you can be. Friends are wonderful and precious. Remember, friendship is magic.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely. Im deeply proud of all of you.
You are all true friends.
I meant the word "ride"
ReplyDeleteThank you, Flare! I told you guys it'd be nice. *huff*
*sigh* somepony needs a hug...*hugs*
DeleteExactly. I just wanted some cuddles. Is that so wrong?
ReplyDeleteI will stay out of "cuddling" that wont change I dislike the feeling it gives me.
Delete*D'awww level rises again* *hugs Victory*
ReplyDeleteFriends tell their true feelings to each other. Remember the episode Green Isn't Your Color taught us that.
ReplyDelete*hugs Flare super hard*
DeleteHi Sunset!
what a weird roleplay that was
ReplyDeleteHeh, yes.
DeleteOoo Hover! I was just thinking about you! *huuuug*
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely. Now im going to go make a sandwich. Bbl! K? O,0
ReplyDeleteHi :3
ReplyDeleteI'm off everypony to watch some episodes! I'll be back!
ReplyDeleteHover, did you ever finish the story?
Bye Flare!
Delete*hugs everypony* You know what? However disappointed I am in a couple of you for what was in the poll, let's go do something fun now!
ReplyDeleteBye! ^^ *waves*
ReplyDeleteSorry for disappearing, but some of my fics updated and i had to read them. By then it was already midnight
ReplyDelete@flare, fic writing takes time
Oh, so that's where you went.